Hogwarts Summoning Manual

Chapter 79 Lulu's Concert

At night, the zoo closed earlier than the commercial street. After all, many magical animals didn't like to be disturbed at night. Catherine and Zhuobi were too tired to lift their fingers.The two house elves are still full of energy, which makes Catherine have to admire this race that is proud of labor.

Sending Catherine back to Hogsmeade, but Bai Lin still had things to do, Elder Ross sent him a ticket to Lulu's concert, and said that many bigwigs in the magic world would be present, so he must go.

Not to mention meeting some big bosses, I am now bound to the interests of the Ross family, so I have to show some face.

Arriving at the Opera House on Charles Street, the concert had already started, and the venue was full of seats. Following the guidance of the waiter, Bai Lin came to the VIP booth of Elder Ross. There were also several gentlemen in the private room. Bai Lin nodded apologetically to them, Sitting next to the one-eyed Elder Ross.

"Ha! Carey! I heard that the opening of the Magic Zoo today is very good!" Elder Ross patted Bai Lin on the shoulder and said.On the first day, if 5 Galleons per person was counted, the zoo also earned 25000 Galleons. Excluding all expenses, there was also a profit of more than 1 Galleons, which can be described as a cash cow.

Bai Lin kept making concessions, he knew that he was still a wage earner in front of Elder Ross, and at most he was the one who did the best work among the younger ones, and he still had to rely on this cheap uncle for many things.

Elder Ross introduced several gentlemen in the private room to Bai Lin, including Woolf, the director of the Commercial Department of the French Ministry of Magic, Blanco, the director of the Paris Auror Office, and Miller, the general manager of Charles Avenue.

Woolf has gray hair, is obese, and wears gold-rimmed glasses, but his eyes are very sharp and shrewd; while Blanco and Rufus, the director of the Auror Office of the British Ministry of Magic, have almost the same style: serious, cold, sharp, and resolute. Maybe this is The Auror office director looks like the position required; Miller is a well-bred gentleman in his 30s with a neat mustache. He is not Ross's subordinate, but the spokesperson of several local French nobles. Kachu had heard of him many times, but it was the first time seeing him today.

Elder Ross intentionally introduced Bai Lin to the three of them and praised him highly, but Blanco obviously didn't have much kindness towards Bai Lin. His eyes wandered back and forth on Bai Lin, as if he wanted to find some criminal evidence.

Lulu's singing sounded. Although it was a concert, the first few songs were excerpts from operas to cater to the high-level and nobles. The tunes were high-pitched, graceful and impeccable. Hooing, he sang a popular song. When Bai Lin heard oh my god, he would kill countless Muggle singers in seconds. He didn't know that Lulu was also a very famous singer and model in the Muggle world.

Everyone was immersed in Lulu's singing, and the old men stopped whispering. Suddenly, Bai Lin felt a strong sense of crisis. At the same time, a light blue light was lit on the balcony of the private room of the opera house. The magic shield, a large-caliber bullet hit the shield, bursting out a burst of golden light.

When the bullet was blocked by the magic shield, everyone heard the gunshot from the opposite side. The audience was obviously stunned for about a second before the timid lady screamed.

However, the second shot came again, and the magic shield was like a piece of bulletproof glass. The first bullet had consumed its protective power, and the second bullet directly shattered the shield, and the bullet flew straight towards Elder Ross.

Bai Lin and Blanco jumped up at the same time. Blanco took out his wand, and a light blue light lit up on the wand. The light formed a thick knight shield, which blocked him, while Bai Lin pushed Ross away. The elder, he took out his wand and used the black mist to fill the room, and suddenly a black mist enveloped the entire private room.

But the gunman on the opposite side didn't give up. Instead, he didn't need to aim at all, and shot one after another indiscriminately into the private room of the stand, but Bai Lin couldn't even determine the opponent's position.

Finally, the security guards arrived near the gangsters, and the shooting finally stopped. However, the security guards only saw a figure disappear out of thin air. It seemed that they had teleported away with a portkey or something else. They didn't even see whether it was a man or a woman.

Bai Lin let the black mist dissipate, looked around, Blanco hid in the corner, protected himself tightly with the magic knight shield, while Elder Ross, Miller and Director Woolf were covered in blood, already Intake less air out more.

Bai Lin rushed to Elder Ross. Elder Ross was shot twice, one on the thigh and one under the left collarbone. It should have destroyed his trachea leading to his left lung. There was still a faint glow of electricity at the gun.

Bai Lin knew that the shot that injured Elder Rose's trachea caused blood to pour into his respiratory system. If he didn't treat him immediately, Elder Rose would be drowned in his own blood within a few minutes.

"Flying Ice Arrow!" Bai Lin took his magic wand and cast ice magic on the wound under the collarbone, immediately freezing the blood from the wound.Then he pressed Elder Ross's right chest. Elder Ross coughed and spit out a lot of blood, but he was finally able to breathe.He stared at Bai Lin with one eye, and nodded slightly.

On the other side, Blanco cast a recovery spell on Woolf and Miller who were shot, but the spell was useless against this kind of bullet with electric light, and Blanco was immediately stunned.

"This is the secret bullet of the lawbreaker, which is specially designed to deal with wizards! We need Muggle surgeons!" Bai Lin hurriedly said.

"It's too late..." Blanco slowly closed Wulf's eyes. The chubby old man was dead.

Elder Ross's men rushed into the private room, but wanted to drive Bai Lin away. Elder Ross pointed to Bai Lin and signaled to listen to him.

Bai Lin summoned Phoenix, apparated directly to the nearest Muggle hospital, and sent Elder Ross to the emergency room. The chaos at the concert site was no longer Bai Lin's consideration. After a while, Kaka brought many Ross families The people rushed to the hospital, and the sudden appearance of the crowd frightened the Muggles in the hospital, but the situation was quickly brought under control, and a wizard gave passers-by a group forgetting technique.

The operation lasted for nearly two hours. Finally, the chief surgeon opened the door and said, "He is rescued. The patient is very stubborn, but he needs to rest. I don't know how you froze his trachea, but it is undoubtedly very effective. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous before it is sent to the hospital."

A group of wizards expressed their gratitude to the Muggle doctor, and Kaka walked up to Bai Lin and said, "I've heard it all, it's lucky to have you here this time, otherwise..."

He grasped Bai Lin's arm very femininely, making Bai Lin feel a chill. Seeing his tear-filled "delicate and charming" appearance, Bai Lin withdrew his arm calmly, and from Kaka's eyes I saw that it was different from the deacon's feelings for the host's family, and it was more like the kind of concern for relatives.

"Master~" Phoenix tugged at the corner of Bai Lin's clothes and said, "Mr. Blanc hopes you can cooperate with his inquiries, and please go to the French Ministry of Magic..."

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