After Xu Damao clarifies, everyone will naturally realize that Li Jianguo was wronged and apologize to Li Jianguo.

Hearing what Li Jianguo said, Li Xiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought that she was the one who got into trouble again, and Li Xiaojiao felt relieved when she learned that it was not her fault!

Xu Damao also noticed that the neighbors in the courtyard were unwilling to sit beside Li Jianguo, and gave Li Jianguo a sorry look.

Li Jianguo helped him so much, but he was wrongly reported. Thinking about it, Xu Damao felt guilty.

Fortunately, he will clarify this matter soon!

As long as he can clarify this matter, the people in the courtyard will not misunderstand Li Jianguo again.

Seeing that all the people arrived, Xu Damao immediately stood up and said, "Thank you for your kindness, for participating in this feast, come, let's have a toast, let's celebrate together this time, I escaped from death."

Everyone was not polite, raised their glasses one after another, touched Xu Damao, and then drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking a cup, Xu Damao continued, "Everyone, while everyone is here, let me clarify one thing. I was arrested this time, and it has nothing to do with Brother Jianguo!"

Chapter 76: Jia Zhang Crazily Squeezes Qin Huairu

"I don't know who spread rumors in the courtyard, saying that I was arrested this time because brother Jianguo reported it."

"Actually, it's not the case. Someone else reported me. Brother Jianguo didn't report me. Not only did he not report me, this time he narrowly escaped death, thanks to Brother Jianguo."

"If it wasn't for Brother Jianguo's help, I might have fallen this time."

"Come on, brother Jianguo, let me toast you!".

Xu Damao toasted Li Jianguo in public.

Li Jianguo did not refuse. He had a drink with Xu Damao in public and drank it down.


Didn't Li Jianguo report Xu Damao's arrest this time?

On the contrary, Li Jianguo also saved Xu Damao?

Upon hearing the news, everyone in the yard was shocked!

They all thought that Li Jianguo had reported Xu Damao's arrest this time!

It never occurred to me that this is not the case at all!

Since Xu Damao has refuted the rumors in public, it is likely that there will be no lies!

"Let me just say, how could Li Jianguo report Xu Damao? We are all in the same courtyard, and we don't know who made the rumor. It's really disgusting!"

"Yes, yes, I don't believe that Li Jianguo will report Xu Damao. Li Jianguo is an upright person, how could he report Xu Damao? Hearing this is a rumor!"

"I'm sorry, Li Jianguo, we all misunderstood you, I hope you don't take it to heart, come, we will punish ourselves!"


People in the yard apologized to Li Jianguo one after another and punished themselves with a cup.

Li Jianguo didn't put on airs, he never refused anyone who came!

"Don't worry, since it's a misunderstanding, just let it go, I won't take it to heart!".

Li Jianguo said with a smile, not surprised by favor or shame.

Of course he wouldn't blame these neighbors, because they didn't know it at all, they were just following what others said!

Even if he wanted to blame, Li Jianguo would only blame the perpetrator.

As for these uninformed people, Li Jianguo didn't care at all.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, everyone immediately sat next to Li Jianguo, toasted to Li Jianguo one after another, and exchanged glasses. It was so lively!

Only the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai's family and Jia's family were very deserted.

Because Xu Damao didn't invite them to the banquet this time, they could only watch helplessly in the room with envy and hatred on their faces.

The home of the deaf old lady.

Seeing that Xu Damao invited the people in the courtyard to dinner, but he didn't invite himself, the deaf old lady's complexion sank, her face was very ugly!

You know, the deaf old lady has a very high status in the courtyard.

No matter whose family has a banquet, the deaf old lady is usually invited, and the deaf old lady usually sits at the main seat.

But Xu Damao did not invite the deaf old lady to the banquet this time. How could the deaf old lady not be angry?

"Damn it, Xu Damao invited the people in the yard, but he didn't invite me. This is too disrespectful to me!"

The deaf old lady gritted her teeth in hatred, thinking that Xu Damao's actions were unnatural!

But she forgot that not long ago, she and Yi Zhonghai plotted against Xu Damao and almost made Xu Damao go to jail.

"Could it be that Xu Damao noticed it?"

The deaf old lady muttered to herself, inexplicably feeling guilty.

Xu Damao's arrest by the police this time was a trick set up by the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Although the deaf old lady did it very secretly, she was still worried that Xu Damao would find out!

Once Xu Damao knew that the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai had done all this, he probably wouldn't let it go.

But the deaf old lady thought about it carefully, and felt that Xu Damao probably didn't know that they did it!

If Xu Damao knew the truth, he would have come to him long ago!

Since Xu Damao never came to the door, it proves that he probably doesn't know the truth yet!

Thinking of this, the deaf old lady secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, if you don't invite me, you won't invite me. It's not that I haven't had dinner before. It's not rare. Besides, I also ate meat yesterday!"

The deaf old lady snorted coldly and said sourly.

Easy Zhonghai Home.

"Damn it, Xu Damao is too rude. He invites the people in the courtyard to dinner, but he refuses to invite us. He doesn't respect the elderly at all."

Yi Zhonghai cursed.

They are also people from the courtyard house. Since Xu Damao invited people from the courtyard house to dinner, why didn't he invite them?

