Sequence Potions at Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Concealment and Joining

Grimmauld Square, NO.12, the old house of the Blake family.weeping

Nix took Tifa to find No.13, next to it was No.11, opposite was No.12, but there was no No.[-].

He knew that the house was hidden, and the problem was how to notify the people in the house to come out to pick him up.

Just when he was at a loss, the house suddenly opened, and a slovenly man leaned against the door frame, holding a glass of unknown liquid in his hand, and said, "Come in."

Tifa sniffed her nose and whispered, "Mother made coffee."

Nix: "How do you know?"

"The coffee my mother makes is very bitter, and I have to add a lot of milk and sugar to drink it."

Both knew the man, Harry's godfather, Sirius Black.weeping

He was wearing pajamas, with black bags under his eyes, and he said as he walked, "This is the ancestral home of the Black family. It has been unoccupied for a long time. I am very grateful to your mother. She is very good at cooking. At least I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time." Food."

Nix looked around at the dusty hallway and knew that cleaning would probably fall to him.

Black's ancestral home was used as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix after Voldemort's resurrection. If there was no Nix, it would be cleaned up by Ron's mother, Mrs. Weasley.She is very good at household magic, but still only tidy up part of the house, which is too big.

I didn't take a few steps to see my house elf, and I was very excited to see Nix and Tifa.

"Little master, you are here, when are we going home? This place is too bad, Kreacher is a disgrace to the house elves."

Nix thought for a while and replied seriously: "We will live here for about three years."

Sirius Black, who was walking ahead, stopped. "Three years? Do you think the mysterious man can only wreak havoc for three years? Do you underestimate him?"

"Maybe, if he's still alive after three years, I'll take care of him."

"Hahaha, very imposing, I hope you can say such things when facing him, instead of turning into a bat and hiding and making small moves."

Sirius was obviously mocking Nix.

When Voldemort was resurrected, he turned into a bat and hid aside to watch the show.

"It wasn't a small trick, it was just an experiment on my part to weaken him, but he found a solution. I never thought of killing him then, it wasn't my job, it was Harry's job. And I couldn't kill him back then, even if I eliminated his body, it would only make him more careful. I just wanted to turn him into a deformed, chaotic and ignorant monster, but unfortunately failed."

"Also enhanced him?"

Nix thought about it carefully: "Well, it has indeed been strengthened. He will no longer die due to physical weakness, as long as Qi is not destroyed..." 喍

"What?" Sirius Black wondered.

"Nothing." Nix said.

There was a flash of green light in the fireplace, and Dumbledore walked out with Lupine.Seeing Nix, he first said: "Mr. Lestrange, we need to talk carefully. You seem to know a lot."

"No problem, Headmaster."

Sirius Black smiled and said, "He just said that the mysterious man will die in three years."

Nix said unhappily: "Mr. Black, I will be happy to attend your funeral this time next year."

Lupine: "Nix, I remember you didn't seem to have learned the prophecy class."

"Yes, I didn't learn. I believe that the future can be changed. What the prophecy sees is just one of countless futures. As long as we touch certain nodes, the future will go to the unknown."

"Like Cedric, he would die without you, right?"

Nix nodded.

"In this case, I can not die!" Sirius Black said.

Nix: "If you go and kill my aunt and your sister now, you might survive."

"What do you mean. Wait, you mean Bella is going to kill me?"

Nix fell silent.weeping

Sirius grabbed Nix and said, "Say clearly! Did I get caught by her..."

"Black!" Dumbledore's trembling voice woke up the frantic Black. "He's just a kid. Remember the prophecy lessons you learned? Prophecy never tells you what's going to happen. Everything you understand can be wrong. And now you have to add your own to his understanding." point of view, which is likely to be wrong on top of it.”

Nix looked at Dumbledore suspiciously, wondering what he was thinking.Whether he regarded his words as a prophecy or knew something, and helped him hide it.

"Okay, you go to rest." Dumbledore said to Nix.

Nix took his frightened sister upstairs.

Before dinner, many people came to the mansion. When they came, they all entered a big room. Nix didn't go to eavesdrop.

The house elf found Nix: "Little master, dinner is ready."

Seeing his hesitation and hesitation, Nix asked, "What's the matter?"

"Those adults..."

Nix understood, went downstairs and knocked on the door.Dumbledore's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Nix enters the room.

"what's up?"

"Dinner is ready."

Dumbledore nodded: "Okay, that's it. Let's go after dinner, be careful."

The people in the meeting after dinner left one after another. They were sent by Dumbledore to contact various forces. Even if they couldn't win each other over to deal with Voldemort, they couldn't be allowed to join Voldemort.

Nix was called in front of Dumbledore and had a lot of conversations. He didn't ask how the outsider was doing, but only gave some instructions, and finally said: "Nix, I know a person, let him teach you some prophecy knowledge."

"Principal, I don't have any talent for prophecy."

Dumbledore waved his hand: "It's not for you to learn prophecy, but for you to learn the way prophets speak."

Nix opened his mouth wide.

Dumbledore said seriously: "It doesn't matter what the future is like, the important thing is that we should do our best and not be superstitious by the future, those things can be changed." After a pause, he continued: "I still have some collections, you You can try to strengthen the power of the Order of the Phoenix."

Nix got excited. Dumbledore's private collection must have very good things. At least there should be a lot of dragon blood. Maybe it can make a high-sequence potion for the audience path.There is also Phoenix, he vaguely remembers that the things on Phoenix are related to the path of death, so he can try it too.

Ron and his siblings came the next day, along with Hermione.And they all froze when they saw Knicks.

Nix is ​​covered in dust and has a broom in his hand.The little wizard can't cast spells outside the school, so Nix can only clean the house manually.He smiled happily when he saw his little friend, and finally someone was with him.

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