Douluo live long see

Chapter 613 The Judgment Battle

The peace-loving Tula people had no enemies, and most of those who were beaten up by the ghost agents were aggressive and always intent on aggression.

They were beaten, but the public opinion was overwhelmingly inclined to Ghost Agent, and many people even applauded.

Under such circumstances, even if the ghost agent has a little special means, it will not attract the crusade of the righteous people in the universe, but war is often just a means rather than an end.

Even defeat can be one of the means to achieve the goal, so knowing that they will lose, some races have no choice but to launch a war of judgment against the Tula people.

Chengying could see the taste of conspiracy from it, and I am afraid that the purpose of the shit cookers behind the scenes is to test their strength.

In fact, Chengying already has some guesses about the identity of the shit cooker behind the scenes. The only one who has this ability and needs to test the cards of the ghost agent is the Shura God who was recruited by the Tule tribe. , the recovery of strength may be extremely slow.

Cheng Ying estimated that the current Shura god should be able to crush the main god, but he would be easily defeated by other supreme gods, so he was not sure how to deal with a master god and many second-level gods.

This time the challenge was launched by the Nawei people who had met once before, that is, the intelligent race that looks exactly like the centipede. Nawei's ranking is not high, but just entered the top [-].

But they are full of aggressiveness, like aggression and conquest, and have repeatedly invaded those C-level civilizations that have not entered the space age without telling the Galactic Federation.

Such a race naturally became the younger brother of the Tule tribe who believed in war. Although Shura God had no real power, the Nawei people didn’t know it. He just went to the Nawei embassy to hint that there was a Nawei messenger. conveyed his meaning back,

That's why the Nawei people launched a verdict war against the Tula people over their own capabilities.There is no doubt that this is a suicidal battle, so neither side has any bargaining chips. There are only ten colonial stars, that is, two colonial galaxies.

The Tula people wanted to refuse. They are cute and peaceful. They haven’t experienced a ruling battle for a long time. Only those who have experienced a ruling battle within 30 years are eligible to refuse, otherwise they must accept it.

This special mode of war was naturally stipulated by the Galactic Federation, and the purpose was probably to reduce the casualties caused by the war.

Of course, it’s not impossible to fight an all-out war without letting go, but that would require an official declaration and launch of a genocidal war. At that time, the war will only stop when one side is almost extinct. Such a painful price , No race can bear it, so since the establishment of the Galactic Federation, there have been very few genocidal wars.

It's just that this kind of measure aimed at reducing casualties has a rather cruel side in the eyes of the lower-ranked races, because according to the regulations of the Galactic Federation, there can only be a maximum of ten large warships in the Battle of Judgment.

There are also a maximum of one hundred small and medium-sized ships, and powerful races can take advantage of loopholes and build ten large warships to be very huge. This is also the origin of the battleships of more than ten kilometers.

These big guys, in the eyes of the races ranked one hundred and below, are simply demonic existences.

However, both sides of this war are the top [-] races, so they will send powerful battleships.

Originally, before such a war begins, there are often many intrigues, so that it is a thrilling spy battle, and sometimes, the war will change the ending because of the secret action of a spy or agent.

It's just that the ghost agent has a bad reputation, and this kind of thing is like sending him to death. Sincerely, not many people are willing to come to court for death.Even if Ghost Agent seldom kills, he might as well be dead if he becomes a Ranger.

Both sides are preparing for the war in full swing. God Shura thinks that the Tula people will send all the ghost agents they protect to play, so that they can minimize their losses. In this way, God Shura can clearly see the strength of the ghost agents .

Presumably he recognized a few guys from the God Realm inside, and wanted to see who betrayed the God Realm and what kind of power they gained.

It seems that God Shura has not realized that becoming an idol can harvest faith, otherwise he would not be unknown, willing to hide in the Tule tribe in a low-key manner.

God Shura wanted to find out information, but the Tula people were different from what God Shura expected. They did not force the ghost agents to participate in the battle. To the ghost agents in human form, the Tula people were extremely friendly, as if they were born close to humans.

It's as if human beings are born to think that dolphins are cute, and the appearance of kittens and puppies is naturally attractive.

Cheng Ying thought for a moment, and felt that he could join the battle, just let those people who had already exposed their strength go up, as long as he, the big boss behind the scenes, hid behind, he could find a way to smack Shura God ruthlessly.

The current situation is very interesting. Cheng Ying has exposed part of his strength, and Shura God has discovered the clue and wants to test the details of the ghost agent.

And God Shura thinks that the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark, but in fact it is the opposite. Cheng Ying is thinking about how to use his illusion of the enemy's name and the dark to darken him.

God Shura is very strong, even if he is strong, he has no opponents in a one-on-one fight in this world, but what's the point? No matter how powerful a one-on-one fight is, it is difficult to win in front of battleships that are more than ten kilometers away.

If it is an ordinary battleship, it may be destroyed by him sneaking into the interior, but the battleship in the Chengying camp, but Mr. Laughing, the battleship is his body, and the people of Oldwell have perfect control over their bodies There is no danger in sneaking in.

The preparations for both sides of the war have also entered the final stage. The warships of different races have their own characteristics. The warships of the Tula people are streamlined because they live on the bottom of the sea. Most of the means of transportation must be streamlined, otherwise They don't swim faster yet.

They seem to have high biotechnology. The armor of the spaceship has the self-healing ability of the artifact. Even if it is damaged, it can grow back on its own. Although this kind of recovery is not unlimited, it is also strong enough.

On the other side, the warships of the Na'vi people are in a flat shape with a very small vertical drop, because the gravity of the Na'wei people's planet is very strong, which is more than ten times that of the earth. For them, high altitudes are dangerous. People can fall to death from the height of the spaceship, so the spaceships are very flat to achieve the purpose of reassuring them. If the drop is too large, they will be afraid. This is a race where all members are afraid of heights. Correspondingly, the The power system is also extremely powerful, because on their planet, it is extremely difficult to get rid of the shackles of gravity, so a very strong power is required.

Both sides are ready, the war is imminent.

To be continued

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