The Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts is always up for business

0087 I don't know if I want to leave or I want to stay

As a wizarding school that trains wizards, Hogwarts is naturally quite different from its counterparts in the Muggle education circle, and the things that students need to study are also quite different.

However, there is not much difference in the attitude towards the exam, whether it is little wizards or Muggle students. Few people are not afraid of this terrifying monster whose power often rises at the end of the semester.

But when things are over, people often find that they have exaggerated the difficulties needlessly, and the results are much better than imagined.

When the time to leave was just around the corner, the little wizards who had completely let themselves go after the exam week were unsuspectingly raided by their report cards——

In fact, their defenses bubbled more than once, perhaps in the bathroom in the morning, perhaps in the interval between meals, and especially after lying in bed at night, some unwelcome thoughts always sneaked into the mind.

But without exception, these thoughts were ruthlessly suppressed, regardless of whether they were burnt or burnt, let them enjoy the last few days of this semester first.

After all, they are just carefree little friends.

Therefore, when they were confused by the report card, many people couldn't help but curse themselves secretly.

I was so worried about the ghost before, shouldn't I deserve points for getting the current results with my own excellence!

"Hey hey hey."



"Quack quack."

"My son..."

There were bursts of serious or not-so-serious laughter in the auditorium after lunch.

Uh, there seems to be some weirder stuff mixed in?

The atmosphere in the auditorium became more and more joyful, and everyone was very happy. Only Professor McGonagall frowned, and looked at the dining table of his own college with a little anger. The laughter and laughter there seemed to be going crazy!

Especially Charlie's two younger brothers, they are always the two who lead the crooked building every time, but this time they can't be punished, can't they be locked up just because someone is laughing like a donkey?

It is not impossible!

I saw the old professor standing up from the teacher's seat with a bang. These two wild children are so lawless, and they want to throw dung in the auditorium again. She must...

Professor McGonagall took out his wand, and was already thinking about where to hang the following two things.

Just when he was about to make a move, he saw a big man jumping out from the side of the twins, pushing them down from the chair one by one with each hand.

Great job, Wood!

The dean gave his Quidditch captain a thumbs-up in his heart, and the downward corner of his mouth was slowly pulled back to the baseline.

But after sitting down, he still took a hard look at the two brothers, who were somewhat resentful after being confiscated. Since you like dung so much, go to Pomona's greenhouse next semester when it is closed.

Not far away, Professor Flitwick smiled happily. The two young people who joined this year not only have outstanding abilities, they are also very good at dealing with children.

And because there is no need to bear the high-grade courses, more energy can be invested in teaching the students of the four grades, and very good educational results have been achieved.

In the same way, after reducing the courses by more than half, the two deans put more effort into the senior courses, and the results can be seen from the festive auditorium at this time.

I heard that other professors have already started asking Dumbledore for someone. Not surprisingly, besides the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, several new colleagues will be added next year.

After the twins were suppressed, the Gryffindor square painting style became normal.

Ron sniffed the palm of his hand in disgust. When Wood shouted just now, he subconsciously stepped forward and took away the crime tools of his brothers, and now there is still a stench in his hand.

When he repeatedly rubbed his hands on the outer sleeves of his arms, the expressions of disgust quickly spread to the faces of the people around him, and even Harry and Hermione unconsciously distanced themselves from him.

"Oh, we did well in the exam. It's a pleasant surprise." Ron cheerfully took back the report card from Harry. There was no O on it, but this did not hinder his happy mood, no, it also did not P, D and T, whoever cares about the full score, a pass is enough.

Hearing this, Hermione raised her head proudly, seeing how the scores on your list are messed up, isn't it all O's neatly?

But then I remembered someone's warning, glanced at the teacher's seat with a guilty conscience, rubbed my face with my hands a few times, and said silently in my heart: Don't be proud, don't be proud...

Since Harry got the report card, his mind has been in a daze.

The first piece of birthday cake, the first letter to myself, the first time I learned about the magical world, the first time I was noticed by others, the first time I mastered a huge wealth, the first time I made friends, and the first time I showed my strength beyond others Talent, and the way I saw my parents and family for the first time...

There are too many first times, as if it happened yesterday, without deliberately recalling it, it will come out of the bottom of my heart.

Stretching out his hand to touch his heart, there seemed to be ripples of warmth echoing endlessly.

There, there are his father and mother.

Hagrid looks majestic and bluffing, but he is a delicate person.

The photo album he collected is his most precious treasure.

The experience of the past year was playing back in his mind, and when he completely recovered, everyone was about to board the return train.

"Woohoo, you finally woke up?" Ron exclaimed exaggeratedly, and Harry was in a daze since he got the report card.

"Wake up?" Harry was a little confused, did he pack his luggage while sleepwalking?

"Well, if it wasn't for Aini saying that there is nothing wrong with you, let's not bother, Ron and I both want to send you to the school infirmary to see if you have been cursed."

Hermione didn't have the big box when she came here. If it wasn't for coming to the magical world, who would have thought that a small handbag could actually hold an entire cabinet?

"Sorry for worrying you, I was just thinking about something that happened earlier. It's totally different from my life in the Muggle world, really, very different."

Thinking of his past, even though he had a new view on the Dursleys at this time, Harry's tone was still full of embarrassment.

"Harry, the days ahead will be better, we have to look forward." Ron carried the box over and patted Harry on the shoulder, and then added.

"My dad always says that, especially after Mom keeps him out of office."

"Oh hoo, what did we hear?"

"My dad always says that, especially after Mom keeps him out of office."

It wasn't good news for Ron when the twins appeared behind them with strange voices.

"I thought mother would be interested to know."

"I think it's the same with Dad."

"Our dear brother."

"You're going to be out of luck."

Fred and George were very happy that the little rascal had dared to take something from them, and it had to be cleaned up.

"Brothers, I was wrong..."

Watching the twins playing around and pushing Ron a little more, Harry looked enviously.

At this moment, the door of the carriage opened, and Harry picked up the box containing the gift, with a strange expression of nostalgia and anticipation on his face, and strode onto the train.

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