Myriad Worlds Starting from Dragon Ball

Chapter 15: Mysterious Power

Fengshan's body is very weak now. The mysterious power just now drained almost all the power from Fengshan's body. He turned his head and looked at 001 behind him, feeling a little lucky in his heart. "Without this power, I'm afraid he would be the one who was broken into two parts on the ground." Bar"

After moving his weak body, a numb pain came from the incision. He knew very well that his body was shielding the pain, and the real pain was still to come.

The old clothes that Varky put on him were in tatters after passing through the garbage dump under the Hérault Hotel and a battle with 001.

It doesn't take much effort. With Fengshan's current strength, tearing ordinary clothes is like tearing toilet paper. First, Fengshan tightly wrapped the wound on his chest, and then slightly wrapped the wound on his leg. After a while, Fengshan lay on the ground and recovered.

By the way, there is a doubt in this battle, and that is where did the power that 001's two knives exploded when they were about to hit his head come from? Does the protagonist Halo Fart have anything to do with the protagonist since he came to this world?

Fengshan also remembered that on the first day he was sober, the big green snake forced him into a corner. The suffocating feeling of life and death crisis must have been the source of this power.

Fengshan was puzzled. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. In the end, he just stopped thinking about it. He lay on the ground and thought about Mula in the Ermo Gang. That alien girl really suits my liking. She is gentle and kind. Heart, those flawless white hands, and the time when I thought of Satsuma and cried with regret.

When she cried, she looked helpless. Fengshan chuckled when he thought of this, with a happy expression on his face. This expression had never appeared on Fengshan's face since he came to the Dragon Ball world.

"I don't know how Xiaoni is doing in the Ermo Gang. When I become stronger, I will let you live a carefree life." Fengshan secretly swore in his heart. He felt that Mulla was the person in his heart. If he missed it, he would not care. There will be more.

The pain from the knife wound completely broke out at this time, and the severe pain invaded every corner of Fengshan's consciousness. He curled up on the ground in pain, but it was of no use.

The pain came one after another, making Fengshan temporarily forget all his thoughts, and felt inexplicably refreshed. The pain made Fengshan give up thinking, and his mind felt inexplicably relaxed.

Fortunately, Fengshan's body was stronger than before. The pain only lasted for a few minutes, and the wound had already scabbed.

Fengshan sat up from the ground, looked at his hands, and shook them vigorously. There was a voice in his heart shouting "Get stronger, get stronger."

The powerful power made Fengshan obsessed with the feeling of becoming stronger. He looked around and saw that because of the battle between Fengshan and 001, the surroundings were blown clean by the wind caused by the fight between the two.

Fengshan jumped to the wreckage of 001 and fell into silence looking at the red long knife with half of its blade left. He needed a weapon to defend himself, but this weapon had half of its blade left.

"You saved my life. Although you were broken, I will try my best to repair you in the future." Fengshan looked at the red broken knife and said to himself.

Picking up two broken blades from the ground, he put one of the broken blades on his body, and held the blade with the handle. The leather-wrapped handle felt warm, as if he had recognized Maple Shirt as his master.

Feeling the warmth coming from his hand, Fengshan felt extremely peaceful for a moment. Although the knife was broken, the handle was still very long.

There was a feeling of hunger in his stomach. The mysterious power emitted before drained away all the energy in Fengshan's body, making Fengshan extremely weak now. Looking at the remains of 001 on the ground, Fengshan walked forward and looked at the fracture of 001, the energy in the middle. The core was not damaged at all.

Fengshan gently dug out the energy core and thought to himself, "I don't know if this robot's energy can be absorbed. My previous strength should have come from the monster's shit I ate. My body seems to be able to extract strength. Give it a try." Bar."

Then Fengshan desperately swallowed the energy core as big as his thumb. Although it was dangerous, Fengshan didn't care at all. The worst result was death, and it would be easier to die. If the bet was right, , then he will take off later

Thinking about it, Fengshan put the energy core into his mouth and swallowed it directly. If the person who made 001 saw this scene, he would scold him and say he was a fool. The energy core is made of high purity and high strength compression. According to the energy calculation on the earth, this small energy core can supply the total electricity consumption of the earth in ten years.

Fengshan swallowed it like this

Soon, the energy core passed through the throat and entered Fengshan's stomach. Suddenly, Fengshan's heart beat faster, and a strange force slowly surged into his stomach. This was the third time Fengshan had seen this kind of energy. , this time is the most clear and intuitive way to see

The strange energy slowly wrapped around the 001 energy core, until no trace of the energy core was left, and the mysterious energy began to shrink regularly.

Fengshan felt a spinning sound and fell down, and the surroundings fell into a deathly silence. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the pile of iron parts behind Fengshan, and a monster with an extremely ugly face poked its head out of it. The one who came was none other than the one who had been chasing Fengshan before.

There was light in her little eyes, and she tiptoed towards Fengshan who was lying on the ground. When she was almost in front of Fengshan, she stopped and smelled the smell of Fengshan. A humane look of pride appeared on her face, as if she was saying no more. "Young man, I still can't escape the grasp of your Grandpa Lingzi. Hmph, you dare to come to my house. Come on, keep jumping."

Lingxiao proudly pulled up the remaining leg of Fengshan and ran wildly. It didn't want to stay here for a moment. Before, it didn't know that there was a terrifying existence here. One day when he was happily patrolling his territory, a Strange Twolegs suddenly appeared.

The two-legged beast Guluwala didn't know what it was saying. Just when it was about to go up and take a bite, the two-legged beast almost chopped off its own little brother in an instant. The little brother of Lingxu was on its back, and it was usually the female's. above.....

Thinking of that person, the little brother couldn't help but shrink. He glanced at the broken knife in Fengshan's hand, and there was a strange look in his eyes. He asked if he had seen this thing before.

Regardless, Linzi bit Fengshan's leg and started running towards the place where he slept. The legs of the two-legged beast were a bit stiff, and it felt different from losing food.

He chewed Fengshan's feet in his mouth and found that they were as hard as iron. He decided to bury Fengshan in his own feces for five or six days and wait for them to rot before eating them.

After a while, Ningxia chewed on the maple shirt and ran from the place full of mechanical parts to the place where garbage was dumped under the Erault Hotel. The sour smell filled the area. Lingxia was like a fish returning to the water, lively. Jump around.

After jumping around for a while, he remembered Fengshan, so he went back to the edge of the area, bit up Fengshan, pulled it, and buried it in a larger pile of feces.

At this time, Fengshan's body was trembling slightly, and his breath was increasing.

Lingxing looked at Fengshan shaking constantly in the pile of feces, with confusion in his two small eyes. Did he bring back some kind of vibrator?

End of this chapter

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