Lin Yue quickly grabbed the phone, put it in front of him, and motioned for Chen Yufei's mother to stop talking.

Lin Yue directly clicked the record button.

"Chen Yufei, I'm right next to your mother, where are you hiding now?"

"I'm behind the pillars in the lobby, I'm so scared! They will definitely see me when they come in! What should I do?"

"There is no one at the front desk of the hotel? Are there any other customers?"

"No one! It's pitch black, the room is dark, there's no one there! Ah...they came in"

"Now listen to me, run to the elevator quickly, don't stop at all! Quick!"

Chen Yufei listened to Lin Yue's words in panic and fear, and rushed towards the elevator inside.

The three men behind started chasing Chen Yufei frantically.

"Hurry up! Get into the elevator!" Lin Yue clearly knew that if he had the opportunity to get into the elevator, he must avoid the stairs. It was too easy for a man to run up the stairs to catch a woman.

"Chen Yufei, which room do you live in?"

"I live in 604!"

"After entering the elevator, press the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors all up, hurry up!"

"I'm in the elevator, I'm in! They're coming! Ah..."

"Calm down, now the elevator is definitely much faster than you running the stairs."

"The elevator is closed and it's going up. I heard the sound of them hitting the elevator. I'm so scared!"

"Get off the elevator immediately on the 5th floor."

"Floor 5? I live in 6 on the 604th floor. Why is it downstairs?"

"Don't talk too much, get down immediately on the 5th floor, you can't go to your room."

"Ding..." The elevator opened from the fifth floor.

Chen Yufei got out from inside.

"Run along the corridor and tell me the layout of this corridor by the way, keep your voice down and hurry up."

"There is a corridor in the middle. There are stairs on the east and west sides. Only the east side has an elevator where I came up just now."

"Go ahead and quickly go to the west stairs."

"I'm walking up the stairs over there, ah!" Chen Yufei suddenly called out softly

"what happened?"

"The lace on the side of the sandal is broken."

"Take off your shoes."

"Yes... yes! Take it off! Can I hide in the toilet, there is a toilet over here."

"Don't go in! They know better than you that you will hide in the toilet. Have you reached the west stairs?"

"It's here, it's here!"

"Go down the stairs, keep your voice quiet, and pay attention."

From the phone call, Lin Yue heard Chen Yufei's heavy breathing.

"I have reached the steps on the first floor, and there is a person standing in the lobby outside."

"Are there any other doors?"

"No! There are no other doors here, and there are no windows on the first floor. Ah...the man's intercom rang, and he came towards the west stairs on my side."

"Upstairs! Head up the stairs."

"I'm so scared! Ah... so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, keep going up the stairs and focus."

"It's on the 4th floor. I heard someone talking upstairs."

"Go along the corridor to the other side! By the way, keep pushing the doors of other rooms with your hands."

"The doors of other hotels...the doors are all open! There is no guest inside! Jack told us that this side is full, why?"

"Jack? Who's Jack?"

"Jack is a guy we know who brought us here to live!"

As soon as Lin Yue heard this, he knew that this hotel was a pure shell, specially used for kidnapping people.

"I'm on the stairs on the east side, and someone from below is coming up, no good! They seem to have seen me! Ah..."

"Follow the stairs and run to the top floor!"

Chen Yufei was on the verge of crying.

As she ran up the stairs, she lowered her voice again on the phone and said with a sob.

"I saw seven or eight people coming up from the hall outside, and they surrounded the place! Ah..."

"Chen Yufei, which room is the closest to you now?"

"701! 701!"

"Enter room 701, keep the door open, and keep it exactly the same as other rooms."

"Is there a gap under the bed!"

“The bed is tightly sealed, no gaps!”

"Into the closet, into a closet! Quick!"

"I'm coming in, I... I'm coming in!" Chen Yufei's breathing became more and more rapid.

"Chen Yufei, listen to me calmly now! After 30 seconds, you will definitely be arrested! But, I will come to save you!

What you need to do now, after someone enters the room, tell me all the characteristics of this person you have observed! "

"Come in, they're in, two up, lights...lights on. suits."

"Very well, let's talk about physical characteristics!"

With a bang, the door of the cabinet was pulled open!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yue and the others heard the sound of Chen Yufei's phone falling to the ground!

Crying loudly, Chen Yufei shouted, "Left eye squinted, tattoo! Eagle tattoo, on the back of the neck... ah..."

The voice on the phone stopped abruptly.

With the sound of heavy breathing, Lin Yue knew that Chen Yufei's phone was held by the criminal's ear.

