Hogwarts Summoning Manual

Chapter 451 Another possibility

Bai Lin never dreamed that he would be interrogated as a criminal. He was sitting on a locked iron chair, facing the bright light, and was asked several questions over and over by several criminal policemen:

What happened?

How did you push down Mr. Zhong and a few followers?

Then there were arguments such as strictness for those who resisted and leniency for those who confessed. Bai Lin was not in a hurry, and patiently described the situation at that time. He said that using the extraordinary power "will barrier" would definitely be regarded as nonsense. He could only say that he did not You know what happened, otherwise why would you have been in a coma for four days.

"Speaking of... there should be a lot of surveillance on the commercial street. After so many days, you should have watched it many times. Isn't it clear what happened at that time?" Bai Lin asked in an anti-customer tone after answering the question. .

"We will definitely adjust the surveillance. What we are talking about now is your problem! Be honest!" the young police officer next to Captain Xu shouted loudly.

Bai Lin spread his hands and said: "I have already said what I want to say, you can go and verify it! First, I went to pick up the books and they beat me for no reason. Second, I did not push them. My hands were all over the place from beginning to end. I didn’t meet any of them. Why did you ignore me when I was injured and unconscious for four days?”

As a murder suspect, he was so arrogant. Several young police officers were filled with anger, but Captain Xu still sat aside calmly. He had been observing Bai Lin, and finally concluded that Bai Lin was very confident, even a little I am confident and not worried about my future at all.

"I heard that you broke the wall of the dormitory corridor?" Captain Xu said abruptly: "I didn't expect you to be a martial arts master! Is it the martial arts passed down in your family?"

Bai Lin suddenly felt a bit tricky. After a little investigation, he found out that he had a martial arts gym in his hometown. Of course, he couldn't hide it. Many people still believed in the magic of martial arts. If the other party insisted that he used Qigong to commit the crime, , I am afraid that I am also unable to argue.

However, Bai Lin was not worried about going to jail. He just wanted to use his words to identify whether Captain Xu and others were controlled by Gracua. However, after some quick wits, he felt that the other party was normal: formatted questions, There was a bit of the pungency of an old detective, and a bit of emotion, and his tone was full of hostility, even a little impatient.

It was this emotion that allowed Bai Lin to rule out their suspicions. Grakua's way of thinking was even more cold and calm. Since he had been locked up in the detention center, he naturally would not be anxious.

After questioning for more than two hours, Bai Lin was sent back to the single room. Looking at the empty room, Bai Lin thought about it again. The most suspicious person at present was actually Mr. Zhong. From the moment he met Zhao Xixi when he entered the hospital, Zhong Shaodu played a very important role. He couldn't help but wonder how to meet Zhong Shaodu and trick him.

In the evening, after having a light meal in prison, someone unexpectedly came to visit him. You should know that a murder suspect like him did not visit just when he wanted, let alone it was already evening.

When they met, they realized it was Yan Xiaoyun. Her eyes were red, she had obviously just cried, and she looked affectionate and haggard.

"The food here is good, you don't have to worry too much about me..." Bai Lin said with a smile, indicating that the other party didn't have to worry.

Yan Xiaoyun pouted and complained: "You can still laugh... I have been scolded by my brother several times..."

"Your brother?" Bai Lin was stunned.

Yan Xiaoyun glanced at the iron gate behind him and said, "That's Xu Wei. Have you seen it?"

"Captain Xu? Is he your brother?" Bai Lin said in surprise. Captain Xu looks like he is forty years old, and he has a different surname from Yan Xiaoyun. But no wonder she can come to visit at this time, and she can also The hospital seems to have used some small connections to take care of itself. At the same time, I understood why Captain Xu and others were so hostile to me...

Yan Xiaoyun whispered: "He is the eldest son of my uncle's family... Don't worry about this for now. What are you going to do? I'm worried to death... Can your family help? Oh... My brother Your family should have been notified..."

Seeing Yan Xiaoyun's panicked look, completely losing the heroic demeanor when they first met, it seemed that he was really worried about himself.

Bai Lin scratched his head and suddenly thought, since Yan Xiaoyun has a little connection, maybe he can really help.

He whispered: "Can you help me check something?"

Yan Xiaoyun's eyes lit up and he said: "Do you have a way? Just tell me! I will definitely help you!"

Bai Lin said: "Help me go to the largest hospitals in the city and investigate to see if anyone has been in a coma for several days like me recently!"

Yan Xiaoyun frowned and said: "People in coma? There must be a lot of people in coma every day. My great-grandfather had a stroke and was in coma for several days..."

Bai Lin said: "It's characteristic. That person has a certain social status. He recovered quickly after waking up from a coma and was discharged from the hospital immediately!"

Yan Xiaoyun blinked, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "I will help you investigate. In addition, I remember that Zhao Xixi's mother is in the provincial hospital, and she should be able to help!"

Bai Lin nodded quickly and said: "That's a good relationship, but you must pay attention to safety and don't make a big show to attract attention..."

Yan Xiaoyun seemed to be suddenly filled with strength, and stood up suddenly and said: "I will tell you the results tomorrow afternoon at the latest!"

"Um... um, thank you..." Bai Lin suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He had somehow gotten the two girls involved in this incident. It might be dangerous, but there was really no good solution now.

Yan Xiaoyun suddenly looked at Bai Lin with resentment in her eyes, but this was not a good place to confide in each other. She left in a hurry, and Bai Lin was also taken back to the single room.

Of course, Bai Lin was not going to have a good life during the interrogation. He was interrogated once at night and was not allowed to sleep for two hours. He was interrogated unexpectedly in the middle of the night. However, these are all methods used to deal with ordinary people. Although Bai Lin cannot use extraordinary powers, But his physical fitness was invisibly much higher than that of ordinary people. He didn't feel anything at all. If he really wanted to extract a confession through torture, it would be a breakthrough point for him.

Yan Xiaoyun brought news at noon the next day, but there was no big shot that Bai Lin could analyze, which made his thoughts enter a dead end again.

"Maybe I thought wrong from the beginning..." Bai Lin rubbed his temples after returning to the single room.

A mosquito flew in from the window, but it didn't dare to bite Bai Lin desperately. Even when it was about ten centimeters closer to Bai Lin's skin, it was shaken to the ground by the strong coercion emanating from Bai Lin. But after a while, the mosquito slowed down again and flew away slowly.

Bai Lin was shocked and thought of a question.

Although the barrier of one's own will will push away the "non-self" matter, it does not have much lethality. How could it seriously injure the two followers or even kill them?

What if Gracua didn't successfully possess a powerful person, but just a gangster?

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