When everyone arrived at the school gate, they saw seven baskets of stones placed at the door, with each basket having a person's name on it.

"Why is there one missing?" Ma Hongjun looked around and counted again, there were seven. Xiao Wu put her hands on her waist and said angrily: "Xianxian is injured, do you still want her to run with us?" Everyone looked at her unkindly, and Ma Hongjun smiled sarcastically: "That's right, that's right!"

Without saying any more nonsense, the seven people picked up the basket and ran out. Tang San and Dai Mubai took the lead, followed closely by Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing. Ma Hongjun was just a little faster than Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

After running for a while, Tang San realized that the master's purpose was not just to punish them, so he stopped: "Boss Dai, let's stop for a moment."

Dai Mubai felt fine, but he didn't quite understand why he stopped: "What's wrong, mistress? If we don't hurry up, it will be too late for lunch."

Tang San shook his head: "I don't think the teacher meant that. If we really want to be punished, it's unlikely that we can complete these tasks until night, especially the auxiliary soul masters like Xiao Ao and Rongrong. I don't think the teacher's It means hopefully we can work with each other to get things done.”

Dai Mubai nodded, thoughtfully: "What you said makes sense." He turned around and saw several people behind him running together. According to Ning Rongrong's speed, among them, although Yunxian did not carry on the rocks, but also with them.

"Mistress, let's come together!" Oscar chuckled, a bit gloating.

Tang San and Yun Xian hurriedly looked at each other and decisively started running at their speed.

I have to say that running at a constant speed at this speed is much easier than rushing forward at once.

The midsummer sun is tilting southward little by little, reaching the hottest time of the day. The noisy cicadas are constantly ringing in the willow trees on the roadside. In this midsummer, which is already easy to make people irritable, it adds to the restlessness.

The heat waves in the distance rolled in one after another. Waiting for the heat that is not easy to dissipate, the ground under your feet has long been burned. The feet on it are boiling hot, running straight from the soles of the feet to the forehead.

"Let's take a break..." Ma Hongjun was the first one who couldn't hold on and wanted to stop. Before this, they had run five rounds. At the starting point of each round, the master would prepare a cup of light salt water at a constant temperature for them to replenish their strength.

As the number of laps increases, so does the time they take to complete one. "Fat man, how come you...are not better than me? I...didn't even cry out that I was tired..." Oscar's lips were already a little white, his legs were shaking slightly, and it was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

Dai Mubai frowned, and the sweat on his forehead flowed into his eyes, causing a sting: "Rest? Didn't you notice that our speed has slowed down?"

Ma Hongjun was speechless and began to run forward again. Yunxian was behind Ning Rongrong, and had been controlling the speed invisibly. At this time, Ma Hongjun suddenly spoke, and Yunxian began to reflect on whether there was any problem with his speed control.

They started running at Ning Rongrong's speed from the beginning. Yunxian calculated the physical strength of several people and controlled the speed according to their physical strength. Tang San and Xiao Wu looked fine, Ning Rongrong seemed to be able to hold on for a while, Zhu Zhu cleared his face and turned a little pale, and the rest were fine, so the problem only lies with Ma Hongjun himself.

Without saying a word, Yunxian took out a basket similar to theirs from the palace, ran behind Ma Hongjun, flicked it with his fingers, and a big stone inside was put into his basket.

There was a sudden sound behind Ma Hongjun. Just when he felt strange, Yunxian's voice came in his mind: "Don't talk." The rest of the people were mentally exhausted and had not noticed the movement here yet.

Ma Hongjun did not obey: "Xianxian, please give me back my stone!" The voice was so loud that the others might not hear it.

Hearing Ma Hongjun's voice, the slowly marching team stopped.

"Yunxian." Tang San frowned, formally calling her by her full name for the first time in so many years. The expression on Yun Xian's face froze, and he slowly moved his gaze elsewhere, but made no move.

Without saying anything else, Tang San took out the stones from her basket and said with a slightly softened expression, "I'll do it."

Dai Mubai saw this and hurriedly said: "Xianxian, please stop carrying stones. Xiao Ao, Rongrong, please give me the stones." He was afraid that Yunxian would accidentally take away their stones again. .

"My injury is fine..." Yunxian looked at Tang San, his face could not be more serious and stubborn. Not to mention running with three broken ribs and carrying stones, he had lost too much blood and had to go out to kill the enemy. In such a comparison, carrying a stone is simply insignificant.

Tang San's face became darker and darker, and Xiao Wu quickly advised: "Don't argue, don't argue, the immortal will take good care of his injuries, and you can carry the stone after the injury is healed. Besides, if you help us, we won't be able to train ourselves." Purpose.”

"Xiao Wu is right. Immortals should not carry stones on their backs." Ning Rongrong managed to say these words with sweat beads on her chin falling drop by drop.

Tang San walked toward Yunxian little by little, the clothes on his body were already very wet. Yunxian turned his head silently, but felt a gentle touch on his head: "Don't carry it, I feel bad."

What does it feel like? Not uncomfortable, not repelled, even a little fond, a little attached.


In the next few laps, Yun Xian did not help them carry the stones. They distributed the stones reasonably among them. She only offered help to certain people when they were in desperate need.


Yunxian looked at the seven people who fell on the ground, and then looked at the master: "Teacher..." The master shook his head: "You just need to help bring the girls back to the dormitory and put them in the bucket prepared in advance. Keep it up for a while. The water temperature." After a pause, the master continued: "Remember to take a bath and don't catch a cold."

The summer night was slightly cool, so Yun Xian used a little magic to maintain the temperature of the water in the bucket at a suitable value, and then went out.

It's nothing compared to the day. Summer nights are always quiet and cool, sweeping away the boredom accumulated throughout the day.

I really like these kids!

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