(The monkey breaks free from you.)

(Monkey: I see, you are with these people, you rubbish!)

(You pull out your phone and show a video of a monkey stealing something.)

(The monkey gives in immediately and begs for mercy from you and Gao Da Gao Qiang.)

(You: I've already given you a chance, follow me to Auntie the housekeeper.)

(Gao Da Gao Qiang is convinced of you and helps you send the monkey to the auntie in charge.)

(The dormitory aunt checked your mobile phone, and then sent the monkey to the teaching office.)

(The voice of the proctor rang in your head.)

(Invigilator: Be courteous and well-founded, plus one point for your rationality and one point for your sensibility.)

(You had a great time talking with the two brothers.)

(Gao Da: Are you free tonight?)

(You: Of course.)

(Gao Da: Let’s earn some credits at night and work in the school library.)

(You: Yes.)

(Gao Da takes out a letter of introduction and stuffs it into your arms.)

(You go back to the dormitory and wait until night when nothing happens.)

(The void passage outside the dormitory is opened again.)

(You and Brother Gao Da Gao Qiang head to the library.)

(There is nothingness in front of your eyes.)

(You terminated the game!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes.

Sure enough, as I expected, as long as you leave one building and go to another, the deduction will not take effect. The malicious targeting of the system is too obvious.

It was mentioned in the rules that the choice will have an impact on the subsequent development of the plot, and this impact does not take effect immediately, it will take a long time to see the change.

Gu Yi can only predict the future in a very small range, but he can't see the long-term plot development at all.

If he wants to determine the impact of the choice on the plot, Gu Yi has only one way, and that is to advance the exploration of the plot as soon as possible, gain the opportunity to communicate with the real world, and speculate on the role of the choice by understanding the plot development of other adventurers.

The unknown danger and the feeling that the plot was out of control made Gu Yi very uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much, and solve the immediate problem first."

Gu Yi stood up and left the bedroom.

Chen Zeyu looked at Gu Yi and scratched his head curiously, "Does this kid have mental problems?"


real world.

Except for the adventurer from the Kimchi Country who was expelled from school because of a mental breakdown, all other adventurers managed to live in the dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, two progress bars appeared above the heads of all adventurers.

One is rational and the other is emotional.

After many newcomer adventurers entered the dormitory, they all stayed in the dormitory foolishly and did not dare to wander around. Some bold guys were already scurrying around in the corridors.

Gu Yi sat in the dormitory and thought for a while, then immediately left the room and hid at the corner of the stairs, holding his mobile phone and not knowing what he was taking pictures of.

"Look, Gu Yi has moved."

"He should have foreseen that something will happen, right?"

"Look at Chris, he seems to be moving too."

Chris was sitting in the dormitory, staring straight at the ceiling, probably some inspiration from the spiritual force.However, he did not leave the dormitory like Gu Yi, but lay down on the bed leisurely and slept.

After a while, the monkey came out.

Gu Yi photographed the whole process of the monkey stealing things, and then beautifully resolved the conflict between the monkey and the tall brothers.

"Look, the progress bar on Gu Yi's head has gone up."

"That's right, and the increase on both sides is the same."

"Chris is up too."

"Look carefully, Chris's rational progress bar has only increased, but the emotional progress bar has decreased instead."

"What do these two progress bars mean?"

Chris was lying in the dormitory, and he had heard the noise of fighting in the toilet a long time ago, but he was completely unmoved, and just lay on the bed with a face of indifference.

The fighting in the toilet was getting louder, and Chris even gloated and watched for a while on the door frame.

Chris' emotional score dropped again.

Dragon Kingdom Raiders Group.

Qu Kangping was staring at the monitor, and Ah Jian came to his side and reported work.

"Team leader, Gu Yi's family has already made arrangements."

"Well, is Chris' information collected?"

"Here we come." Ah Jian frowned, "This kid... is a scumbag at all."

Chapter 113 Murderer?Savior?

Chris is from Beacon Country, Gotham City.

He was a famous murderer for a while. He broke into the kindergarten, killed 7 little boys and 13 little girls with guns, and seriously injured two teachers and a security guard.

Last month, he voluntarily surrendered to the police.

During the trial, in order to obtain a reduced sentence, he repented realistically in court and blamed all the crimes on alcohol.

According to local laws, the state of intoxication is the same as the state of insanity, and the human brain is out of control, so if a crime is committed while in a state of intoxication, the sentence will be reduced.

With a reduced sentence for drunkenness and a minor at the time of the crime, Chris killed 20 children in a row, but was only sentenced to [-] years in prison.

After entering prison, he didn't get along well with his fellow inmates.

