Mix the world with the system

Chapter 66 Worrying About Poo

Grandma Huashu frowned and looked at her: "What is it?"

She wondered, is there anything more important than food?

Wu Yue smiled wryly: "If someone from the Hui clan asks about it, can they just say that the rattan bag was conceived by the females of our collection team?

Before exchanging salt, I don't want Aya and Ye Duo to pay too much attention to me. "

Thinking of the matter between those two little females and Yue, Huashu nodded clearly: "Okay, I will tell the females not to publicize this matter for the time being."

Wu Yue smiled gratefully.

When I have saved enough food, I will exchange the salt back, hehe...

If Aya and Ye Duo dare to provoke themselves again, let them know why the flowers are so red.

Enthusiastic females weave rattan bags so fast that an assembly line can be set up on the spot.

The busy time always passes quickly, and Grandma Huashu began to call the females collected everywhere to gather.

All the females looked at the uncollected wild vegetables reluctantly, and finally they could only leave with huge woven bags.

After they tied up the woven bags and carried them on their backs, Grandma Huashu instructed them again, and then led the collection team towards the tribe.

This time, the animal skins of everyone in the collection team were tied around their waists and tied with a tree vine.

The swarthy faces were full of excited smiles, talking loudly to each other, and their steps were bigger than any previous public collection day.

Seeing their appearance, Wu Yue suddenly thought of a song: Sing the turned serf.

At this time, the tribal clearing was already extremely lively, and the males of the hunting team were processing the prey they had brought back.

The collection teams gathered in different places and piled the collected food together to form green hills.

The females sat around their own hills, talking and laughing loudly, looking at the wild vegetable hills of the other party's collection team from time to time, secretly making comparisons.

If it is less than his own, he smiles happily.

If it was more than my own, I took out the animal skin that was put aside, and tried to find one or two wild vegetables to make up the gap.

At this time, in the small river running across the tribe, the males who had returned from hunting were washing the blood on their bodies in the river water.

The three big tigers squatted in unison, letting the river wash over their bodies.

"Yuan Lang, today is the public collection day. If your collection team wins, can you treat us to a meal of wild vegetables?"

Teng Gan's eyes were full of anticipation, and Teng Kun on the side also stared at his general.

Yuan Lang's huge tiger eyes glanced lazily at the two of them: "If you want to eat, let your mother do it."

Is wild vegetable dumpling difficult to make?Group, group, thing...

Except for the pot of bitter vegetables last time, the wild vegetables made by E-Mum at home are all simple vegetable dumplings, or the kind that are eaten raw.

Thinking of this, Yuan Lang felt that his tiger fur was slightly green.

Teng Qian and Teng Kun lowered their heads in frustration: "Hey! I want to change Eminem."

Teng Kun responded: "Me too."

As long as the two's mothers saw them eating wild vegetables, they would rush forward and take out the wild vegetables in their mouths.

The weirdest thing is that she won't throw it away, but simply shake it and eat it by herself...self!Has!eat!Lose!

Thinking of the pain in the ass today, the two brain axes became worried about the next poop.

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