Sequence Potions at Hogwarts

Chapter 24 Sorcerer's Stone

"Congratulations, Harry," Nix said to Harry in Hagrid's cabin.

Harry: "Thank you."

Ron blatantly said bad things about Nix: "Hagrid, you shouldn't have invited him. You know, his family is full of Death Eaters."

Hagrid frowned: "Ron, let go, I didn't treat you badly because of your brothers, and you shouldn't be prejudiced just because he is Lestrange."

Hermione was furious, and Nix had always been kind to her. During that time of being ostracized, only Nix regarded her as a friend.

"Ron, if you treat Knicks like this, then Hagrid should treat you like your brothers. They have caused Hagrid a lot of trouble."

Ron was even more upset, and changed the subject: "Snape cast a spell on Harry's broom, Hermione and I saw it."

Hagrid said unhappily: "Don't talk nonsense, why did Snape do such a thing."

Harry: "He tried to pass the big three-headed dog and the dog bit him and I saw Filch heal him."

Hagrid: "How do you know Lu Wei?"

"Lu Wei?" Everyone exclaimed.

Hagrid: "Yes, it's mine. I bought it in Greece last year. I lent it to Dumbledore's caretaker..."

He paused, almost saying something important.

Nix: "Hagrid, Lu Wei is yours, so can you help me?"

Hagrid: "What?"

Nix: "I need some Fluffy fur, flesh and bones."

Hagrid was shocked: "Are you going to kill Lu Wei??"

Nix comforted: "Hagrid, Lu Wei is so big, you can give me a little bit and nothing will happen, or I can get it myself, then I have to fight it."

Seeing that the topic deviated, Hermione interrupted both parties, and said, "Let's talk about your business, Nix. Hagrid, what is Lu Wei guarding?"

"Don't ask, it's confidential," Hagrid replied.

"But Snape wanted to steal it," argued Hermione.

Hagrid: "Snape is a Hogwarts professor and would not do such a thing."

Hermione: "Then why would he want to kill Harry?"

Nix thought, Snape was saving someone.But if he wants to put me in confinement, he should take the blame.

He opened his mouth and said, "Hagrid, you must stare at the target to cast a curse. I saw Hermione igniting his cloak, but he didn't respond until someone reminded him to put out the fire. He didn't look at Harry, Harry is fine." gone."

Hagrid was a little angry, and he said roughly: "I don't know why Harry's broom happened, but Snape would never kill a student. You are meddling in something very dangerous, listen to me, forget Lu Wei, Forget what it's guarding, this is between Dumbledore and Nick Flamel..."

"Aha," said Harry, "there's a Nick Flamel guy involved in this, isn't it?"

Hagrid sulked.He exposed something again.

Ron: "Who's that?"

Harry: "I've heard the name there."

Hermione: "I read that too, I just can't remember it."

Nix: "How could you forget him?"

"Do you know who it is?" the three asked together.

Nix: "Of course, that is the person every alchemist must worship, and no one has been able to surpass him so far."

Hermione: "But you just like potions."

Nix: "The potion masters can't ignore him, he has the potions that all potion masters want."

Neville finally found something he understood, and interjected, "Felix Felix?"

Nix: "No, what is Felicity Elixir? That potion is even rarer than Felicity Elixir. I'm also very interested, although I won't be able to use it for the time being."

Hermione: "What is it?"

Nix: "The elixir of life."


Seeing question marks on everyone's faces, Nix explained: "Nick Flamel is an alchemist. He made the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn any substance into gold, and can also be used to configure the elixir of life."

Ron was stunned: "Turn any substance into gold!!"

Nix looked at Ron with contempt: "That's not important, it's just gold, as long as you live long enough, you will have a lot. The key is the elixir of life. With it, you will have unlimited life span."

Hermione: "I remembered, he is the sole creator of the Philosopher's Stone, celebrated his 665th birthday last year, and lived in seclusion with his wife."

Harry: "A stone that grants immortality and turns stones into gold, no wonder Snape wanted it. No one can resist it."

Hagrid: "!!!" Can you just tell the truth of the matter in front of me?

The trio discussed.

Nix looked at Hagrid and said again: "Hagrid, give me some Lu Wei's flesh and blood, I will pay a high price."

Hagrid's attention was diverted: "I don't want to hurt Lu Wei."

Nix: "Believe me, Hagrid, you don't want me to go by myself, and Lu Wei will suffer more."

Harry turned his head. "You can't threaten Hagrid to do something he doesn't want to do."

Nix is ​​very upset, you are plotting loudly there, I don't appreciate it for diverting Hagrid's attention from you!

"Harry, you reminded me, Hagrid, and if you don't, I'll tell the Headmaster about your leak."

Hermione screamed, "Nicks!!!"

Ron said proudly: "Look, I know he and Malfoy are the same stuff."

Harry sank into self-blame, if he hadn't reminded Nix, Hagrid wouldn't have been threatened.

Hagrid: "You're kidding, aren't you?"

Nix said in a depressed tone, "Yes, I still need you to help me collect medicinal materials in the Forbidden Forest. I won't let the principal know about it. Then I will have to deal with a new gamekeeper."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Hagrid replied firmly: "I won't give you Lu Wei's flesh and blood, I don't want to hurt it."

Nix: "It's okay to draw blood. A little blood won't do anything to it. It doesn't even need treatment."

Hagrid pondered.Ron started to instill some curses in Hagrid's blood.

Nix heard it in his ears, his expression remained unchanged, and he had already decided in his heart that he would give Ron the monster potion to make him more inspired, talk nonsense, and it would be better to be isolated as a lunatic.

Hagrid agreed to the Knicks' request, but he needed time.

Nix: "Hagrid, the price I paid for the Weasley brothers is very high. It is dangerous for them to enter the Forbidden Forest, but it may not be so much for you."

Hagrid: "It doesn't matter, I have enough Galleons. I'll be happy as long as the twins don't come."

The last five left together.The Gryffindor common room was still hosting a banquet in honor of Harry's victory, and they were going back to attend.

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