Lin Yue said calmly into the phone.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you want! If you let her go now, then this matter will be over! I won't call the police, and I won't track you down!

But if you don't let go, I'll go find you!I will find you!And I will kill you! "

A second later, a rough and slightly hoarse voice came from the phone.

"Good luck!"

"Crack" the phone fell to the ground, was stepped on heavily, and the signal was cut off immediately!

Chapter 72 Quick!race against time

The sound of the phone went off.

Lin Yue stood up immediately.

He took his black suit jacket from the side and put it on.

Grab the French passport on the table, 1000 euros in pieces of cash, not too much cash, otherwise it will be more troublesome at the airport security check.

Lin Yue opened the battery cover on the back of his Nokia phone and pulled out the SIM card.

While putting a British calling card into the phone, he pointed to the other four calling cards on the table and said to Zhao Feng.

"If there is no accident, I will change a card in 6 hours. If there is a special accident, I will throw one card at a time!"

Lin Yue told Zhao Feng this information to prevent Zhao Feng from contacting him directly in case of any emergency.

Zhao Feng took out the ticket from his bag.

"Thirty minutes after the plane ticket, Kyoto International Airport, Lin Yue, according to so many years, we have dealt with these Parisian gangsters. Once the woman falls into the hands of these people, 30 hours will imprison and operate multiple places to cleanse the woman The track, the next 12 hours for the buyer's docking!

In other words, you only have 36 hours! After 36 hours, she is likely to board any private plane, ferry, private car... bound to any corner of the world!Will disappear forever and ever! "

Lin Yue took a long breath.

The time at this time is exactly 7:00 in the morning.

He only has 36 hours left.

He also didn't expect that entering the world of Hurricane Rescue this time would directly make him face this extremely difficult task.

Although he had the experience of watching the movie Taken before.But it's clear that many details have changed this time around.

The location of the accident has also changed, and it is impossible to completely follow the plot in the movie.

Zhao Feng put a card in Lin Yue's palm.

"This is a safe house on Avenue Hughes in Paris. There are weapons, cash and other items in it. This is a one-time use. After you use it, destroy it. You know the password.

Do not use it unless it is absolutely necessary, the consequences of exposure are very serious.In addition, I want to tell you that the matter of bringing Mr. Chen back is a world-class secret. You can only do it in secret to save Mr. Chen's daughter!The government cannot provide any help. "

When Zhao Feng spoke, Lin Yue's hand movements never stopped.

"I need photos, your daughter's and that best friend Wang Ting's."

"I don't have a mobile phone!" Chen Yufei's mother suddenly remembered, "I have a photo of Feifei in my wallet, but I don't have a photo of Wang Ting. I don't know what she looks like!"

It's really difficult!Lin Yue thought secretly.

He directly imported the recording from Chen Yufei's mother's phone to her phone's memory card, and then pulled out the memory card.

Today's mobile phones are not intelligent, mainly mobile phones with memory cards.

Lin Yue grabbed the earphones and mobile phone on the table and put them in his pocket.Headphones are often necessary. When making a phone call, remember to wear headphones to free up your hands!Will increase the chances of surviving!

Lin Yue turned around and left.

"Lin Yue." Zhao Feng shouted from behind, "Remember, no matter what the cost!"

Needless to say, Lin Yue also knew that in the world of secret agents, either you die or I die!

Chen Yufei's mother said tearfully behind her: "Please!"

As soon as Lin Yue walked out of the hospital, he quickly got into a taxi and headed towards the airport at high speed.

The needles of the mechanical watch on his wrist "噢噐噐..." kept moving forward.

It seemed to remind Lin Yue that time was so pitifully tight!

According to the life of Mr. Chen he read in the materials just now, Lin Yue deeply felt that if the matter did not succeed this time.

Not only will my mission fail, but I will also be very sorry, this great old man who has made special contributions to the country!

Lin Yue thought that entering this hurricane-rescue world would bring about tremendous changes.

But he never expected that this time there would be such a big conflict with the original movie.

Not only that he has not seen the protagonist and plot of the original movie at all.

Instead, it directly became that he wanted to carry out this series of rescue missions!

It seems that the rescue excitement needed by this high-latitude life must let the host itself complete the task!

It's now 2008 in Taken's world.

The situation is extremely sensitive at this time.

And it doesn't have the high-tech gear you've seen in other spy movies.

From Lin Yue's training of various agent skills in the system space, human thinking and ability are the decisive factors!

Everything else needs to be simplified!

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