super dragon ball

Chapter 87 Really powerful and angry

"And King Le also has bodyguards and killers around her to protect her. There are various strongholds all over the city, everywhere. The entire city is under her supervision. There are also private army tanks and aircraft stationed outside the city. She gives an order Next, we will attack the city." Hui Yanduo continued.

"There is a private army outside the city!" Zhenqiang said,

"If you want to eliminate King Le, as soon as he gives the order, the troops outside the city will rush into the city." Hui Yanduo said.

The more Zhenqiang listened, the more incredible he became. This woman could be so hateful. Her personal power in South Asia had reached such an extent. He asked, "Why do you know so much about King Le?"

Hui Yanduo said: "I used to work under the King of Heaven and accidentally discovered their secrets, so I escaped, but this area is within the sphere of influence of the Eight Legions, and I can't escape, so I'm hiding in this bar. inside."

Pegasus Gu took a sip from the wine bottle, looked at Zhenqiang and said with a smile: "How about, find a bodyguard, so as not to be thrown into the trash if you can't sell it."

Zhenqiang glanced at him, stood up, and said, "Bird, let's go."

Pegasus Gu saw them standing up and said: "You have to pay for talking. You have asked so many questions, are they all in vain?" After saying that, he stood up, flicked his palm, and a flying knife appeared in his five fingers, with a cold light flashing. , flew towards Zhenqiang’s head with a knife, trying to cut off Zhenqiang’s hair to intimidate him.

Zhenqiang saw the flying knife hitting his hair, knowing that this person wanted to intimidate him, he sneered in his heart,

Zhenqiang was prepared this time. When he saw the knife coming, he used his Humen grappling hand to catch the flying knife that came from the air, and then shot it on the wall with a 'swish' sound. He had also practiced flying knives.

Pegasus Gu was immediately shocked and jumped up from his chair with a 'Teng' sound. He looked at the flying knife hiding on the wall in shock, and then at Zhenqiang. He only saw the shadow of Zhenqiang's hand flickering, and he caught his flying knife, and then the knife flashed and shot on the wall,

Seeing Pegasus Gu's shocked expression, Zhen Qiang took out the fake one million dollar bill printed by Little Bird, handed it over, and said: "Come with me to kill King Le, and I will give you all the money. "

Pegasus Gu suddenly showed an unbelievable face again, looking at Zhen Qiang with his eyes wide open.

Hui Yanduo, who was next to him, also took a look and remained unmoved. He raised his glass and took a sip of wine.

Zhenqiang asked curiously: "Why, don't you want money?"

Pegasus Gu took the million dollar bill and said with a smile: "I want the money, but I won't go to kill the King of Lele. This is an act of seeking death. I want to live for a few more years."

Zhenqiang said: "You decide for yourself."

People around him turned their heads to look at Zhenqiang.

"Bird, Doumen Kai, let's go." Zhenqiang said, looking at the eager eyes around him, it would be better not to stay for a long time.

"Okay." The little bird said, stood up, and the two of them walked out.

"Yes." Doumen Kai said. He admired Zhen Qiang and Niao Er very much and always answered them with "yes".

At this time, just listen to ‘Bang! ' With a sound, the door of the bar was kicked open, and five strong men with beards and burly bodies walked in. They were all dressed as soldiers, holding machine guns in their hands and with several bullets hanging on their bodies. They blocked the door and shouted loudly. He said: "Who out there killed the tiger raised by King Le? You are so bold. Hand it over quickly, or I will blow this bar to the ground."

It turned out that these people were subordinates of King Le. Seeing that all the beasts raised by King Le were killed, they broke into the bar.

"I killed him." Zhenqiang replied.

The five big men looked at Zhen Qiang and shouted angrily: "That is the pet raised by King Le! How can your lives be compared? King Le will suffer a little loss and kill you to accompany King Le's pet!"

After saying that, he pointed the gun at Zhenqiang and pulled the trigger.

‘Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ’

The heavy machine gun fired at Zhenqiang.

There was a scream throughout the bar, people immediately ran away in panic, tables and chairs overturned, and there was a loud noise.

The other four big men also shot at Zhenqiang with their guns.

Bullets hit the Dragon Ball battle suit one after another and landed on the ground. Zhenqiang stood there without moving.

‘Bata’ ‘Bata’

The five big men fired at Zhenqiang in a burst, and all the bullets were used up. There was not even a mark on Zhenqiang's Dragon Ball battle suit.

