The villain of Kuaishou is my treasure

Chapter 338 Forced Marriage and Robbery, My Sister Is So Scared~ (49)

Feng Beimian was sent away by Xiao Rao.

This time is really booming...

[I can't wait to open the treasury to see how much wealth the Minister's Mansion has. 】

Xiao Rao said lightly.

9527 waved a small flag, [Yes, yes, Sister Rao, everyone surnamed Xiao is dead, and all the money belongs to you, what are men?A rich woman is eternal! 】

She was elated.

Also, she doesn't sympathize with Feng Beimian at all.

"You, Raoer..."

Feng Beimian smiled helplessly. Although she was dissatisfied with being bombarded, it could be seen that her blushing, slightly annoyed face and sparkling eyes did not seem to be as painful as he thought, because of the tragic situation of her brother and niece...

He was very happy.

He didn't force himself, but held her cheeks, stole a few kisses, and strode away.

Zhijun Wang's side...the net should be closed.

His royal father, hehe, the dragon chair has been sitting for long enough, it's time to give way.


The incest incident of Xiao Jing's wife, the servant of the household department, shocked the whole of Kyoto.

Emperor Xuande was stunned.


His confidant is so...

Can you let go?

Spoiling concubines and destroying wives, and concubines killing the mistress is enough. Taking a fancy to the eldest daughter, conspiring with the younger daughter to drug someone, leading to their tragic death.

Alas, her eldest daughter is disfigured.

Xiao Jing's taste is really...


Emperor Xuande received more than 100 letters to participate in his memorials, and all the officials turned into "moral guards", wishing to peel him off.

Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice jointly tried the case.

They are professionals, so...

Pick it up, pick it up.

It was very clean.

Going to brothels, the youngest daughter who became 'friends' with the young man, killed the concubine brother, buried the eldest daughter of the concubine sister alive, the first wife who was killed by the concubine's room, and the infertile eldest son smashed~

And, Xiao Jing who was sprayed with X medicine in the face by his youngest daughter and almost committed incest.

Dali Temple: ...

Ministry of Punishment: ...

Emperor Xuande: ...

Officials: ...

They cast their sympathetic eyes on Pei Ciye~

Zhen Guogong will really cheat his son!

Such a stinking shithole dares to let him marry at home!

Fortunately, the marriage was divorced.

Otherwise, with this wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, wow, there is nothing else to do in the rest of my life, just wait for bad luck.

Pei Ciye: ...

Thank you, don't look, people have closed themselves.

Hundreds of officials admired other people's "love, hate, love and hatred". Emperor Xuande swiped his pen, Xiao Jing was demoted, sentenced to fifty rods, exiled for five thousand miles, and served as slaves to armored men without pardon.

As for Xiao Rao...

She quietly watched Xiao Jing being punished, and watched him embark on the road of exile northward.

It's like when Xiao Jing watched with cold eyes, the original body was sinking into the pond.

She sent Xiao Jing away, turned around and returned to the mansion, and ordered her servants to take off the plaque of "Shi Lang's Mansion" and replace it with a simple "Xiao Mansion". She opened Xiao Jing's warehouse and counted the family property...


A lot of money.

At least a million taels.

Xiao Rao rolled her eyes, sent [-] silver to the south, and gave it to her cheap nephew who had never appeared in her original world. It was considered to be settled for the rest of his life, and then she let out rumors that she was going to give Xiao Jing an adoptive child. , it can be regarded as a continuation of the incense of the Xiao family...

Of course, Xiao Rao is not interested in those who are not incense. Her purpose is actually to attract Feng Beimian.

She was very uncomfortable staying in the Xiao residence.

Xiao Jing had been exiled before, and he and the clansmen in his original body came to the door one after another, trying to marry her off forcefully, subtly, or cleverly, with the intention of occupying the Xiao family's property.

A while ago, her sister-in-law, who was said to be, uh, eight or nine generations old, came to persuade her, saying that she had found a good guy from the grassland, who was the patriarch of the Gaga clan, he was handsome, young and promising!

