"Old-fashioned adventure game."

Hermione closed the golden egg and lifted it out of the water.

"The place, the goal, the time and the process, just hope they don't use my book as a competition item."

Obviously, the first two lines of the song indicate that the location of the competition is related to water - and the only place near Hogwarts that meets the conditions for the competition is the Black Lake.

The fifth and sixth sentences announce the time - one hour, which also means that the content of the second test will not be too complicated.

The third and fourth sentences indicate that the organizers will take away something they like as the goal of the event.

For Hermione, her favorite thing is of course knowledge and books containing knowledge. As she spoke, the girl had already begun to think about what magic spell she should use to help her protect those cute little guys for a long time.


Ani was not in a hurry to reveal the answer. In the original trajectory, the second level of the Triwizard Tournament selected people cherished by the warriors, but now the situation at Hogwarts is more complicated. When Voldemort may be close at hand, he does not feel comfortable sending several unconscious people It is a good idea for children to soak in water.

It's time to talk to Dumbledore about this in a few days.

After making up her mind, Aini recommended several magic spells to Hermione and gave her some tips on underwater combat.

Leaving the girl to continue practicing, Ani set off for Bill's office.

The rewards of sublimating his bloodline again exceeded expectations, and he became more confident in solving the "Seven Sons Pact" of the Weasley family.


"That is?"

When he was approaching his destination, Aini spotted a graceful figure from far away around the corner. It was Beauxbatons warrior Fleur Delacour, the girl who invited Bill to the ball.

As soon as Aini thought, a colorful streamer appeared in her field of vision, which was the trajectory of Furong's actions just now.

One end of the streamer is hidden behind the corner, and the other end starts at the door of Bill's office as expected.

This is one of the conveniences obtained after bloodline sublimation. Even if Aini does not open the Eye of True Sight now, he can still clearly observe the movement of magic power.

Not only magical creatures, but also ordinary humans, animals and plants will affect the magic around them when they act, but the former's appearance is more obvious and the traces remain longer.

"Please come in."

Ani knocked on the door and walked into the office after hearing Bill's response.

Bill was sitting at the table writing something when he looked up and saw Aini, and he quickly greeted him enthusiastically.

"Please take a seat. What would you like to drink? How about butterbeer?"

Sitting down on the sofa with Aini, Bill first put away the empty cups on the coffee table, then took out clean ones, filled them from the wooden bucket on the table and handed them over.

"Fleur just sent it, they went to Hogsmeade today."

As he spoke, Bill also filled a glass for himself and reached out to touch Aini.

"It seems like you guys get along well."

Ani took a big sip and it tasted great.

"Haha, that girl really likes me. But she came here today for something else."

A smile naturally appeared on Bill's face. For some reason, he usually didn't like to come into contact with overly proud people, but he didn't dislike the arrogant girl.

"Has Hermione solved the secret of the golden egg? Fleur said that the second test will probably take place in the water, and she came to me to ask me about the relevant spells."

"It's solved. Her guess is the same as Fleur's."

consult? With Madame Maxime here, there is no need to ask outsiders for advice, not to mention that the two are not in the same camp.

It's just a girl's little thought.

"Let's not talk about that..." Ani drank the foamy beer in one gulp, "Have you informed Charlie? I'm ready."

"Really? Great! Charlie will go home first tomorrow afternoon, and then come over with his parents."

Bill stood up excitedly. Although he didn't know exactly what Aini was going to do, he believed that the other party was not someone who just talked nonsense.

"The ceremony will be held in the Forbidden Forest. Let's go. Let's talk to Dumbledore first."

Hearing this, Bill didn't stay polite and went to the principal's office with Aini.

Whether it is for politeness or safety reasons, this matter must be discussed with Dumbledore. The presence of at least one more powerful white wizard is also a guarantee.

The process went smoothly, and the old principal readily agreed, and then it was time to wait for the staff to be in place.

The next afternoon, the Weasleys and Charlie arrived at Hogwarts, and the group gathered in the Forbidden Forest.

"What are you doing here? Camping?"

Ron stood in the middle of the crowd, looking around curiously.

"But Dumbledore is here too, and..."

Ginny also looked curiously at her parents and Dumbledore who were talking in front of them. She always felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

The three people in front looked back at Ron and Ginny who were talking "in low voices" and quickly reached a consensus.

Molly came a few steps behind the children. Although she wanted to share everything with her husband, in fact Bill, Charlie, Percy and the twins all knew the content of the "Seven Sons Covenant". Only Ron, the youngest son and daughter, and Ginny were still confused.

Now, it's time to tell them.

So when Ani and Bill waiting in the Forbidden Forest saw the two little ones, their expressions were obviously different.

Ron's face was filled with dissatisfaction. He felt that as a man of the Weasley family, he should shoulder the pressure with his family instead of being kept in the dark like a child.

Ginny's eyes were watery, and she was full of nostalgia when she looked at her parents and brothers.

"Okay, let's get started."

There was no chance for everyone to continue to stir up emotions. The necessary reminders had already been conveyed through Bill, and they didn't need to do anything in the process.

Aini led them to the center of the clearing, and after checking it silently, he found that there was no special feeling like last time, so he simply activated the golden arrow.

In an instant, Aini's figure disappeared from the spot, as if merged into endless light.

When he came to the projection space and was on full alert to quickly add protective magic to himself, he found...

The style of painting... was different from what he imagined.

"Ah hahaha, welcome, guest of the new world."

In the splendid and luxuriously decorated hall, a handsome young man was sitting leisurely on the sofa, seemingly enjoying afternoon tea. When he saw Aini, he waved to him enthusiastically.




To be honest, the sight in front of him made Aini a little confused. He had imagined various battle scenes and was even prepared to be attacked when he first entered the space, but he never expected to encounter such a situation.

Despite this, Aini's movements in his hands did not pause at all, and he continuously blessed himself with seventeen kinds of protective spells.

"Don't be so nervous, guests from the New World."

Seeing this, the young man had no intention of stopping him, and still smiled warmly at Aini.

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