"Okay, blow up this golden gate to the sky." Luffy said excitedly.

"Let's hurry up and get new shells and bombs. But the enemy is likely to move because of this discovery." Dalton said.

"Without any further delay, let's do it quickly," Rogge said.

Sauron drew out the blade at this time and said, "But you need to cover."

"I can also cover for everyone," Sanji said.

"Please, everyone," Rogge said.

Rogge, Dalton, and Luffy sprint with all their strength, while Zoro and Sanji cover.

At this time, it was on the king's army position in front of the Golden Palace.

"what happened"

"The explosion just now was caused by them."

"They have just taken a large quantity of shells and bombs from us. They were used to blast the gates of the Golden Palace."

"In this case, they must seize the shells and bombs again."

"They must be stopped quickly"

The king's army still reacted, and the colonel in charge of the king's army at the front of the palace gave an order.

The king's army on the frontal position tried to prevent the five Rogge from capturing shells and bombs at all costs.

In the Golden Palace, the earth-shattering explosion just now made the leader of the sweat party, Wapol, fall from the throne in fright.

"what happened"

Wapole said angrily.

Many ministers in the palace hall were also taken aback by the explosion just now.

Cromarimon had already returned to the political hall, his face was covered in sweat from being frightened.

"The explosion just now seemed to come from the main entrance of the palace." Cromalimon said.

Wapol was uneasy for a while, and ordered Cromalimon: "Hurry up and take someone to find out what's going on."

"As you command," said Chromamon.

Then the prime minister with an afro head quickly led people to investigate.

Wapole sat back on the throne and took a breath.

"What's the matter, I'll ask Jess quickly." Wapole used a special phone bug to contact Jess again.

Jess quickly wrote back.

"Your Majesty Wapol, are you okay?" Jace asked.

"I can still be okay," growled Wapol.

"Your Majesty, I have also received a message from the front-line landing force. Just now, Dalton and the pirates used the captured shells and bombs of our army to blast the gate of the palace. But I have already issued an order to let them stick to it. The enemy will take the ammunition. And I will go to the top of the mountain with the next wave of landing troops." Jess said.

"Hurry up," Wapol said.

Then he hung up, Wapol now feeling deeply frightened.

Not long after, Cromarimon led people back to the political hall.

Cromarimon's face was very ugly, and he walked up to Wapole.

"What's the matter, your face is so ugly. Tell me, don't worry." Wapole tried to calm down and asked.

In fact, Wapole was more anxious than anyone else.

Chromamon said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the gate of the Golden Palace has been destroyed. There are some cracks. If it is exploded violently several times like just now, it will be completely shattered."

"What?" Wapol felt extremely scared.

"Your Majesty, we should now use more giant logs to support the golden gate. We are piling up debris to prevent it from being breached." Cromarimon said.

"That's the only way it's going to be right now," Wapole said.

"Wait a minute." Wapol, who was feeling dejected, quickly let out a cunning look in his eyes.

Wapole thought for a while with a smile on his face.

"Since I was attacked by the enemy, I didn't let them defeat me. I can use my true skills to deal with them." Wapole said.

Wapol looked at Cromarimon again and said, "I want to go to the arsenal of the palace."

"Could it be that, Your Majesty, you want to use that method to deal with the enemy." Cromarimon said.

Wapole nodded, and said, "Of course, there is no other best way except that. If I come up with my unique trick."

"I would like to follow you," said Cromarimon.

"Okay, as expected of my confidant." Wapole said.

Then Wapole looked at the other ministers and said, "What about you?"

These ministers knew very well that Wapole was asking them to go all out together.

But no one dared to object, for fear that Wapole would swallow him on the spot.

"We are willing to follow His Majesty Wapol to eliminate Dalton and the pirates." Many ministers shouted together.

The Golden Palace began to get busy, and the gate of the Golden Palace was further strengthened.Cromarimon personally oversaw the reinforcement of the gates by the remaining SS in the golden palace.

More than a dozen huge logs blocked the huge golden door from the inside.

A large number of sundries and food bags in the palace were blocked inside the gate like sandbags.

In the arsenal of the palace, Wapole opened his mouth and tried hard to swallow groups of munitions.

The logo is made by Lexus, and all the arms manufactured by the arms company owned by the world government were swallowed by him.

"I want you to have a taste of my super-powerful weapons." Wapol said while devouring.

Outside the Golden Palace, fierce battles are raging on the snowfields atop the mountain.

The king's army has strengthened the protection of its own ammunition, and sometimes they would rather detonate it than be captured by Rogge and the others.

"Go to hell!" Rogge violently charged at the King's Army position.

Several enemies wanted to use cannons to bombard Rogge, and a shell was fired.

Rogge blocked with his right arm, but the violent explosion of the shell failed to effectively hurt Rogge.

Rogge rushed to the front of the cannon, raised the cannon and knocked several King Army artillerymen flying like baseballs.

Roger saw several boxes of shells beside him.

"That's all I want," Roger said.

Just as Rogge rushed towards these boxes, a king's soldier fired a man-portable bomb and threw it at the shell boxes.

The violent explosion turned the shells into flames and smoke.

"Damn it, they blew it up again," Rogge said.

The king's army detonated their own explosive shells and bomb boxes before they were seized to avoid being taken away.

Others have also suffered in this way, and Dalton has failed many times.

Instead, Luffy relied on his flexible rubber man ability to continuously seize the enemy's shells and bomb boxes.

"Wow haha, that's really fun."

Luffy stretched his arms and body and successfully captured four boxes of shells and bombs.

But there are also King's Army eyeing Luffy.

"It's that kid. Whenever there is a chance, we will attack him." A major of the King's Army said, leading more than a dozen elite soldiers with shoulder-mounted artillery.

Luffy also has pauses in motion.

After finally successfully capturing the fifth box full of cannonballs, Luffy was targeted by the king's army.

"Fire" and fired more than a dozen small cannonballs at Luffy.

Luffy saw the cannonball coming and inhaled quickly. Quickly transformed into a rubber balloon.

However, these shells did not attack Luffy's body, but hit the box in Luffy's hand.

"Wow, that's terrible," Luffy said.

In the earth-shattering explosion, Luffy was blown away.

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