Lockhart put down the paper and said to Nix, "Nix, I know you are eager to become famous, but I won't help you promote it even if you give me potions."

Nix ignored Lockhart's sarcasm, and said lightly: "Professor, are you sure? I can help you do the things written in the book."

Lockhart paused, but he immediately thought of something, and replied, "I'm sure, and I've already done those things."

Low laughter sounded in the classroom.Most of the boys don't believe Lockhart's deeds, let alone the exaggeration in the book, even if there is no exaggeration, the boys will not admit it.

The girls glared at a few boys who laughed, but that didn't stop the boys from making fun of Lockhart.

Lockhart bent down and took out a large cage from behind the podium, and said, "Okay, I'm going to teach you to resist the most evil black magic in the world. Now you are going to face the most terrifying creatures. I hope you will stay calm and don't panic. Yell. Remember, you're safe with me."

The laughter in the classroom disappeared, and everyone looked at the cage nervously.

When Lockhart lifted the hood, he said, "The little elf I just caught."

This time, the laughter in the classroom became louder.Some girls couldn't help laughing too. No one thought the elf was dangerous.

Nix silently packed everything on the desk, and when Lockhart released the elf, he put on his armor to hide.

Lockhart heard the laughter and said, "Well, since you don't think it's dangerous, let's see how you deal with them."

After he finished speaking, he opened the cage, and the little elves inside flew out and began to wreak havoc.

Nix quickly hid in the corner, watching the chaos in the classroom.

Neville drank the potion and his body was strengthened a lot. He was not caught and hung on the chandelier. He and Seamus stood back to back, and when an elf came over, he would fight back, punching a child.

The two were majestic like gods of war, and everyone looked at them enviously.

But if they are handsome for less than three seconds, they are finished.The elves found that they couldn't get close and start long-range attacks. They threw ink, threw books, and everything at hand was an offensive item.

A large area of ​​Neville's body was stained with ink, and his face was a little pale. Seamus was even worse. He was hit by a copy of "Walking with Trolls", and his eyes were swollen.

They hid in embarrassment like other students. Seeing the two dodging, the elves became more arrogant and unscrupulous as if they had won.

Lockhart's wand was snatched from the podium, and he hid under the podium in embarrassment.

Hermione also released the armor protection on herself, the flying ink and books did not hit her, she did not stay in place as a target, and also got under the desk.

The chaos in the classroom continued until the end of get out of class, Nix was the first to slip away, the trio was a step behind and Lockhart left to clean up the elves.

Leaving the classroom, Nix walked outside the castle, he was going to ripen the Mandrake, and found Tifa and Luna when he passed the corridor.

Tifa sat on the railing with an aggrieved expression and tears on her face. Luna sat next to her with dangling calves. The two of them looked forward together without speaking.

Luna was wearing a school uniform, her hair was loose, her eyes were bright, and she didn't know what she was thinking.Sitting there and everything around it feels out of place.

When normal people looked at the two of them, they would subconsciously ignore Tifa and only pay attention to Luna.

Nix walked behind Tifa and covered her eyes.Before he could speak, he heard Tifa say: "Brother, are we really not brother and sister?"

"Of course they are siblings. Why do you ask that?" Nix was sure that he was Diana's son, and Tifa was also Diana's daughter.

"Then why does Professor Snape doubt my blood?" Tifa asked.

Nix was stopped by the question, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Is your potion finished?"

Tifa nodded.

"I just followed the steps in the book, and there was no difference in one step. Why was the potion finished, and Ginny who smelled it was sent to the infirmary."

Nix thought to himself, what did my sister cook? He remembered that the first thing he taught in potions class was a simple potion for curing boils. He sent someone to the infirmary just by smelling the smell. What kind of poison did he cook.

"It's okay, don't you see that my Transfiguration is also a mess. I'm going to practice, why don't you come with me, I'll teach you how to prepare potions, and you teach me Transfiguration?" Nix comforted.

"Okay, where are we going?" She turned to Luna and said, "Luna, are you coming?"

Luna thought for a while and said, "No, I still have to go to the library, are you okay?"

"Thank you for staying with me, I'm fine." Tifa thanked.

Saying goodbye to Luna, Nix said to Tifa: "You have made a good friend, has she been with you all the time?"

"I don't even know why she came to me."

"Then you should be even more grateful. Luna will accompany you when she sees you are unhappy."

Tifa's mood improved: "I know, Luna is my best friend now."

There are fewer people outside the castle, and everyone stays in the common room at the beginning of school to exchange information about the summer vacation with their peers.

Gerald Lockhart suddenly rushed over from behind, he stopped Nix and said, "Is it true what you said about giving me the potion?"

Before Nix could speak, Tifa asked first, "Are you really a book writer like what my brother said?"

Nix was embarrassed, thinking that it was fine for his sister to hate others, why did he blame him, and when did he say that.

Lockhart said seriously: "Little girl, I have experienced all the things in the book. Your brother told you that because he was jealous of me."

"Seeing that you have a good smile, I believe it, but since you have done those things, why do you still ask your brother for potions, aren't you a wizard? You are not a squib." Tifa said.

Nix holds Tifa back, motioning her not to say that she's a Squib.Not many people know that Tifa was a Squib.

Luna knew, but she wouldn't talk nonsense. Dumbledore knew, and according to what Old Deng said, Lupine, who had been monitoring and protecting Tifa, didn't tell.

"Professor, you want it now, isn't today your birthday?" Nix asked.

"No, I'm just curious about your potion." Lockhart said awkwardly.

"Did you see Mr. Filch at the gate of the castle, no, Miss Filch? That's the power of the potion." Nix said.

Filch stood at the gate of the castle every day to arrest people, which became a sight of Hogwarts.

"Will anyone who drinks the potion turn into a woman?" Lockhart hesitated.

"No, it's just that Filch's potion is like this. It's inevitable that I made mistakes when I first came into contact with potion. But if you want it, it's not impossible. I believe that your transformation will be no worse than Filch's, maybe even worse. Attractive. Then your smile can defeat most monsters." Nix taunted.

"I'm thinking, thinking again." Lockhart left, but Nix knew that he was tempted by the potion.

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