Malfoy and Ron heard whispers as Nix approached the Lihen bookstore.Malfoy knew Nix was around.Ron looked around, and he felt that Nix must be playing tricks around.

When he saw Nix, he turned his face away, the vision still blinding.

Ron has been having a hard time recently. He often hears strange sounds at home. He told his parents that they think it is Ron's hallucination, and there is no strange sound at all.

After the two fighting people were separated by Hagrid, the Malfoy family left quickly with a harsh word, and the remaining Weasley family and Hagrid left the bookstore.

Nix was explaining to Tifa that Hagrid wasn't a giant, just tall.Hermione saw him with sharp eyes and shouted, "Nix, this way."

Ron stared at Nix with a bad expression, the Weasley twins and Harry were very happy, and Ginny looked curious.

Their father Arthur Weasley saw Lovegood behind Nix and greeted him: "Lovegood, your daughter is so old."

Lovegood pointed to Luna and said, "This is my daughter." He pointed to Nix and said, "They belong to the Lestrange family, right in town."

Arthur remembered something, and asked quietly, "That Lestrange who helped us ten years ago?"

Lovegood nodded.

The twins said enthusiastically to Nix: "Nix, come to our house, we have something to show you, and the potato soup made by mother tonight is a rare delicacy."

Arthur also invited Lovegood.

Lovegood hesitated. The two families are considered neighbors, but they have nothing to do with each other.

Arthur Weasley said: "My youngest daughter is going to Hogwarts too, and your daughter will be going to Hogwarts this year too. Maybe they will be assigned to a house."

The hospitality was hard to refuse, and Lovegood agreed to Arthur's invitation.

The Burrow was not as bad as Nix had imagined. The entire building had four floors. It looked like a dilapidated building from the outside. If it was not maintained by magic, it would have collapsed a long time ago.

The interior space is larger than what you see from the outside, and there are five floors not counting the attic.The space is cramped, but not crowded.The layout is obviously not planned, and a floor is added if necessary, which makes the house strange.

Molly Weasley prepared ice cream for Tifa and Luna, and Lovegood and Arthur were drinking tea and reading the newspaper, and the atmosphere between the two was a little stiff.

The two families live very close to each other, but they don't communicate much. The Weasleys don't like the magazine "The Quibbler" very much.

George and Fred said to Nix: "Come on, let's show you around."

There are various modern commodities in the room, which are more or less changed by magic, some can still be used after being magical, and some are broken.

Nix followed the twins upstairs, Ron behind them.

Ron wondered, obviously Nix didn't do anything, he could still hear Nix's voice, mixed with the instigation of the woman asking him to kill Nix.

Think about it as if he could hear this since he saw the vision on Nix, and he knew that Seamus had the same situation after drinking the potion.

Ron followed Nix, trying to figure out what was going on.By the way, keep an eye on Nix, don't let him destroy the Burrow.

Hermione looked at the sneaky Ron and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Shh, the Knicks must be planning something, I'm looking for news." Ron said.

Hermione shook her head. Ron had recently become crazy and fell into a trance, muttering words that others could not understand.Now the behavior is getting weird too.

When I came to the twins' room on the third floor, there were traces of explosions in many places. When I entered the door, I saw a pen on the table and a quill with a strange color next to it. Nix knew that the twins wanted to make a quill that didn't need to be dipped in ink.

After going to school, Nix was troubled by the quill pen. The first time he used the quill pen, it was still fresh, but after a few times, he felt inconvenient.

After using it for a long time, you will get used to it, and you can think about how to write the next sentence when dipping in the ink.

George introduced: "That's an automatic inkjet quill."

"But we failed, and only turned him the color of ink," continued Fred.

George pulled out a box under the bed: "This is our latest product."

Fred sells: "We've tested it and it's safe."

George: "You should buy it, it's worth it."

Inside the box are magic fireworks, and the twins plan to sell the batch of fireworks for Nix in exchange for a sum of Galleons to carry out the next stage of research.

When Knicks was picking, Tifa and Ginny were arguing downstairs.

Nix turned and opened the door, and a figure fell to the ground.Harry and Hermione said awkwardly outside the door: "We're just passing by."

No one believed it, but Nix and the Weasley brothers hurried downstairs to find out what was going on with the quarrel downstairs.

Nix stepped on Ron to go out, and went downstairs to find three little girls eating ice cream in harmony. They were arguing whether Lockhart's work was true, and Ginny and Tifa both wanted to convince each other with their voices.

Arthur and Lovegood watched with a smile.It's not a serious matter for children to quarrel, and they didn't do anything.

Tifa said loudly: "Girald Lockhart is a big liar. His books are all made up. He doesn't have those skills."

Tifa found Lockhart's book in the study and wrote to Nix after reading it, asking if what was written in it was true.

Nix's reply was very simple, he just wrote "Please distinguish between stories and facts."

Tifa firmly believed in Nix's words. In her eyes, Lockhart's books were all made up, and nothing happened.

Ginny was different. Her father worked in the Ministry of Magic and knew that everything in the book happened.I have no doubts about Lockhart.

"Then tell me, where is "Wandering with Werewolves" fake?" Ginny asked.

Tifa was furious: "That's just a novel, not a fact."

"No, that's the truth. Everything in the book has happened, and the Ministry of Magic has investigated it," Ginny said.

Tifa didn't know anything about the wizarding world, she looked to Luna for help.

Luna was tasting ice cream when she saw Tifa looking at her and said, "Would you like a change? Cherry flavor, it's delicious."

Tifa turned her head, this teammate was hopeless.

Seeing Nix come down, she said in surprise: "Brother, tell her that Lockhart didn't do those things."

Ginny's eyes were downcast and her expression was angry. Only her mother liked Lockhart as much as she did. Her father and brothers didn't like Lockhart. It would be nice not to help Tifa convince her.

Nix went to Tifa's side, took a bite of her ice cream, and said, "There's no need to quarrel, you'll find out after school, he's the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. By the way, Tifa, you have to respect the professor, Don't say that in front of him."

Tifa smiled and nodded: "I will."

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