"Some secrets are not suitable to be announced, but they are real, and they are not unknown." Dumbledore blinked, and his wand was circling in his hand.

Seeing this, Aini wisely changed the subject.

"Can you tell me about Mr. Flamel? Newt and you both seem to respect him." It's not that they don't know anything about this legendary character, Ernie, but those who want to come to Dumbledore know more than Newt.

"Nico? What do you want to know? There are too many stories about him." Dumbledore was a little worried when he mentioned the name. Although he didn't establish a master-student relationship, he benefited a lot from Le May, that is A truly respectable elder.

The old man understood magic better than anyone Dumbledore had ever come in contact with, including himself of course.

But Flamel is currently planning a road that has been cut off. If he can reopen the door, it will change the entire wizarding world, and even all magic schools will add a new course.

"Just say what you want to say." To be honest, Aini did have a little bit of thoughts about Lemay when he came to this world. He is rich, knowledgeable, and his descendants have been cut off. Finger the character of the grandfather image?

What's more, Aini himself has the talent in alchemy, and the potion science he is extremely good at is a branch of ancient alchemy.

Until the magical creatures at home sucked all his thoughts away, these thoughts faded away.

In the real world, there is no destiny protagonist, or everyone is their own protagonist.

The difference is nothing more than a comedy or a tragedy, an inspirational drama or a bitter drama. Some people can perform themselves almost perfectly, while others can only let everything they have slip through their fingers in a hurry, and finally hold onto it. only death.

Everyone, every day, has something to do and something to do.

Don't let what you should have done become unfinished regrets, and don't let what you did become a source of heartache and regret.

Whether it is the so-called enviable successful people who appear under the flashing spotlight, or the so-called unknown ordinary people who support their families, even the most inconspicuous life is full of excitement. It is better to take good care of everything you have than to lose the pie.

Feeling that I go further on the road of magic every day, this kind of real satisfaction is more intoxicating than illusory fantasy.

Dumbledore's reminiscing voice awakened Ernie from his past thoughts. The days of spending time with Flamel in his youth were the rare happy moments after he left Godric's Hollow.

"Nico is a very interesting person. You know he is more than 600 years old. He is old-fashioned, old-fashioned, lifeless, and inflexible. Many people always gather these words when they think of him. I thought so when I first met, but in fact completely opposite."

Thinking of their first meeting, Dumbledore couldn't help but smile a little. A boy who was wandering alone in the magic world suddenly met this legendary figure.

"Nico has a high reputation in France. Many French people think that the biggest difference between Nico and Merlin is that he is still alive."

Following Dumbledore's narration, a figure who is not tall but has accomplished many great deeds came into Aini's mind vividly.

He sorted out and improved the ancient alchemy knowledge handed down after the Dark Ages, and then spread it, benefiting the entire magic world.

The development of potions now also benefits from this.

It was he who completed alchemy, and it was he who split alchemy, calling him the father of modern alchemy does not violate harmony.

This is also a person with an extremely interest in life, his old body is full of childishness, it seems that every time he encounters something, he must first find joy in it, and he never gets tired of it.

This is also the most loyal person to love in history. He and his wife Perenal have spent more than 600 years together.

He possesses great power, and many ancient and powerful families are inextricably linked with him. For 600 years, whether he has received Lemay's advice or not has become one of the criteria for evaluating the most talented wizards of our time. one.

This also accumulated unimaginably abundant resources for him, but he rarely used his power.

"Can I visit him during the summer vacation?" Listening to Dumbledore's story about Flamel, Aini couldn't help but yearn for it.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid not." Dumbledore's face was serious, and he was even more worried.

"Ten years ago, Nicole would have been happy to meet a young wizard like you. Even if Flamel had contacted you five years ago, he would have been happy to teach you for a while."

"But this year is his 666th birthday, which is not a pleasant number, and he has been preparing for it since 10 years ago."

"660 is six years old, 666? Are there really Satan and demons? It is said that wizards once could enslave the power of hell, but everything has become a legend after the Dark Ages."

Aini was very curious, how many of the various legends originated from Muggle's misjudgment of wizards, and how many real things were just buried in the long river of history.

Today, only the best fishermen can catch one or two remnants of fish from the old days, so Dumbledore and Flamel are undoubtedly the best group of fishermen.

"There are indeed many things that are real, but please don't rush to explore them. In the mysterious world of magic, sometimes even just a name can bring great danger."

Aini deeply agrees with the advice of the elders, and the more he wanders in the ocean of magic, the more Aini feels his insignificance.

Momentary forgetfulness may be irreversible.

Voldemort's transformation is a good example. Among other things, when I woke up and found that I had lost my nose, I asked you if you were afraid.

Without continuing the topic of Flamel, the two quietly walked towards the gate of the castle.

Moisturized by abundant magic all the year round, the lawn of Hogwarts is always extraordinarily green. After the two walked by, they quickly raised their heads, showing the tenacity of life.

The mysterious wooden box and the revived wild boar statue come from the secret of the source of the blood.

They didn't deliberately ask Aini about the source of the Scamander family, but the old couple never shy away from him. Over the years, they knew a lot about this unknown but long-established family.

Every Scamander has more or less natural affinity talents, and Newt also has them, but they are weaker than Aini, and his ability to accept gifts is not obvious.

Aini feels that his talent is like an upgraded and enhanced version of the Scamander family, but there is no blood relationship between them, which is very strange.He suddenly felt that there was an unknown secret behind his coming here.

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