The Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts is always up for business

0003 Master mathematics, physics and chemistry, don’t be afraid to learn magic

After spending a magical Sunday, those Muggle-born lion cubs and badger cubs who have just stepped into the magic gate and are more or less apprehensive and inferior in the face of the novel world, no matter what Unexpectedly, they will miraculously experience the sense of superiority from the non-magic world in the first magic class in their lives.


Aini looked at the well-behaved lion cubs and little badgers in the audience with satisfaction. Sure enough, grouping the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students together was what a serious professor should do.

Except for Professor Snape, who needed Slytherin students to be his fans in order to satisfy his own bad taste, Ernie would only put Gryffindor and Slytherin students together to teach because of his brain damage.

Soon it was time for class, and they clapped their hands to attract the attention of the little wizards.

"Although you have seen the application of Transfiguration at the banquet yesterday, I think you still need to understand Transfiguration in more detail. In terms of form transformation, Transfiguration is mainly divided into seven categories." Aini stretched out his hand, A match on the table jumped up, suddenly grew two pairs of thin hands and feet, evolved into a stickman, and changed from big to small at the same time, um, it was very funny.

"First, it does not involve material changes, but simply changes in shape, including becoming bigger and smaller."

With a wave of his hand, the stickman turned back into an ordinary match, and then turned into iron, which jingled when it fell to the ground.

"Second, change only the material, not the form. Don't whisper in class, Mr. Weasley."

Harry was horrified to find that Ron next to him had quietly turned into a bulletin board with the words "obey classroom discipline", and he was extremely thankful that he didn't have time to reply just now.

Many young wizards swallowed their saliva, straightened their heads towards their tablemates, and silently praised the Ronald mine detector with fear in their hearts.

"Third, life becomes non-life." After recovering Ron, Aini continued: "Thank you Mr. Weasley for his contribution to the classroom demonstration, and of course I hope you can abide by classroom discipline. If you can't keep your mouth shut, please ask me for help in the way of Mr. Ron."

The match that fell on the ground was suspended in the air under the traction of magic power, and turned into a lazy cat, shaking the tip of its tail comfortably, and the little wizards who were frightened by the bulletin board on the human body were collectively healed.

"Fourth, the transformation of non-life into life. Of course, in this semester, we will not involve the teaching of the third and fourth categories."

Aini did not continue to demonstrate, but went on to talk: "Fifth, the transformation of life, including the transformation of the human body, this is all the content of the current Hogwarts professors, but please keep in mind that if you are not accompanied by the professor, please do not try it privately." , the transformation of life may cause irreversible serious consequences, and even many magical creatures come from this. The following two types are too dangerous and will not be explained in class."

"Miss Granger, what's your problem." Ernie was not a colleague, and since the students could abide by his rules, he would not turn a blind eye to their raised arms.

"Professor Scamander, could you give me a brief introduction?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Granger, I think that for you now, just their names will bring risks. We all have a deep understanding of the curiosity of wizards." The witch continued with disappointed eyes: "However, in the following classes, if your performance is good enough, we can discuss related content after class."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Aini felt that little Emma, ​​oh, it was little Hermione's eyes were burning for a moment, full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, please put away the "Basic Transfiguration Guide"." Under the puzzled eyes of the young wizards in the audience, a stack of books flew up from the podium and distributed to them.

On the cover it says "Transfiguration", and below it there is a line of small print: Hogwarts Special Transfiguration Textbook.There are three names in the author column, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Aeneas Scamander.

"Next, please open the textbook and read the first section of Chapter 1 "Basic Theory". You have a quarter of an hour to read."

Two minutes later, Hermione raised her hand again.

"Miss Granger, please don't ask questions during reading time, keep quiet and don't disturb everyone."

Hermione looked left and right at the students who were still reading, lowered her head in embarrassment, and thought to herself, Hermione, it's too bad that you didn't realize that your question would disturb others.

Looking at Hermione who was reflecting, Aini's face became softer.Hyperegoism is a common phenomenon in young children, often ignoring others to achieve their goals, causing distress and even harm to others, often unintentionally.

Aini believes that being a professor is not only about imparting knowledge, but also a guide for lovely students, guiding them to improve themselves more effectively.

Now that I have come to this favorite magical world, I naturally have to do something to help others and make them better, so that I can also get spiritual pleasure from it.

After a while, the little witch seemed to have figured something out, took a long breath, opened the book and continued to read.

At the same time, Aini sensed a white light spot floating into his body, like a gift from a magical creature. Although he hadn't tested it yet, he somehow felt that his memory and part of his talent for magic spells had been obtained. A slight boost!

