Although he learned how to incubate eggs from Enina yesterday, Hagrid decided to borrow some books.

Having been a neighbor for half a year, Hagrid knew how busy Ernie was every day, so don't bother him with some simple and basic things, just read the books by yourself.

As Dumbledore's most trusted person, Hagrid is not only reliable, but also considers his friends around him.

Entering the library, Hagrid's eyes were in a trance for a moment.After enrolling, I liked to come to this place very much. At that time, the administrator was not Mrs. Pince, but a simple and honest fat uncle who was very gentle to the students. Everyone kindly called him Uncle Morrie.

Both of them are very fond of magical creatures, and Uncle Morrie often helps Hagrid choose books that record interesting creatures.Sometimes he would tell Hagrid about the magical creatures he saw during his travels, and other interesting things. This place holds too many good memories for him.

Scenes of the past emerged in front of his eyes, a smile sneaked up on his face, hidden by the beard crawling around, and the familiar and gentle voice faintly rang in his ears.

Hagrid's eyes were bright as if they were about to emit star-like brilliance, and when the little wizard who occasionally looked up was attracted by this pure smile, the shining eyes suddenly dimmed.

Suppressing the tears that were about to fill his eyes, Hagrid walked to the second row of bookshelves on the right, where all the books about magical animals were placed, specially arranged for him by Uncle Morrie, and continued as a tradition after Mrs. Pince took over .

Hagrid cursed the Death Eaters loudly in his heart, how could they deal with such a good man as Uncle Morrie, you must know that the students of Hogwarts at that time were more or less received by Uncle Morrie. Take care, after all, which little wizard has never been to the library.

But the little wizards he had taken care of killed his daughter's family in London after graduation, and Uncle Morrie, who went to rescue him, also died unfortunately, and the reason was only that he had a Muggle son-in-law.

Walking to the bookshelf, these interesting books were all in the old places in his memory. Hagrid took out the book on raising dragons. He had only flipped through it briefly back then, and couldn't remember the specific content for a long time.

Mrs. Pince said hello, Hagrid put the book into the inside pocket of his coat, calculated the time and get out of class was almost over, Hagrid walked towards the greenhouse, he still had something to do.

"Thank you, Hagrid. This is the best birthday present I've ever received." Ron excitedly took the small bag from Hagrid's hand. Inside was a bundle of unicorn tail hair. Hagrid said that he could take it A new wand with Mr. Ollivander was something Ron could only dream of.

But after getting over the excitement, Ron thought about the value of this thing, and Diagon Alley clearly marked the price at 10 Galleons...

"But it's too expensive, I can't take it." Ron struggled for a while before handing the bag back.

"Haha, good boy." Hagrid reached out his hand, but instead of taking the bag, he rubbed Ron's head.

"Hold it, I can't take back the birthday present I sent out. Besides, this thing is not a rare thing to me. It was all shed by the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest. It didn't cost me a penny. .”

"Okay, kids. I've got work to do, bye."

Watching Hagrid striding away, Harry grabbed Ron who was still trying to catch up.

"Accept it. You must know that Hagrid is taking care of the entire Forbidden Forest. He doesn't need this."

"That's right, it's impolite to repeatedly refuse gifts from the elders. Hagrid seems to be in a hurry. We don't have class for the second period this afternoon. We can see if we can help." Hermione also echoed Harry's advice , they all knew how old Ron's wand was.

"Well, maybe you are right, I will keep this friendship in my heart."

The three of them rushed to the dormitory talking and laughing. After the herbal medicine class, they smelled like dragon dung, and even the magic spell couldn't be removed. They had to take a shower before going to the auditorium for dinner.

After the afternoon class ended, the three of them hurried towards Hagrid's hut, and then saw a big man nearly 12 feet tall, competing with a group of chickens less than two inches tall.

Hagrid was so overwhelmed by these little ones, he saw the trio running towards him from a distance, and hurriedly called for their help.

Several people hurriedly threw the chick into the fence, Hagrid was relieved and called them into the house for tea.

"Hagrid, if I remember correctly, it's already spring." Harry felt himself start to sweat as soon as he entered the room, and the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, with the crackle of fibers snapping from time to time.

Hagrid pretended not to hear, turned around and took out a cup, poured tea and handed it to the three of them.

"Thank you." Hermione and the boys thanked Hagrid, and then asked curiously, "I saw that there are still a lot of chickens in the fence. Why did you put so many chickens in?"

Hearing Hermione's question, Hagrid immediately blushed.

"Haha, Norbert is a great young man. He has a good appetite. These are not enough now. Hogwarts chickens are processed when they are delivered. I don't worry about buying ready-made ones. Nowadays, there are more and more unscrupulous merchants. The more you have, the better you can feed yourself.”

"Noble?" The little witch quickly grasped the point, "Is it your new pet?"

"Ah, haha, it's not. By the way, what are you doing here?" Hagrid laughed, and suddenly remembered that Ron had a big mouth, and he didn't really want to tell them about Norbert.