One time in the shower, Chris nearly killed a cellmate by making a meteor hammer out of soap and socks.

The local media and the family members of the victim once petitioned for him to be executed by lethal injection.

But once the court convicts, it cannot change the sentence.

"I kill because I want to kill.

My name will surely go down in history, just like Jack the Ripper.

After 20 years in prison, I was only 40 or [-] years old after I got out. At that time, my life had just begun.Those who collectively petition to kill me... just wait and see. "

This sentence is the last sentence left by the reporter when interviewing Chris.

After Chris finished speaking, he was captured by the void portal and entered the strange world.

Because of Chris's drunken homicide, the local law was amended immediately, and the crime of drunkenness will no longer reduce the penalty.

After reading Chris' profile, Qu Kangping sighed leisurely, "Ah... look, the people of the Lighthouse Country are simple and honest."

"Not only that, in the psychological test, Chris scored 28 points for antisocial tendency, but the full score is only 30 points. This guy is an out-and-out pervert."

"It's ridiculous, the Lighthouse Country has to rely on a murderer to save it?"

"I don't think this murderer is necessarily here to save the country." Jian shook his head and said, "Chris is obviously just enjoying the game. Not only that, because of his meticulous thinking and bold operations, countless Chris fans, no one mentions his murder and arson anymore."

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about this dungeon..."

Qu Kangping pondered for a moment, then took out a notebook from the drawer.

It recorded the dungeon content of each strange world. Qu Kangping rummaged through it and circled three dungeons with a red pen.

"Have you found anything?"

"Well... Team leader, you should just say it straight. I'm good at fighting, but I'm not good at deciphering."

"Pay attention to the styles of these three copies."


"That's right, each dungeon world has a different style. In fact, I have never understood the reason. But Gu Yi's information about the host made me understand a little bit.

Different hosts will create different styles of dungeon worlds.

For example, Jin Xin, he likes to create a specific, invincible and unspeakable, and likes to set extremely many instant death flags in the dungeon, adding various metaphors or strict time locks and space locks.

But for today's host, the copy he manages rarely has specific unspeakable words, and there are no incomprehensible metaphors.He especially likes to use psychological hints and overt schemes to drive adventurers to a dead end bit by bit.

In other words, you know his rules, where there are loopholes, and where there are dangers and traps, but you just have to jump into the trap he set for you.

Remember the first trolley problem I talked about? "


"If I were the host of the dungeon, I would definitely let the adventurer have the ability to see the barrage." Qu Kangping looked at the screen, pointed at Gu Yi and said, "Look, this kid's mental state seems to have started to have problems .”

"If what you said is true... then what should we do? We have no technical means to block those negative energy barrages."

"Tracking down the source of these barrages and locking them up temporarily is the only thing we can do."


"What Yishen? Don't be embarrassed by the bullet screen, okay?"

"I hate this kind of people the most. Only you boring people will watch Gu Yi pass the level."

"Do you have a brain? If you just commit suicide at the beginning, you will pass the level? You don't have any logical thinking of a normal person, and some people say that he has a high IQ? Poison, poison, poison!"

"If you are dead, everyone will be safe!"

"Gu Yi has the Virgin Mary disease, he will never pass this checkpoint. Brothers, I am going to immigrate to the Lighthouse Country!"

"Quick suicide, you can pass the customs by suicide, that's how the kimchi country next door clears the customs."

"Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself!"

Gu Yi sat in the dormitory, and strange barrages kept flashing in front of his eyes. He didn't know whether it was a barrage from the real world or a deceptive trick from the dungeon world.




The red barrage that filled Gu Yi's eyes broke several hairs, and his eyes were red, as if they were about to explode at any moment.

"Gu Yi?"


Gu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Zeyu angrily.

Chen Zeyu took a step back in fright, "Uh...someone is looking for you."

Gu Yi shook his head and stood up from the bed.

Gao Da and Gao Qiang stood at the door of the dormitory, looking at Gu Yi worriedly, "Brother, are you okay?"

"You don't look very good, are you sure you can go to the library with us?"


Gu Yi closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and quickly used psychological hints to himself, and the annoying barrage finally disappeared.

Since I finished dinner, these annoying bullet screens will appear in front of my eyes from time to time, about two or three times every 10 minutes.After six o'clock, the barrage appeared more and more frequently, almost a dozen barrages would float in front of Gu Yi's eyes every minute.

If Gu Yi didn't use skills to hypnotize himself, he was afraid that he would be driven crazy by these barrages sooner or later.

In addition, in the previous deduction, Gu Yi did not calculate that there would be these negative energy bullet screens. This must be a temporary addition of rules and difficulty by the host.

Gao Da Gao Qiang looked at each other.

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