Aini laughed, sure enough, apart from cute animals, wizards also have wool to pluck.

Under the podium, Justin looked at the lines of writing on the page.

【…Transfiguration uses magical power to change the shape and structure of matter, so there is no doubt that the greater the difference, the more difficult it will be; and the smaller the difference between the two sides of the transformation, the easier it will be to achieve.We know that the differences between the two parties include but are not limited to material, weight, density, volume, structure...]

The reading was very smooth, and Justin felt that the magic course was not that difficult. As the reading continued, the anxiety in his heart gradually disappeared, and he gradually felt that the knowledge in the book was easier to understand. After reading the content of the first chapter, he couldn't wait to continue reading go down.

I am very grateful to be able to come to this magical world.


Harry and other little wizards who were born as ordinary people feel the same way, and they can't extricate themselves in the magical world for a while.

And the little wizard from the family said that the reading experience is extremely poor, and the tangled faces can make a set of emoticons.

Isn't wood a whole?How can there be so many messy structures!

And what the hell is this density!

This is not the magic world we are familiar with, send us back to the original world!ヽ(●-`Д?0?7-)ノ! !

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, Aini clapped his hands, and the little wizards all looked up, but their expressions were completely different.

Muggle-born (?7?0w?7?0)

Wizarding family origin (?2?1_?2?1)

"Okay, time is up, please put down the textbooks. Now is the time for free questions, everyone can speak freely." Seeing the performance of the little wizards, Aini secretly laughed.The magic world and the non-magic world have been separated for a long time, and the gap cannot be eliminated by someone's appeal or appeal.

Holbach once said that interests are all motivations for human actions.Although it is biased, as a group, things that are not beneficial are difficult to sustain and are not attractive to most people.

Now wizards are full of arrogance and prejudice against Muggles, and they are not even willing to know everything about the non-magic people who occupy an absolute population advantage, and they are even more dismissive of the knowledge of ordinary people.

Wanting to change this status quo cannot be achieved through temporary guidance and initiatives. They must be shown the benefits. For example, knowing non-magic knowledge can help them learn magic better.

After agreeing to Dumbledore to teach at Hogwarts, Ernie had a long talk with him about his views.He was greatly appreciated by the principal, and after that, he frequently corresponded and discussed the compilation of textbooks during the summer vacation.

And decided to start the pilot from the first grade. These wizard children who are not deeply affected by the old views of the magic world are undoubtedly the best breakthrough.

In order to verify the results earlier, Professor McGonagall changed the Hogwarts class schedule according to Aini's proposal, and mentioned the Transfiguration course for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff freshmen as the first class of the school year.

The result was perfect. After the free discussion started, the little Muggle-born wizards explained many scientific terms to the friends from wizarding families. In terms of understanding magical terms, they also received feedback from those who had just been helped, and each gained a lot. Full of fun.

Of course, this also has something to do with Gryffindor's partner being Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin.

In a joyous atmosphere, it was time for teachers to answer questions.Without a doubt, Hermione raised her right hand again.

"Professor, I previewed all the textbooks during the vacation, but none of the books cited scientific concepts like yours. Is it really effective to use scientific concepts to learn magic? Aren't they contradicting each other?"

Aini silently gave Hermione a thumbs up in her heart, this is a divine assist.

"That's a very sharp question, Miss Granger, but I don't think science and magic are contradictory. In my opinion, science and magic are both ways and means to understand the rules of the world and make use of them.

And the rules are common, just like whether it is the magic world or the non-magic world, under natural circumstances, the apple will definitely fall after it leaves the branch, instead of floating into the sky.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and below 0 degrees, the water will freeze.What Muggles can see, wizards can also see. "

Aini waved his hand, and one match after another floated in front of the little wizard, "As for whether it is effective, we can practice it. Everyone first turns the match into a toothpick, and then restores it to turn it into iron."

After looking around, he said, "Actually, we have a little trick to better accomplish the task, um, Mr. Potter."

Harry withdrew his raised arm and replied, "Professor Scamander, I think we can break off the match head. Its composition is very complicated, which will make it more difficult to deform."

"Please sit down, Mr. Potter." Ernie sighed in his heart. It is really important to make friends. Harry is actually very talented, and his life in a foster family also taught him to observe his words and forbearance early. If he didn't have red hair The interference of Gryffindor and the influence of the overall environment of Gryffindor will definitely not become mindless in the future.

"Very good, ten points from Gryffindor. I also hope that you will use your minds more flexibly in your future study and life. Let's start practicing."

Everyone got busy immediately. After Hermione successfully turned the matches into iron, most of the little wizards had already completed the first step, and the classroom atmosphere became even more enthusiastic for a while.

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