"Keeping Dragons for Fun and Profit?" Harry walked to the table, where several books were spread out, all related to dragons.

Ron's second brother likes fire dragons very much. When he was a child, he told him some related knowledge as stories. Looking at the abnormal closed space in the room, he walked towards the most inappropriate fireplace.

Harry and Hermione followed suit. A pot of water was boiling on the fireplace, and a large black egg was roasting under the pot.

No longer avoiding the sight of the three people looking over, since they found out, it doesn't matter if you tell the truth, as long as you tell them not to tell others, especially Ron.

"I told you this morning that I went to Hogsmeade for a drink yesterday, and I met a stranger there. This is an egg of a Norwegian Spinosaurus that I won in a poker game."

"Wow, what luck." People always look at problems with their own subjective intentions. After Hagrid sent a wave of surprises in the morning, Ron subconsciously applauded Hagrid's luck, but he still felt Just a reminder to Hagrid.

"But private dragon breeding is currently prohibited in the wizarding world. You have to be careful. If you are found, you may be sent to Azkaban. This Norwegian Ridgeback will also be executed."

Hagrid was taken aback by this. He knew it was against the law to keep dragons, but he was confident that under his watch, Norbert would not cause any trouble.

Even if it was discovered by accident and there were no serious consequences, it would not be difficult for Dumbledore to save him. The worst thing would be to take Norbert to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary and release him.

"Impossible, shouldn't it be released into a wild sanctuary?" Hagrid still couldn't believe it, a little dragon that had never done anything bad, as for killing it directly.

Before Ron could speak, there was a knock on the door behind him.

Hagrid stuck to the door and took a look, then opened the door and let Aini in.

After Aini came in, he first cast an anti-disturbance spell on the house to prevent others from eavesdropping.

"Your voices are too loud, I can hear you more than ten meters away. But what Ron said is true."

"Although each dragon is of great value, neither the Snowdonia Reserve nor the Hebrides will accept it, because no one knows whether private domesticated dragons will be tampered with." Looking at the sea As if wanting to defend, Aini patted his thigh.

"I know you don't know how to do tricks, but what about others? There was such a case in Peru once. The local Ministry of Magic seized a privately domesticated Poison-toothed Dragon and brought it into the reserve. But the ensuing riots spread to More than two-thirds of the Peruvian fire dragons killed 23 wizards, and since then no Ministry of Magic has dared to do this, and privately domesticated fire dragons will be slaughtered as soon as they are seized."

Hearing that Hagrid was extremely sad, it meant that he could only choose to hand in the dragon eggs, fearing that the dragon eggs of unknown origin would suffer the same fate.

The three little ones also looked worriedly at the unbroken Norber, and the atmosphere was momentarily oppressive.

"Hahahaha, just kidding, Hagrid." At this moment, Aini's words changed, and he asked in a relaxed tone: "Do you know what these rules and regulations in the wizarding world are for?"

The first and third juniors didn't seem to have changed from the atmosphere just now, they all shook their heads numbly.

"The regulations of the Ministry of Magic are a screening criterion, through which we can determine whose interests should be protected." Aini smiled at the little witch. The little girl attaches the most importance to the rules, and I hope she won't be ruined in a while.

"Those who have the ability to break these rules need to be protected. Those who can only abide by the rules will only be exploited and squeezed."

"That's impossible!" Hermione puffed her chest out and stared at Aini. She grew up in the Muggle world, and the law was the cornerstone of stability for her. She wrinkled her nose angrily, looking extremely cute.

"Oh!" The little witch, who was still aggressive just now, took a step back while clutching her forehead.

"Listen to me, Hermione." After Hermione's brain collapsed, Aini continued as if nothing had happened.

"This is normal. In fact, in terms of law, Muggles are much better than wizards. Muggle laws are more perfect in compilation, and they have a strict process for this. I have to say that in this regard, Muggles are way ahead of wizards."

Aini sighed secretly, the base number of wizards is really too small, the population of the UK is nearly 7000 million, and there are only a few thousand wizards, the ratio is less than one ten thousandth, and most other countries in the wizarding world are like this.

At the same time, most of the top wave of wizards put more energy into the exploration of magic, which also made other professionals pitifully scarce.

Hermione's eyes flickered thoughtfully, Harry looked confused, and Ron didn't care. He had lived in such an environment since he was a child, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Hagrid was even more unresponsive. Since he was falsely accused of entering Azkaban, the Ministry of Magic's regulations were bullshit to him. He followed them just not to cause trouble. Now he just hopes to find a way to raise Norbert. big.

Seeing the reactions of several people, especially Hermione, Aini couldn't help but lamented that she had seen big things since she was young. Perhaps it was because she was good at thinking that the little witch made great achievements later.

In his heart, he raised his evaluation of Hermione again, and Aini continued to explain.

"In the wizarding world, the compilation of laws is like a child's play. Often only one or two people are needed to compile a law, and the Minister of Magic may come up with a few more regulations when he slaps his head."

"Like your dad."

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