The family has never married a wife.

Marrying in the past is the right thing to do.

The vast prairie, patriarch!

Xiao Rao: ...

I'm crazy, it's wrong to let the queen go to the grassland to be an aboriginal wife?

She kindly invited her sister-in-law away, reiterated her idea of ​​becoming a monk again, and then waited quietly...

However, those who should have not come, and those who should not have come to the door instead.

On this day, the red sun hangs high.

Xiao Rao was lazily lying in the bedroom, eating red bean ice, when a servant girl suddenly complained outside.

"Auntie, Mr. Pei, please see me."

[Pei Ciye?What is he here for? 】

9527 is curious.

Xiao Rao raised her eyebrows slightly, pondered for a moment, then smiled, 【See you, just these days, I was very annoyed by the Xiao family. 】

[Look at the handsome guy, wash your eyes. 】

She rolled over.

[Sister Rao, aren't we waiting for Fengfeng? 】

9527 whispered.

Xiao Rao glanced at her, 【It's fine if you don't have any fish or shrimp, just to meet you, and you don't do anything. 】

"Please go to the study."

She ordered in a low voice.


The servant girl whispered, turned and retreated.

Xiao Rao simply tidied up, stepped out of the hospital and came to the study, she opened the door and entered.

Standing in front of the window, Pei Ciye suddenly looked back.

The eyebrows are picturesque.

Yushu faces the wind.

Let the family members of the Xiao family recently see Xiao Rao and 9527, who almost want to vomit, feel like a spring breeze in an instant.

[It's delicious. 】

9527 wiped his mouth and sighed: 【Fengfeng, come quickly, if you don't come, I will betray you. 】

[Who said no! 】

Xiao Rao joked.

"Miss Xiao, I'm sorry for Pei's impolite visit."

With a deep voice, Pei Ciye strode forward, and when he came to Xiao Rao's side, he turned his body slightly and clasped his fists in salute.

"Pei Shizi, you're welcome. What's the matter with you today?" Xiao Rao took a step back, frowning slightly, her pretty face tensed.

There seems to be displeasure.

It seemed as if he really didn't want to deal with him, but it was hard to refuse.

Seeing this, Pei Ciye smiled wryly.

He understood that it was the incident of taking a concubine that offended him last time.

"Miss Xiao, Xiao, please feel sorry for Mrs. Xiao, if you need help, you can tell Pei, Pei will do his best!"

Pei Ci said at night.

"No, he's exiled, my family is dead, ordinary people don't have any trouble, don't dare to bother Mr. Pei."

Xiao Rao said softly.

Pei Ciye: ...

"Miss Xiao, do you have to figure it out so clearly with Pei?" He sighed.

"You and I are different, so we should avoid suspicion. What's more, you have a special status. You are Yawen's ex-fiancé, and you have made unreasonable demands on me..."

Xiao Rao said softly, looked at Pei Ciye with fox eyes, and said in a cold tone: "Pei Shizi, you have been rude to me several times for no reason, I would like to see you politely and treat you politely. But you can't..."

"But, I am not to be bullied!"

"I know, I understand, I didn't want to bully you!"

Pei Ciye repeatedly confessed his love.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Rao raised her voice.

"Miss Xiao, I really want to confess to you. I have told my parents that I want to marry you..."

Pei Ciye blurted out.

He loves Xiao Rao, it's true love, last time he was refused to return home, he tossed and turned, couldn't sleep at night, Xiao Rao's figure was always in his mind.

Can't forget.

Can't let go.

I miss you every day.

Dreaming every night.

Pei Ciye tried many methods, he even accepted the beautiful Tongfang from his mother...


No one can replace Xiao Rao.

Pei Ciye was in a lot of pain and struggled for a long time. Finally, he figured it out.

Marrying Xiao Rao, maybe one day in the future, he will regret it, but not marrying Xiao Rao, he regrets it very much now.

So, he came to confess...

"Miss Xiao, please promise me."

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