Sequence Potions at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 I want to fight... 3?

In the dormitory, Neville didn't speak. He looked at Nix with hope in his eyes. Nix told him to give him the potion, but he was also disappointed. The potion couldn't help him learn the spell.

Seeing Neville's dim eyes, Nix encouraged him: "Neville, as long as you work hard, you can learn the spell. You know, when I started school, I was confined by Professor McGonagall every day. In fact, she was teaching me how To control the magic."

"Is Snape also helping you control your magic power?" Neville asked curiously.

The corner of Nix's mouth twitched. Snape used him as an assistant during that time. Although he was teaching him to identify herbs, he was more helping to process them.

"That's right. The main thing is my hard work, Neville. Even if we can't achieve excellence, we can still improve our defects to the level of normal people through hard work."

Neville understood what Nix meant: "As long as I work hard, can I learn the spell?"


After being confirmed, Neville no longer placed his hopes on potions, and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Nix asked.

"Going to read," Neville replied.

"No more potions?"

"Ah, are you willing to give me the potion?" Neville was pleasantly surprised.

"I didn't say I won't give it to you, I just said that the potion can't help you master the spell, and you need to study hard." Nix replied.

Neville looked at Nix expectantly. Filch's example showed that potions could improve spellcasting ability, and it turned a squib into a normal wizard.In the past, the Weasley brothers could play Filch around, but now it takes a group of young wizards to deal with her.

The example of Seamus shows that the potion is powerful. At first, he couldn't beat Goyle. After drinking the potion, he stacked up Goyle and Crabbe to beat him.

Neville has a very high talent in herbal medicine. Nix intends to let him reach the pinnacle in this area, give him the cultivator potion, and rely on Neville to cultivate low-sequence potion materials in the future.

Nix prepared the potion, and Neville drank it without hesitation.Whispers rang in his ears. Seamus had said that when he was around Nix, he could often hear his voice.

When the whispers disappeared, Neville's first feeling was that he was very powerful, and he felt that he could hit three Goyles.Then there is the feeling that tomorrow will be a sunny day.Quidditch matches can go on without a hitch.

"How?" Nix asked.

"Very good, I can hit three Goyles." Neville said what was in his heart, and then he realized that no matter how strong the strength is, Malfoy and Hermione all use magic spells, so he has no chance up close.

Nix shook his head. To him, three and ten Goyles were the same.

He took out a seed and asked, "Can you tell?"

Neville nodded, "Sneezeweed seeds."

Nix nodded: "The effect is good." He didn't tell Neville how to digest the potion, and he wouldn't give Neville a promotion. Neville is already very powerful and doesn't need to be strengthened.

Neville left the dormitory, he wanted to share the joy with his friends.

Gryffindor lost the last Quidditch match, without the ace Seeker Harry Potter, Gryffindor was brutally abused by Ravenclaw.

Harry finally woke up before the year-end banquet.

Ron was pleasantly surprised that Harry no longer saw the phantom.He said to Hermione, "You're right, Dumbledore won't let anything happen to Harry."

He glanced at Nix again, and continued: "But Nix must have a problem, he still has illusions."

Hermione: "You're just biased against Knicks."

Nix heard the conversation between the two and just smiled.In the past few days, he found out what Ron saw in him, and every time he saw him, he would cry.After discovering this, Nix dangled in front of Ron whenever he had nothing to do.

The banquet began and Dumbledore stood up to speak.

"I have some final points to split before declaring the House Cup. Ron Weasley, who won a very meaningful wizard's game. Fifty points to Gryffindor."

Cheers erupted at the Gryffindor table, the corners of Ron's mouth were almost raised to the sky, and he looked at the people around him proudly.

After the silence, Dumbledore continued: "Miss Hermione Granger, in the face of danger, she calmly used her intelligence, Gryffindor adds 50 points.

Harry Potter, he bravely faced the enemy, in recognition of his courage and extraordinary courage, Gryffindor added 60 points. "

Ron whispered to Harry, "We have as many points as Slytherin."

Nix suddenly felt that Lao Deng would not praise him verbally, but his purpose was not pure that day, and it was normal not to be praised. Fortunately, there was an elixir of life as a comfort.

Old Deng continued: "It takes courage to face an enemy, but even more courage to stand firm when facing a friend. Neville Longbottom won 10 points for Gryffindor."

Neville looked at the people around him stupidly, but hadn't realized what was going on.

Dumbledore announced that the House Cup belonged to Gryffindor, and the decoration in the Great Hall changed from Slytherin green to Gryffindor red and gold.

After the dinner, Nix was taken to the principal's office by Professor McGonagall.There are a lot of magic items here, and his senses are constantly reminding him that there are many potion ingredients, especially the phoenix, which feels that various potion ingredients have been mixed together.

Dumbledore has a small bottle in front of him, and to his right is a small shield with a face and a plate of handmade murlocs made of zeppelin and dried fish.That small shield is the remnant of the Guardian of Giant Path Sequence 5, it is more appropriate to call it a sealed item.

Nix sighed in his heart that Lao Deng still has such good handwork, but yes, Lao Deng is also an alchemist after all, so it is not uncommon to know some handicrafts.

"Nix Lestrange, I need you to do me a little favor, which is also the last test." Dumbledore said.

"Principal, please speak."

"Can I have a potion?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Nix was taken aback. Is this the fact that Ron was secretly drugged?

He nodded and agreed, "Yes."

After thinking for a while, he wrote down the ingredients for the audience potion, and at the same time made a bottle with the potion ingredients he got and placed it in front of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore handed Nix the potion in front of him, and said, "This is the elixir you want."

When Nix finished the potion, he saw Dumbledore drink the audience potion. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Lao Deng smacked his lips and said, "It doesn't smell like anything."

Lao Deng heard the whispers that came later, and before Lao Deng could find the source, the whispers stopped.After examining Knicks for a while, Lao Deng let him go.

Nix regretted it, why did he give him the audience potion, and acted more carefully from now on.

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