"What!?" The five big men were surprised to see hundreds of bullets hitting Zhenqiang's body, but he was not hurt at all.

The people around the bar were also shocked, and Pegasus opened his eyes in disbelief.

Five big men hurriedly changed magazines.

Zhenqiang scanned that the strength of these big men was only D level, and said: "Is the fight over? It's my turn! Doumen Kai, come on!"

After Zhenqiang finished speaking, he rushed forward with a lunge,

"Yes." Doumen Kai said and rushed forward.

Zhenqiang rushed forward, clenched his fist and punched the strongest man in military uniform in the middle, hitting the Shangqu point on the abdomen of the big man with a force of one ton.

With a sound of "Bang!", the big man immediately flew backwards, crashed through the door, and fell outside. He covered his abdomen with his hands, his body bowed to the ground, foaming at the mouth, his whole body was paralyzed, and he fell to the ground.

Zhen Qiang looked at his fists. The effect of this acupuncture fighting technique was indeed extraordinary. He could knock people to the ground with one punch. It was several times more powerful than ordinary boxing techniques.

The other four big men were shocked and swung the iron machetes in their hands to attack Zhenqiang.

When Zhen Qiang saw the iron bar coming, he used his Humen grappling hand, grabbed the broken iron bar, and twisted it to the side. With a "dang" sound, he blocked the chopped machete. He clenched his fists, stepped forward, and struck out. The fist hit the middle point of the big man in front, and with a "bang!" sound, the big man with the machete flew out again, his whole body paralyzed and trembling.

Then he grabbed the Waiguan point on the wrist of another big man,

The big man felt a surge of electricity from his wrist throughout his body, and his whole body was suddenly paralyzed and trembling. It was a hundred times more painful than being slashed with a knife, and he howled like a pig.

Zhenqiang threw his hand, and the big man's strong body was immediately thrown away and fell to the ground. Due to the acupuncture points being buckled, his body was limp and his whole body was numb. His arms kept shaking and he couldn't stand up.

Zhen Qiang looked at his five fingers. After the strength increased, the effect of locking the enemy's acupuncture points was far better than before.

On the other side, Dou Menkai's fist fused with iron and calcium punched a big man on the temple. The big man was knocked unconscious immediately, and then he swung his leg and kicked the other big man to the ground.

The whole bar was in a commotion, and people of all kinds looked at Zhen Qiang in surprise.

I saw four strong and muscular men behind them with knives and sticks in their hands, beating Zhenqiang from behind. It turned out that they were secret sentries hidden in the city.

A few rays of cold light flashed across, and the big men suddenly opened their eyes and mouths, their faces full of fear, motionless, and then they fell on the table one by one. Several tabletops were suddenly smashed and collapsed to the ground. Look at the backs of each person. On each of them, there was a bright flying knife stuck in them.

Behind them, Pegasus Gu stood there, spinning several flying knives between the fingers of his hands. The light of the knife was shining and dazzling. He said with a cynical expression to the people in the bar: "Those two are me. Boss, if you are against them, you are against me. You all need to know what is good and what is good. I will treat you to a drink. If you don’t know what is good, you will not be polite with the flying knife in my hand."

The whole bar was quiet for a while, and then there was an uproar. The whole hall cheered, and everyone raised their glasses and shouted: "Bring the wine! Bring the wine!"

Pegasus Gu waved his hands, and the flying knives between his fingers disappeared in a flash like magic. He picked up the ten bottles of Zhenqiang that Zhenqiang had just bought on the table, and threw them to each table. He threw a bottle at one table, and then sat down again. He got down, raised his legs on the table, leaned on the chair, put his head in his hands, smiled playfully at Zhenqiang and Niao Er and said: "Don't worry, you two, there is no charge. Be careful when you go out, don't get killed."

Zhenqiang and Bird looked at each other, and Zhenqiang said: "It seems that the money was given correctly." Then the three of them walked out.

"Let's go find the King of Music." Zhenqiang said, pressing the button on his belt, and saw a small toy plane that compressed space flew out of his belt, quickly grew in size, and became a nuclear-powered small plane.

The little bird pressed the electronic mirror button and summoned the Pigeon Little White. After electrocuting the entire urban beast, the Pigeon Little White flew down from the sky, quickly stretched and unfolded, and turned into a milky white bird-shaped nuclear-powered small aircraft.

Zhenqiang and Xiaoniaoer flew a nuclear-powered small plane, taking Doumen Kai with them, towards Lewang Building.


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