Douluo live long see

Chapter 1721 The country really has giant soldiers

At first everyone could only see a vague outline, but as these vehicles drove closer, everyone could clearly see that these tanks were exactly the same as in the movie, and there were Accessories that are only used when they fit together.

At this time, the camera also gave a close-up in a very timely manner. The close-up showed the drivers in the vehicle, and what made everyone almost cheered was that these drivers turned out to be the protagonist team in the movie.

Although I know that these people are just actors, but recalling the last scene in the movie where the protagonists and the alien invaders died together, I still can’t help being moved by the resurrection of a hero.

Almost at the same time, several pilots felt surging power appearing in their bodies, um, as if they had become omnipotent, and more importantly, the driving skills that were originally unfamiliar with mechas became overwhelming. It is extremely proficient, as if it has been practiced thousands of times, so proficient that it is impossible to make the slightest mistake.

Not only that, as these combat weapons completely entered the field of vision of everyone, a layer of brilliance visible to the naked eye appeared on them, as if cool special effects had been added.

The various test equipment left on the vehicle proves that the performance of the tank is improving rapidly, far surpassing the standard equipment, even those mass-produced models, the performance is also improving rapidly, far exceeding the standard equipment equipment.

The plan here has basically been successful. In the case of unfitness, the effect of these new equipment in actual combat has far exceeded that of ordinary equipment without the power of faith, and even far exceeded that of the control group, which also appeared In the movie, as one of the protagonists, the tank is not involved in the fit.

In order to prove that Huo Yuhao's plan is indeed meaningful, there is an equally outstanding character in the movie, but the car he drives cannot participate in the fusion. Judging from the popularity of the movie after it was broadcast, the popularity of this character is even higher than that of Huo Yuhao. Taller than anyone in the protagonist's regiment, second only to the protagonist himself, his tank is also very popular.

In reality, this type of tank has also been greatly strengthened, but the degree of strengthening is far less than that of the ones that can participate in the fusion, and the actual combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.There is no doubt that this has proved the coolness and the great effect on the gathering of the power of faith.

Follow the convoy to the center of the square.The main event has begun. Originally, everyone thought that these were just movie props that were released as Easter eggs in this military parade.

After all, the scientific literacy of most people in the country is still not bad. It is clear that the possibility of humanoid robots appearing on the battlefield is not high, but with the sound of the cavity, these huge steel creations are connected one by one. Together, and then just like in the movie, they fit together and climbed up from the ground, becoming a giant nearly 50 meters high.It is exactly the same as the Giant God Soldier in the movie, and even has an energy core with blue electric light on its chest.

This means that their plan was completely successful. At this moment, a huge power of faith gathered on this giant soldier, strengthening his strength to an incredible speed.

If it is said that even if it is made of Edelman alloy, facing the main god-level opponent, it will still be damaged by attacking with various attributes, and the driver's life may still be in danger.

Now this guy may be able to harden the main god's attack, weaken all kinds of attribute attacks and messy special effects to a level that he can bear, and then have a fist-to-body battle with the main god.

Even the Giant God Soldier, which didn't have a flight module originally, has the ability to fly, and has a flying speed beyond common sense.

This is already a surprise, completely beyond the designer's expectations.

This aspect is actually because they underestimated their beliefs and their ability to change reality. When they did the test before, they used the content in the novel to create a shadow man who was not strong. Although they have a red bow tie that can change their voice, they also have A watch that fires anesthesia needles, but that's about it, doesn't show any supernatural powers.

But that test was actually not perfect. Although the sales of the novel were not bad, it was fueled by Huo Yuhao's connections. The setting is not written by a particularly well-known writer, so it is not very exciting in itself.

If it weren't for special relationships to expose in various places with high traffic, not many people would see it.

Even if they can see, they don't like the content of this book much, so naturally they can't mobilize their emotions, and the shadow people naturally appear very weak.

But if these people are emotional, they are full of expectations for the shadow people.Even frantically urging, not to mention sending the author a blade, that is definitely another situation. The strength of the shadow man may be dozens of times higher than the record.

It can also be seen from this that the efficiency of the gods absorbing the power of faith is actually very low. They use the church to develop believers, and only a small number of people can be developed, and even fewer are devout people. Most people don't believe in a god so fanatically, and they don't have too much emotional fluctuation when thinking of him.This makes the gods can only collect the power of faith from a small number of people.

But it’s different through the means of movies. Thanks to the strong promotion, almost people in the whole country and even the whole continent have watched this movie, and most of them can cry because of this. It is almost as good as the pious believers.And the number is hundreds of thousands of times that of any devout believer among the gods. The power of faith that can be gathered is so huge that one can imagine.

This makes the main body that not only gathers the power of faith very powerful, but also a large number of products made with him as a template also have powerful power.

At the moment when the Giant God Soldier actually appeared on the screen, many viewers in front of the TV jumped up and cheered.

Although the gods can absorb the power of faith for a year in one day in the God Realm, but to obtain such a huge faith, I am afraid that it is possible to practice in the God Realm for several years, and this is only a short week. Effect.

The end of the parade turned into a movie fan fest, and after everyone fell asleep after a hard day's work, there was a round of updates in the civilized space.

Everyone was reminded that there is more faith in the civilized space. Everyone can use this power to directly change reality, and they can also give this power to others, gather together and create miracles.

