super dragon ball

Chapter 46 Snatching the Light Black Dragon Ball

At this time, several horses ran out from tens of thousands of tanks, and the man in black wearing sunglasses led several of his men towards the ruined city.

"Devil, hand over Angelina! Otherwise, I will use another hundred thousand artillery shells to blow the city to the ground." A man in black wearing sunglasses came outside the waste city and shouted loudly.

"How did they know that you were here and you were not killed?" Fayanluo said.

"Those damn tires," Angelina said angrily.

"I overlooked one thing." Bird said. He pressed the rim of his glasses to emit a green light on Angelina. Then he found a tracker and said, "You have a tracker on your body, and it can also detect life reactions." , they must have detected a life response on your body based on the tracker, so they knew you were not dead."

After the bird finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, turned the tracker into stone, and dropped it to the ground.

"One more bomb blast with 100,000 shells, and this city will really become a cellar city." Fayanro said, destroying the tracker with a needle-point bullet.

"I..., what should I do?" Angelina looked around in panic.

"If I go back with them!? They will definitely ask me to look for the golden city. Once I find it, they will definitely kill me and silence me." Angelina's IQ is not low.

"You are stupid, can't you just find it if you don't find it?" Fa Yanluo said.

"Oh! That's right!" Angelina suddenly understood as she stretched out her index finger, then shook Fa Yanluo's hand vigorously and said gratefully: "Thank you."

Bird said: "It will take some time for all my bacterial robots to replicate themselves. As long as there are tens of billions of bacterial robots, they can quickly decompose those 10,000 tanks. I hope they will not attack during this time."

"I'm going to delay for a while." Zhenqiang said and walked out.

"Hahahaha, under the powerful power of my dark snake, even the devil will succumb." The man wearing glasses and wearing a fur coat laughed when he saw Zhen Qiang walking out of the cellar.

Zhen Qiang used a clairvoyant to see that the man wearing glasses and a black leather coat was a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a shrewd and sophisticated look on his face, and eyes full of insidiousness and cunning.

At the same time, the man in black with glasses also looked at Zhen Qiang and said with a proud smile: "Humph, let me introduce myself first. I am Snake Eyes. The Snake Head sent me to assist Miss Angelina in her archaeological work. Angelina Miss Angelina likes to travel around, so we found her dozens of times, but the people who went out to look for Miss Angelina in the past two days suddenly reported that they encountered a devil that could catch bullets. I don’t believe in ghosts and gods, you are also human, I know you The power comes from your technology, I am very interested in your technology, you must follow me, and you must also hand over all technologies to us for research."

All these technologies were made by birds, and of course they would not be handed over to him. Zhenqiang said, "What if I don't go with you?"

"If you don't leave, I will wipe out all the people in this city. I know they are all hiding in the cellar." Snake Eyes said with a smile.

"Also, don't even think about running away. If you run away, we will wipe out all the people in this city." Snake Eyes said again, adjusting his sunglasses. Although he was wearing sunglasses, there was still a cunning and fierce look from his sunglasses. Light.

"With your abilities, there's no way you can destroy 10,000 tanks and rocket launcher vehicles before we fire 100,000 shells." Snake Eyes suddenly grinned.

"Also, don't try to kill me. As soon as I die, 100,000 rounds of artillery shells will be fired immediately." Snake's eyes were clear, and he grinned. He seemed to have imagined all the possibilities, so he dared to bring a few people to ask for Angelina. .

"You captured Angelina to find the golden ancient city, right?" Zhenqiang said suddenly.

Snake eyes were stunned for a moment, looking very surprised, and then shot

The fierce light said fiercely: "How do you know?"

"Angelina told us everything." Zhenqiang said.

"Damn woman." Snake Eyes said through gritted teeth.

"Do you believe that the Golden Ancient City is real?" Zhenqiang asked.

"What a person says when begging for mercy when facing death must be the truth." Snake Eyes said.

"But Angelina still doesn't know where the Golden Ancient City is?" Zhenqiang said.

"Hehe." Shemu smiled and said: "As long as we have this thing, we can find it. Don't underestimate the power of our Dark Snake organization. Hand over Angelina quickly, otherwise, I don't mind wasting another hundred thousand shells."

"Where did you get so many tanks and armored vehicles?" Zhenqiang asked.

"Hmph, we can produce as many tanks as we want." Snake Eyes said proudly.

"So you still have a military factory that specializes in manufacturing tanks." Zhenqiang said.

"We not only have military factories, but also aircraft manufacturing plants. We can even send out 10,000 bombers to blow the city into dust." Snake Eyes said proudly.

Zhen Qiang was startled and asked again: "Where did you get so many factories manufacturing tanks and aircraft?"

"Hahahaha, this was all initiated by our great Dark Snake King." Snake Eyes laughed.

"King of Dark Snakes!?" Zhenqiang was stunned.

"Yes, our King of Dark Snakes, he has extraordinary wisdom and strength. We all surrender to him. Gods are insignificant compared to him." Snake Eyes said to Zhenqiang.

"You have never seen our Dark Snake King. If you had seen it, you would surrender to his wisdom and power." Snake Eyes suddenly stretched out his head and said mysteriously.

"Your name is Snake Eyes, then you are the eyes of the Snake King." Zhen Qiang asked.

"No, I don't have that qualification yet. The Snake King's subordinates are divided into four generals: Snake Head, Snake Body, Snake Belly, and Snake Tail, and I belong to Snake Head's subordinates." Snake Eyes said.

"Oh, it turns out you are just a soldier." Zhenqiang said.

"I'm not a soldier. General Snakehead can be the leader of the four generals. I have three generals under my command, Snake Eyes, Snake Xin, and Snake Ya. I am responsible for investigation, Snake Xin is responsible for reconnaissance and assassination, and Snake Ya is responsible for commanding the army. The three of us can It is our lifetime honor to serve under General Snakehead. General Snakehead has 200,000 troops, and these 10,000 tanks and rocket launchers are only a small part of them." Shemu said.

"Are you in charge of this area?" Zhenqiang asked.

"No, this area is controlled by General Snake Belly. I am personally appointed by the Snakehead to help Miss Angelina find the Golden Ancient City. As long as we find the Golden Ancient City and get the gold jewelry inside, our Dark Snake Organization can conquer West Asia and then dominate World, I can see that you are also interested in the golden ancient city. How about joining us and serving our great king of dark snakes. Together, we will first conquer Western Asia and then conquer the world." Snake Eyes said with a ferocious look of looking forward to the future. Said with a look.

"Not interested!" Zhenqiang said.

Snake Eyes was stunned and said: "You have to know, if our Dark Snake organization dominates the entire world, what a great initiative it will be. This will be the most glorious era of the human world. The King of Dark Snake will lead us to change the world and change mankind. Create a new era!" Snake Eyes stretched out his hands to the sky, impassioned and proud.

At this time, the bird communicated through the glasses and said: "It's so powerful. The tens of billions of bacterial robots have been manufactured, and all the 10,000 tanks and artillery vehicles have been decomposed."

"Great." Zhenqiang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Snake Eyes: "Your tank is gone."

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