Autumn, London, King's Cross Station

Diana led Tifa to see Nix off.

Nix held the cat in his hand, carried a satchel on his body, and saluted in the lady's satchel on his body.That's right, a lady's satchel, made by her father for her mother, is Diana's least favorite one.

Tifa asked curiously: "Brother, don't you know magic? Why do you still need to make a train to go to school?"

Nix felt that Tifa was a little bit adrift. Look at how she cried when she didn't receive the notification from Hogwarts.

Diana didn't want to bring Tifa, the little girl was going to class today, but she clamored to send her brother off because she hadn't seen Nix for a long time.

In fact, she wanted to see the magic school in her heart, but she was destined to be disappointed. There was only a train to Hogwarts here.

Tifa's eyes wandered, trying to find the magic train.

Diana was absent-minded, trying to figure out how to get back, without Nix, unable to find the Leaky Cauldron, unable to use the fireplace.

Fortunately, after the Diagon Alley incident, Diana was prepared. Not only did she carry pounds on her body, but she also asked Jin Yan to stand by.

Nix was looking for station nine and three-quarters.

Diana asked Nix: "Have you found it yet? Can't you ask Jin Yan to take you there?"

For the sake of her confused mother, Nix deliberately cultivated her habit of looking for Jin Yan when she was in trouble. It is estimated that Nix was not at home, and Jin Yan might suffer.

Nix nodded and said, "I found it."

He saw the famous Harry Potter, who also went to Hogwarts for the first time. Harry Potter had already asked the Weasleys how to get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, and the twin brothers were demonstrating.

Nix grabbed Tifa and rubbed her head in retaliation.Let her eyes go to Brother Weasley.

Tifa was very dissatisfied: "Nix, you hurt me."

The younger sister's words were terrible, but she forgot about Nix's rub when she saw the Weasley brothers disappearing one after the other.

After Harry and Ron disappeared, Nix pulled them through the wall, Tifa looked disappointed at the train, and said to Nix: "This is not magic at all, bro, can you go to school in a magical way? "

Nix looked at his sister and said seriously, "Don't be mad at me anymore."

Tifa said indifferently: "I can come by myself next year, I don't need you anymore, la la la."

Nix grabbed his sister: "Remember what you said, I will wait for you to beg me, and you will see me then."

On the train, Nix looked at his mother Diana and sister Tifa worriedly. He was really afraid that they would get lost in London.

As the train started, Nix took out a copy of "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Kinds" from his bag, and the little milk cat came to a new environment, jumping up and down curiously.

Soon a little fat man knocked on the door with a toad in his arms. He asked, "Can I sit here?"

Nix nodded.

The little fat man put down his salute and introduced himself: "Hi, my name is Neville, Neville Longbottom. How about you?"

Nix thought it would be unfriendly not to answer, so he smiled and said, "My name is Nix, Nix Lestrange."

The little fat man was so frightened that the toad in his hand fell to the ground, and the toad jumped and disappeared from the door.

Nix blessed it not to be stepped on, but according to the plot, it should be able to survive until the sorting ceremony.

Neville stammered, "Rye, Rye, Lestrange!"

Nix nodded with a smile, "That's right."

Neville's reaction was within Knicks' expectation.It would be nice to have a camera.

Another girl came into the car and asked, "Is there any space here? Can I rest here?"

Nix nodded again, "Of course, my name is Nix, Nix Lestrange. How about you?"

The girl put down her bow and noticed that Neville trembled when she heard Lestrange, and asked curiously, "My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger, what's wrong with him?"

Nix shrugged, "I don't know, maybe I thought of something terrible."

Hermione observed Neville and agreed with Nix.

After a while, Neville finally stopped shaking, and asked Nix, "Will you kill me?"

Nix put the book on his hand beside him, rubbed his chin as if thinking, he just wanted to scare Neville, and then said: "Normally not."

Hermione saw Nix's bad taste, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why are you scaring people, you are going too far."

Nix spread his hands, "I didn't do anything, I just introduced myself, and that's all he did."

Neville wasn't afraid anymore, but he didn't dare to look at Nix either, and sat beside Hermione like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Nix picked up the book and continued to read. Hermione saw Nix reading and asked, "Do you like reading too?"

"No, I don't like reading, but books allow me to gain knowledge. In order to threaten my sister next year, I must read books." Nix said truthfully.

Hermione: We can't talk today!

Neville asked Hermione in a low voice, "Did you see my blessing?"

Hermione: "What blessing?"

Neville: "My toad."

Hermione: "I didn't see the toad when I came in, Nix, did you see it?"

Nix: "I see."

Hermione: "Where?"

Nix: "Jumped out when Neville was in a daze."

Hermione: "Why don't you grab it."

Nix grabbed the little milk cat and said, "Look, how pitiful it is to be caught, let it run freely."

Hermione: ... "Help find it."

Nix: "No."

Hermione wanted to bark her teeth at Nix, but that was too unladylike, take a deep breath, I'm not angry, I'm not angry.

"Why don't you help?"

Nix: "Pets must have the self-awareness of pets. Just look at my cat, it knows not to run far."

Hermione: "What's your cat's name?"

Knicks: "I haven't decided whether to call it 'Google' or 'Garfield'."

Hermione: "Garfield's an orange cat, your cat is black and white. Does 'gooooo' mean anything?"

Nix thought for a while and said, "It's also an orange cat."

Hermione: ... "I'm going to help Neville find the toad, are you really not going to help?"

Nix shook his head, and picked up "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Kinds" again.

After Hermione left, the carriage became much quieter. Nix found a useful herb in the book. From the description, it was very similar to the daffodil juice in the sequence potion.

After a while, a boy and two attendants opened the car door.

Nix looked up to see Draco appearing with his entourage.Draco found out that it was Nix who said: "My name is Draco Malfoy, I know your name is Nix Lestrange, I hope you don't dishonor the reputation of pure blood."

"Don't worry, it won't, after all, the reputation of pure blood can no longer be bad." Nix confronted.

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