"Uru, you are back.

Has Deliora taken care of it?"Hui smiled and asked.

"Well, it's taken care of.

I placed the gourd that sealed Deliora in an inaccessible valley, and set up a magic circle that can convert the magic power floating in the air.

In order to strengthen the seal on Deliora, I also arranged a induction circle on the outside and linked the circle to myself.

If someone enters the circle or destroys the circle, I will feel it.


"Wulu stretched out his right hand and showed the miniature magic circle on his wrist to Hui and others.

"By the way, how is your recovery from your injury going?"Ulu asked back.

"It's nothing serious. My right hand still needs some training and I can't use my eyes for the time being. There is no blindness this time. I estimate that it will be fully recovered in about a month."

"It'll be fine. I really want to thank you this time. If it weren't for you, Gray, Leon, and I would have been in trouble."Wulu said with a solemn expression of thanks.

"Uru, I'm sorry, if I hadn't been reckless and arrogant, everything wouldn't have developed like this, and you wouldn't have lost your right foot."Gray had tears in his eyes and looked at Uru's right foot made of ice with a look of shame.

"Gray, a friend once told me that I should pursue my own happiness. Although after learning about Tia's death, I felt very painful in my heart and felt that my life was very unfortunate. But since I met you and Leon, I don't feel that I am as unfortunate as I thought, right? I have two very cute disciples."Ulu comforted Gray gently."They are growing up day by day, and we have a lively life every day."

"If Deliora is the darkness in your heart, then of course I have a reason to come out and fight it to the death. This is also a test for me to find my own happiness."Wulu looked at Hui and Tia,"Although it was not me who sealed the darkness in your heart in the end, Tia has also returned to me. Even if your feet are taken away, don't worry, the modeling magic is really great!"

"Ulu, what are you talking about whether you are happy or not?"Leon, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted excitedly

"Leon?"Gray looked at Leon with a surprised look on his face.

"Shut up," Leon yelled at Gray:"Uru is the strongest magician, there is absolutely no way he can't defeat Deliora!"

"Leon, didn't I say it before, there are people outside the world."Ulu looked at Leon calmly

"There is no such person!"

"As long as you go to the country to the west, there are many magicians who are stronger than me. Isn't there one right in front of you?"Uru looked at Hui and said to Leon

"There is absolutely no such person. Uru, you are the strongest. Otherwise, why would I bother to practice with you? You can defeat Deliora, right?"Leon shouted excitedly to Ulu

"After you successfully surpass me, wouldn’t it be great to find a higher goal to challenge?"

"I just believe you are the strongest and that’s why I became my disciple. There is no way you would lose to that kind of monster!"

"I know it all! There is a magic that can defeat Deliora!"Leon shouted hysterically:"Because you have refused to teach me stronger magic these days, so I secretly looked at the magic book in the warehouse. I don't understand why you want to hide such a powerful magic. If not used, it will freeze!"

"Absolutely freezing?"Gray looked at Uru with a puzzled look."Leon, didn't you read the book to the end? The person who uses this magic.....""Deliora is not afraid of any magic at all, this magic can freeze it forever!"

Pa, Leon looked blankly at Ulu who slapped him."Leon, calm down, you must not use this magic, it must not be used, it must be frozen.....Will destroy the user himself. In fact, if Hui hadn't successfully sealed Deliora, I would have only used this method to defeat it."

"What!"Gray, Leon and Tia looked at Uru with shocked faces."I don't believe it!"

"Absolute Freeze is an extreme ice magic that turns the user's body into magic power. It has the ability of absolute sealing."At this time, Hui said calmly

"Do you know this magic too, Hui? Ulu asked.

"Well, I know something about it.

I have seen it in books before.

" Hui looked at Leon:"Leon, this world is very big, so big that we may not be able to visit it in our lifetime.

" There are countless strong men outside the northern part of the continent, and on the other side across the sea from Ishgar Continent, there is also a continent more powerful than Ishgar Continent.

Only if we have a heart that is fearless and constantly challenges higher and stronger existences can we be qualified to become strong.


"......."Leon was silent for a long time:"Liars, you are all liars!" Then he rushed into the house

"Make you laugh."Wulu looked at Hui helplessly.

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