One was walking up and down the bridge.

And the other pretended to be running by the river, looking around.

Lin Yue judged immediately: Jack's call to the boss just now has been suspected by the boss.

There must be certain codes and secret words between them.

At this time, there are still 20 minutes before the previously agreed time.

Jack's cell phone, which was in Lin Yue's pocket, suddenly rang.

Lin Yue took it out and saw that it had become another phone number.

These people have gone down to the devil in how they treat these kinds of issues.

Never reveal your identity on the same phone.

Lin Yue pressed the knife against Jack's neck and said coldly.

"Answer the phone! Tell him that the signal here is not good, intermittent. Just say you have 10 minutes to arrive and ask him to wait for you on the Jiangdu Bridge."

Jack followed Lin Yue's instructions and called the boss.

The voice on the phone was very heavy.

He told Jack that the Jiangdu Bridge here is full of people, in order to ensure that the two can meet as soon as possible, and asked Jack not to hang up the phone for the time being, he will come over soon.

Lin Yue sneered at the corner of his mouth, as expected.

The boss must have colluded with the government department.

The reason why Jack was not allowed to hang up the phone was to locate them as soon as possible.

According to the current technical level of the phone call, it takes about 3 minutes to locate their approximate location.

Finding them exactly will take at least 5 minutes!

Lin Yue turned on the hands-free phone and placed it behind a stone on the top of the building.

He turned on the No. 01 walkie-talkie he bought, turned the volume to the maximum, and placed the receiver facing the mobile phone.

The No. 02 walkie-talkie in Lin Yue's hand and the No. 01 walkie-talkie next to the mobile phone were tuned to the same channel.


Lin Yue took Jack directly downstairs from the Regent Building.

"Jack, are you listening?"

The voice on Boss Jack's phone was transmitted through the 01 intercom to the 02 intercom in Lin Yue's hand.

Lin Yue pressed the talk button of the walkie-talkie and put it in front of Jack's mouth.

"I'm listening, boss, I'm listening. I'm almost there, there should be 5 minutes."

"Just wait for me at Jiangdu Bridge, don't hang up the phone."

Lin Yue knew they were targeting!

"Understood, boss. I'll wait for you here at the bridge. I didn't hang up the phone."

Lin Yue led Jack down the stairs to the parking lot on the second floor of Lijing Building.

He found a corner, inserted a wire into the keyhole of a black Ford car door, and quickly opened the door.

Lin Yue threw Jack into the passenger seat.

Chapter 78 God's Operation!plan

Lin Yue quickly entered the car.

Squeeze the cover in front of the battery and open it directly, and pull out the two wires above the ignition switch inside.

When the two wires came into contact, sparks of "Zizizi..." came out.

Almost instantly.

"Boom..." With a sound, the black Ford was already on fire.

Jack, who was trembling in the co-pilot position next to him, was shocked to the extreme.

Lin Yue put one hand on the steering wheel, and the other hand directly grabbed Jack's head and pressed him firmly on the center console of the car.

The vehicle rushed out of the parking lot of the Regent Building at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yue deliberately drove across the Jiangdu Bridge.

In addition to the three men in black just now, ten more men in black leather jackets came.

They stood by the bridge as if they were smoking and chatting nonchalantly.

Some of them had walkie-talkies hanging around their waists, holding a phone in their hands and talking constantly.

Lin Yue's vehicle crossed the Jiangdu Bridge and came to the other side of the bridge.

He drove the car to the ground floor of a commercial building.

As soon as the car stopped, Lin Yue took out the memory card of the driving recorder and folded it in half.

He got out of the car and still used his usual method to cover Jack's tied hands with his clothes.

Hands dug into his clothes and pressed the knife against his skin.

Jack was so frightened that his face was pale all the time, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

From this commercial building all the way to the top floor of the 7th floor.

The view here is very good, Lin Yue can completely see everything around the Jiangdu Bridge.

"Jack, are you here?" The boss's voice sounded on the intercom.

"I'll be right there, boss, where are you?" Lin Yue pressed the walkie-talkie and forced Jack to say.

"I'm on the Jiangdu Bridge, you can see me here."

Obviously, the boss on the other end of the phone had already noticed that Jack was telling lies, but he still pretended not to see through.