Is this someone who doesn’t regard them as courtyard houses?

Yi Zhonghai was very angry. He worked so hard to set up a trap but failed to send Xu Damao to prison, so Yi Zhonghai was already very angry!

Now, Xu Damao invited people from the courtyard house to dinner, but not their family, which made Yi Zhonghai even more angry!

The aunt's complexion is also a bit ugly, they are all from the courtyard.

Look down and see, since Xu Damao invites people from the courtyard to dinner, he should invite their family to join him.

But Xu Damao invited everyone, but he didn't invite their family. Isn't this looking down on them?

This made the aunt a little angry!

"The young man now is too small-minded, and we won't call him when we have banquets in the future!" The aunt said bitterly.

"Of course we can't call him. If he doesn't invite us, we won't invite him in the future. Reciprocity!" Yi Zhonghai said loudly.

It's not that he's greedy, it's just a meal, and Yi Zhonghai can't afford it!

He just felt a little embarrassed. He was also highly respected in the courtyard. His reputation was second only to the deaf old lady. He had a high status in the courtyard. Everyone generally listened to him.

Xu Damao invited everyone to a banquet, but he didn't invite their family. This is too disrespectful to Yi Zhonghai!

And Yi Zhonghai is a very face-saving person, so Xu Damao didn't give Yi Zhonghai face, Yi Zhonghai was naturally angry.

Anger is anger, and Yi Zhonghai has nothing to do with Xu Damao!

Xu Damao is the one who treats guests to dinner. Xu Damao can invite whoever he wants. If Xu Damao doesn't invite Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai can't help but come!

How embarrassing is that?

Jia family.

The members of the Jia family also knew that Xu Damao invited everyone to dinner in the courtyard, but unfortunately, Xu Damao did not invite them this time, which made the Jia family very angry.

"Grandma, they are eating in the yard, and I want to eat too!" Bang Gan stared at the crowd eating, drooling.

Ever since Dashazhu was arrested, he hadn't eaten meat for several days, and he was very greedy!

"Qin Huairu, didn't you hear? My grandson wants to eat meat, so you have to find a way!" Jia Zhang gave Qin Huairu a look and said fiercely.

She also wanted to eat. Since Dasha Zhu was arrested, their food has been getting worse day by day, and they can't even eat enough!

If you can eat a table, you can have a full meal!

"What can I do? Xu Damao didn't invite us, how can we eat?" Qin Huairu shook his head and said.

She also wanted to go to dinner, but unfortunately, Xu Damao didn't invite them, what can Qin Huairu do?

She can't come here uninvited, can she?

Qin Huairu can't afford to lose this face!

"Don't you think of a way? Wasn't Xu Damao interested in you before? Say something nice to him and ask him to invite us to dinner!"

Jia Zhang gave orders.

No.70 Seven: Uncomfortable beasts

Xu Damao had entangled Qin Huairu for a while before, for which Jia Zhang scolded Qin Huairu a lot.

"That was before, Xu Damao was not interested in me long ago!"

Qin Huairu looked gloomy and shook her head.

Xu Damao was indeed interested in her before and pestered her for a while.

It's a pity that Qin Huairu felt that he was unreliable, so he didn't develop further, and instead got closer to Sha Zhu.

Because Shazhu is a chef, he can bring them delicious food!

Now Xu Damao has long been disinterested in her.

Even if she went to find Xu Damao, Xu Damao would not miss the old love.

"I don't care, you have to go to Xu Damao today and ask for some meat from him, my grandson wants to eat meat!"

Jia Zhang said with a firm attitude.

Qin Huairu's expression was ugly, she and Xu Damao had already broken up.

Now let her ask Xu Damao for meat, how could Xu Damao give it to her?

"Mom, I want to eat meat, I haven't eaten meat for several days!" Stick sticks to Qin Huairu, coquettishly said.

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth and decided to try Xu Damao.

Although Qin Huairu knew that there was little hope, she decided to give it a try for the sake of stickiness.

What if Xu Damao missed his old love and lent them the meat?

In this way, they can also eat meat!

"It's all the silly Zhu's fault. Why did you fight when you have nothing to do? If you don't fight, maybe you can borrow some meat from him!"

Qin Huairu said angrily.

Sha Zhu is Qin Huairu's long-term meal ticket, as long as there is Sha Zhu, their mother and son will not be hungry!

It's a pity that Shazhu was arrested because of fighting. Once Shazhu was arrested, Qin Huairu's life suddenly became difficult!

If Sha Zhu was still there, how could Qin Huairu's family not be able to afford meat?

Qin Huairu opened the door and walked out, borrowing meat from Xu Damao.

Looking at Qin Huairu's back, Jia Zhang scolded nervously, "I told her to seduce Xu Damao, but I really want to seduce Xu Damao, bah, vixen, you don't obey womanhood."

When she said this, Jia Zhang did not expect that she was the one who asked Qin Huairu to find Xu Damao.

"Bang, when you marry a daughter-in-law in the future, you must never marry someone like your mother, who kills her husband and flirts everywhere!" Jia Zhang taught.

"Yes, grandma, I will never marry a daughter-in-law like my mother in the future!"

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