Sequence Potions at Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Howling Letters and Mandrakes

Back in the common room, Seamus announced Harry and Ron's feat.The wizards of Gryffindor were sensational.

Tifa went to bed, tired after an exciting day.Ginny remained in the common room, worried about Ron, and even more worried about Harry.

Harry and Ron received a warm welcome when they returned, and it was probably the most special way to go to school in recent years.The two sneaked back to the dormitory to avoid Hermione and Percy's education.

At breakfast the next day, everyone sat together, with Nix on the left of Tifa and Ginny on the right. The two girls became good friends and shared some rumors about Hogwarts while eating.

Opposite Nix was Hermione, who was educating Ron and Harry beside her.An owl suddenly slammed into the plate in front of Hermione.Hermione was splashed with porridge, and the unfinished breakfast was over.Nix was also affected, but not as badly as Hermione.

The owl belonged to the Weasleys, and it was very old, but the Weasleys couldn't afford a new one.It had a red letter in its mouth, and when Ron saw it, he muttered "It's over, it's over"

Hermione thought he was talking about an owl, and comforted, "It's okay, it's still alive."

Ron looked at the envelope and was speechless. He saw a vision on the envelope. It was a volcano flowing with magma. There was also a raging roar in his ears, as if the volcano was about to erupt the next moment.

Neville beside Knicks reminded: "You'd better open it quickly."

Ron, who was frightened by the illusion, did not move. Harry looked at the red envelope and asked, "What is that?"

Neville replied: "The roaring letter, my grandma sent me one once, but I ignored it, and it turned out..."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

The next moment he knew the consequences, the red envelope began to smoke, and a huge voice sounded in the auditorium.

"What did you all do..."

Molly Weasley growled at Ron.The little wizards around looked over, curious as to who had received the Howler letter.

Before the voice disappeared, he whispered softly to Ginny: "Congratulations..."

The little wizards began to communicate. Originally, only Gryffindor knew about Harry and Ron driving to school, and it spread quickly.

The roaring letter landed on the dining table after burning. Tifa carefully poked it with a spoon. Not only was she not afraid, but she was very excited. She turned to Nix and asked, "Brother, is this magic? Can you do it?"

Nix squinted at her and said, "The only person who can let me use a roar letter is you, do you want me to write one?"

Tifa immediately shook her head, quickly finished her breakfast, and said to Nix, "Brother, I'm going to class."

"Wait." Nix stopped her and asked, "What's your first class?"

"Transfiguration." Ginny replied to Tifa on the side.

Nix explained: "Go to class on time, listen carefully, and don't make trouble." After thinking about it, he added: "It doesn't matter if you get deducted points, I believe Hermione can add it back."

Hermione said angrily: "Nix, you will teach her badly like this, and I didn't add points to deduct you."

Tifa nodded in agreement, and went to class with Ginny.

After breakfast, thanks to the Howler letter, Hermione was no longer educating Harry and Ron, and the target shifted to Nix, and the phrase "Hermione can add it back" offended her.

Herbalism was taught in the greenhouse, and the Whomping Willow by the greenhouse was tightly bound with bandages. Nix thought about finding time to visit the Whomping Willow, and the fallen branches might be used as ingredients for potion.

In front of the greenhouse, Lockhart pestered Professor Sprout to say something, and Professor Sprout was visibly impatient.

Nix felt sorry for Lockhart.Lockhart wanted to be a dazzling person, but unfortunately he didn't have much talent. After he succeeded in writing a book, he became blindly arrogant. He always wanted to show off, but he didn't have the strength.

He saw Harry say a lot of things, and finally walked away with square steps.

In the herbal medicine class, we learned to repot the Mandrake. Nix and Hermione were in a group. Before the start, Professor Sprout asked a few questions.

Hermione raised her hand and put it down again.She originally wanted to answer the questions for extra points, but when she thought about what Nix said in the morning, she let it go and stopped answering the questions.

Nix grabbed Hermione's hand and raised it up. Hermione stared at Nix angrily, and Nix didn't look sideways.Professor Sprout pointed Hermione to answer the question, and added ten points after Hermione answered correctly.

After sitting down, Hermione whispered, "I won't deduct points for you."

"How can it be said that it is deducted from us? The extra points are for the Academy Cup. Without your hard work and extra points last year, how could we have succeeded." Knicks comforted with a smile.

Hermione snorted and ignored Nix.

Professor Sprout asked everyone to put on earmuffs and pull out the Mandrake seedlings.

Nix looked at the seedling and sensed through the system that it could be used as a potion material, the material of the Reader's potion.

He was stunned. Just now Hermione answered the mandrake's effect, which is used to make a powerful recovery potion. He didn't expect it to replace the reader's potion material. The difference is a bit big.

Professor Sprout demonstrated how to repot the Mandrake, warned everyone of the precautions, and let the little wizards do it.

Hermione put on the earmuffs and pulled out the Mandrake seedlings. The seedlings were unwilling to leave the soil and moved wildly.Nix looked at the seedling and tried to use the apothecary's ability to control the plant, and the mandrake immediately froze.

While Nix was wondering if this thing was the ginseng fruit in Journey to the West, Hermione took the quiet mandrake to find Professor Sprout.Recovering, Nix pulled her back.

Hermione gestured, meaning that this one might be dead if it doesn't move.Nix immediately moved the mandrake, saying that it could still be rescued.Hermione grabbed the Mandrake and hit it a few times. She thought the Mandrake was playing dead to trick her.

Nix gestured for a long time, and finally let Hermione understand that he could control the Mandrake.Hermione shoved the Mandrake into Nix's arms.Nix controlled the mandrake, slowly dug up the soil, planted himself in it and buried it.

Mandrakes don't want to be pulled out, but they don't want to go back when they are pulled out.It is very difficult for little wizards to change pots. Seeing Nix's easy way, Neville also wants to try.But his abilities are different from Nix's. The mandrakes he released grow rapidly, without enough fertilizer, they wither rapidly after maturity.

Professor Sprout saw that Neville had a problem, so he came over to take the mandrake in Neville's hand, and found that this plant was finished, shook his head and left, she was used to Neville's problem.

Neville gave up using his ability to take shortcuts and chose the normal method.

When class was over, everyone was sweating profusely, only Knicks remained calm.He controlled a mandrake seedling and walked out of the greenhouse without the professor noticing.

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