"Jack, hurry up, remember not to hang up the phone, otherwise there will be too many people and I won't be able to find you."


Lin Yue stood on the roof of the building.

Quietly watching everything around the Jiangdu Bridge, as well as the movement of the thirteen Heizi personnel just now.

Just then, suddenly!

The thirteen men in black moved all of a sudden, and they all rushed towards the first Lijing Building, with their own division of labor at the front and back doors.

Lin Yue knew that the other party had successfully positioned himself.

But for a moment just now, it was obvious that the 13 people did not answer the phone, nor did they hold the walkie-talkie.

All of a sudden, they started to act at the same time.

what happened?

Lin Yue stared at everything downstairs, almost instantly aware of it.

When these men in black were preparing to act, they all looked at a black Audi A8 that just drove past the street!

The Audi car, like other ordinary cars, did not make any stops at all, and rushed across Jiangdu Bridge Street.

Lin Yue memorized the license plate of this car with just a glance.


For Lin Yue, these subordinates are useless at all. With their style of doing things, only the boss knows the inside story.

Lin Yue must catch this boss.

Thirteen men in black ran towards the Regent Tower, pistols and knives protruding from their black suits.

Lin Yue pinched Jack's neck and came to the corner of the top floor.

Jack had a premonition that something was wrong, and hurriedly begged in horror.

"Forgive me, brother! I have brought you here, please forgive me."

"So many innocent girls have been sent to the devil's lair by you. Forgiveness is the business of your god. My mission is to send you to see him!"

"Hoo!" Lin Yue cut his throat with a single knife, and threw him to the corner of the wall.

Immediately afterwards, he ran quickly, jumped up from the balcony on the seventh floor, and jumped to the top of a nearby residential building.

From the top floor of this folk house, I ran forward for less than 10 meters, and jumped onto a shorter shop again.

He grabbed a telegraph pole next to him and fell straight to the ground.

The intercom rang again.

"Boss, this person is not here at all. There is a walkie-talkie next to the phone!"

Silence for three seconds!The boss's thick voice came from the intercom.

"who are you?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, he knew he couldn't ask for any information.

The other party directly cursed angrily.

"shit" (grass)

Lin Yue heard the sound of the phone being trampled into pieces.

He came to the commercial building where he parked the Ford just now, opened the door and sat in directly.

Lin Yue dug out the original owner David's driver's license, driver's license and the vehicle's insurance policy from inside the Ford car.

He looked through the insurance policy back and forth. It was an insurance policy issued by France & General Insurance Company.

Lin Yue dialed the insurance company directly according to the number above.

The service person is on the phone.

"Hello, this is Legal & General Insurance Company. I am very happy to serve you. What is your insurance policy number?"



"Check your personal information, may I have your license plate number?"

"Tw234 EC"



"May I have your social security number?"

Almost without any hesitation, Lin Yue found out David's driver's license and blurted out.


C "

Lin Yue had already learned that so-called ID cards are rarely used in France, and the identification code they often use is the social security number.

"Verification passed. Sir, how can I help you?"

"My car was parked on the side of the road just now, and it was hit directly by that damn black Audi. The car was almost flattened."

"Sir, do you want to ask the insurance company to go to the scene quickly? Do you want to settle your claim?"

"I don't need you to settle the claim. I can't swallow this breath. Please help me look at the car Et785TQ. Who the hell drove it? I want to go and settle it with him in private."

"Sir, it's private to check the situation of other cars, and we don't disclose other people's privacy."

"I pay you so much money every year, and now my car is almost flattened. If you ask your insurance company to pay for it, how much will you pay? Now I just ask you for a name and address, not for you to come and pay for it. I'll settle the claim, what else are you not happy about?"

"Sir, I checked the car you mentioned, and the insurance for ET785TQ this year was not purchased from us."

"Don't think that I don't know that the information of several of your insurance companies is the same. If you don't tell the truth, I will call your manager immediately and say that you would rather pay me [-] euros than tell me an address, and next year My car insurance will not be bought from you again!"

"...Sir, it's like this. I just checked again. There was a record of this car before. The owner of the car is Mrs. Dai Lin. The address we mailed the insurance policy to is: 73 Cole Street."

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