The emergence of belief power has greatly changed the pattern of civilization space. There is no doubt that everyone has become stronger, and the more advanced civilizations become stronger, because their ability to control society is stronger, and each The ability to control people's ideology is also stronger.

However, the emergence of the power of faith has caused the biggest changes not to these advanced civilizations, but to those relatively backward civilizations that have been unable to enter the feudal era for a long time.

It is very difficult to promote the development of civilization. It is not only enough to have knowledge, but also requires leadership and even personal force. Therefore, many people's civilization is stuck in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Due to lack of manpower, technology is difficult. Progress, in turn, leads to the fact that the armed force of the main body of civilization cannot be raised to a strong enough level. In such a world with extraordinary power, if a superpower suddenly appears in a certain tribe, it will challenge the status of the main civilization. The battle between civilizations , It will also become a duel between the strong, which is very detrimental to the progress of society, and the strong side cannot give full play to its own advantages.

However, with the addition of the new setting of power of faith, the main body of civilization has gained a huge advantage. The power of faith is a very intuitive manifestation of the power of a large number of people. As long as there are more people and more unity, the More brilliant miracles can be created.

This allows the central civilization to maintain its dominant position even if superpowers are born from time to time, and can free up more power to develop productivity, and the gap between the two sides will gradually widen.

The main body of the former civilization will also return to its peak, and even have enough energy to complete the unification war of the mainland, and be completely promoted to the feudal era or the imperial era.

This is definitely a benefit for low-level civilizations that have been promoted in the civilized space. The lower the level, the greater the gap between them in using the power of faith.

In reality, the Dou Ling Republic has set an example for everyone, how to effectively mobilize the power of faith, how to mobilize people's emotions?

Of course, some people didn't understand the true meaning of it and followed the script, regardless of the productivity of their own civilization, they wanted to make something like a movie, and the result was completely messed up, and it was not uncommon for them to be killed by marginal civilizations.

After all, the update of Power of Faith strengthens both parties.Marginal civilizations can also use this method. If they play like this, then this round of civilization advancement will be considered a failure. Those who yearn for it need to return to the previous save point to promote the development of their own civilization.

As for the training ground for gods, there is naturally more power of faith, and the gods can also use this part of power. At this time, it will show the difference between building a country with religion and building a country with science. The former may appear in the course of the war. Very weird direction.

That is, after the gods showed a strong fighting power, they shattered the beliefs of the domestic believers, and then became the object of the believers' beliefs again. Instead, they were so powerful that they were out of control, and a single god group directly wiped out the civilization on the entire continent .

As for the civilization based on science and technology, it will also be impacted by the appearance of the gods. This is mainly reflected in the top scientists. The gods will bring some seemingly unscientific changes, and in these cutting-edge physics From the perspective of Jia and others, these changes cannot explain the collapse of the technological building with the existing scientific system. What followed was that what he believed in conflicted with reality, and he died with a headshot.

This kind of thing has a certain probability of happening in reality, but it is a small probability event.But the virtual human is an artificial intelligence with extremely serious thinking. Unlike real people, they are good at accepting all kinds of accidents, and the probability of headshot death is greatly increased.

In fact, in reality, everyone quickly agreed to Huo Yuhao's Giant God Soldier plan. A large part of the reason is that the uncontrolled power of faith has had a huge impact on theoretical physics research, and even the entire scientific system. Wavering must be controlled.

To put it simply, the power of faith is the power of will to change reality. This power itself can also be explained, but it affects our macro and micro worlds all the time, and this effect requires close observation. It becomes extremely deadly in physical experiments. After watching a movie, many people think that carbon-based organisms can block bullets with their bodies, so they begin to misunderstand the strength of many organic substances. This misunderstanding leads to some beliefs. Force is used to strengthen the chemical bonds between these organic substances.

Although this change is very slight, it is very fatal to the development of physics, even more fatal than the observer effect.

If you want physics to continue to develop, you must limit the direction in which the power of faith acts, and let them act on specific individuals as much as possible, so that the impact on the large-scale physical rules will be minimal, at least not in places far away from the earth. Set up a laboratory in space orbit, and even let the uninformed conduct secret experiments to test the real physical data in the universe.

In a sense, the existence of the power of faith is also one of the major obstacles to the development of Douluo's technology. Of course, before Chengying appeared, Douluo people were far from reaching the technological bottleneck that would be affected by the power of faith. The stagnation is just the result of a group of guys occupying their superior positions and not wanting to get out, deliberately suppressing the development of technology.

The emergence of the power of faith also allows a large number of human beings to cross the threshold of the elite in the civilized space and complete the killing of the second-level gods. The efficiency of the gods to use the power of faith is lower than them after all. of.

And these people also have the qualifications to become ascenders. Although the quality of thinking is slightly inferior to that of the first batch of ascenders, they can barely stand the test at the level of will, and there is no problem with their thinking.Full of yearning for the unknown and the future of civilization, at least worthy of their title of yearning.

And the number of this group of people is much larger than before. As the first group of people gradually completed their studies and put into the process of production and creation, a technological explosion is also quietly going on. The moon technology, which has been stuck for many years, is finally about to flourish with the addition of this group of fresh blood.

[To be continued]

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