
His eyes?

Eggy's silence made Mu Li realize that something was wrong.

According to her noisy personality, she didn't react at all when she heard her words. Does this seem unreasonable?

However, there is no opportunity for further rhetoric now.

The blindfolded teacher from Tokyo was standing in front of them.The other party silently put on the blindfold that was lifted up before, covering those blue eyes and turning back into an unreliable look again.

Wutiao: "It seems that you have 'woke up'! Mu Li!"

With Mu Li's expression of surprise and embarrassment, the other party snatched the egg from her hand.

Mu Li: ...

Eggy: [? 】

Gojo held the egg and faced the sun, like an appraiser who appraised the gemstones carefully and meticulously. After observing for a while, he asked curiously and excitedly, "Is this...your friend?"

Mu Li:! ! ! !

Mu Li was hesitating how to explain this matter.Tell the truth without telling whether the other party can believe it or not, maybe she won't even have the patience to explain it, and then the two of them will probably be condemned by the natives together.

But... how to make up lies is also a science.

And the other party can see at a glance that there is life in the eggshell, which also shows that the other party must not be fooled.And as an egg, it looks really extraordinary.The surface is as smooth as jade, exuding a faint light, and the inscriptions on it seem to contain infinite wisdom.If you get close to her, you can hear her making a slight sound, even if she doesn't speak, you can even feel that she can communicate with you naturally.

Even the well-informed Gojo Satoru was amazed, but at the same time felt a sense of awe.

Before Mu Li's brainstorm was over, their silly girl opened her mouth first.

[I am her sister. 】

Mu Li:! ! ! ! !

Gojo Satoru:! ?

Mu Li quickly said in her heart: [Don't tell the truth casually, the two of us will be dealt with together! 】

Mu Li: "Teacher Wutiao! She is actually..."

Gojo smiled and motioned her not to explain.He stroked his chin and continued to look at the egg.

Then he showed an expression like a child getting a novelty toy.

Gojo: "Then what should I call you? Miss Kuminomiya?"

[Just call me Xiao Ah. 】

Mu Li originally wanted to remind Dandan not to say her real name, but she didn't expect her to be a little more reliable.Although I don't know what this Wutiao teacher has in mind, so far he has no ill will towards either of them.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Teacher Wutiao spoke again.

"It just so happens that I'm bored sitting down there, so let's go down there with your sister to watch your game!" He glanced back at Li Xiang behind him.

"Looks like Lixiang has also recovered! It just so happens that the game can continue!"


She took a sneak peek at Lixiang who was completely enraged, and the deep ditch beside them, and silently swallowed.

It's almost to the point where we can't live together, do we still want to compete?It's really impolite to compare.

Mu Li: "Teacher...I may not be in a good state today, and now my head hurts, or just forget it...I can admit defeat."

Gojo Satoru ignored Mu Li's petty emotions, he played with the egg for a while, and coaxed: "Do you want to watch your sister continue the competition?"

【? ? 】

[Compared to what? 】

Gojo Satoru pointed to the big lump of Lixiang behind him.

"Kill her."

"How about it! Isn't it interesting!!!"

Eggy sticks out the top of Eggy from Gojo Satoru's body.It looked like she was secretly looking at Satoshi behind her.

Then she let out a heartfelt exclamation.

[It doesn't look very difficult, is this some kind of entertainment? 】


Aren't you supposed to be with me?

Gojo Satoru was also taken aback by her answer for a moment, and then laughed.

"You're right, it's really just entertainment. So it's better to finish it."

Wutiao: "After that, please let Muli continue!"

Mu Li: ...

Then I really thank you.

No, it's you two.


It is somewhat inhumane to continue directly. After discussion, the two sides decided to rest for 20 minutes at halftime before continuing the individual competition.

Mu Li brought Eggy to an empty corner.

In order to prevent their conversation from being heard by others, she deliberately spoke to Dandan in her heart.

Mu Li: There are some things I want to confirm with you.

Mu Li: If my ability is to see what happened in the past, then I can not only see the perspective of others, right?

Eggy: [You are only associated with specific things, so it doesn’t matter if someone’s perspective is right? 】

Mu Li: Then under what circumstances can I see what others have experienced?

Eggy was silent for a while this time, but she still answered truthfully.

[If the other party is someone with weaker mental power than you, you should be able to see it easily. 】

Mu Li: Can it be done even without any restrictions?

Eggy was silent for a little longer this time.

In the end, he simply hummed.

For the first time, Mu Li felt that hiding her face was a very cunning thing.As long as Eggy doesn't want to, he can't perceive the other party's thoughts at all.

Mu Li was the first to lose in this silent war, and she stroked her hair a little irritably.

Mu Li: Don't you ask me what I want to ask?

Eggy still looked calm.

[I have always thought that you are the one who will speak directly if you want to ask. 】

Mu Li looked more impatient.She questioned her somewhat angrily.

Mu Li: Who is Aloysia's heir chosen by her own will?

Eggy was very decisive this time.

【I have no idea.I can't guess what he thinks at will. 】

Mu Li squinted her eyes, she seemed sharp-edged and didn't even care that the content of the conversation would be heard by others.

"You said you didn't know? Then why did you come to him with 'Seal'?"

"Because Aloysia's designated successor is Abel Ryan, right!"

"I have guessed many times why you came to find your brother. Logically speaking, with Aisha's identity and strength, it shouldn't be impossible to keep either of you, but judging from your current situation, you are not doing well. How good is it that Abrien is nowhere to be found, and now the master of the world has even become a low-level guy that I have never seen in anyone else's memory?"

"Aren't you going to tell me what happened in the middle?"

Eggy is still very calm.She even revealed the hidden thoughts in her words.

[You still want to know why I came to you, right? 】

【It's not long since we met, it's normal that you don't fully believe me. 】

[But don't worry, I don't intend to use you for anything.It should be said that the most fundamental purpose of my approaching you is to let you return to the void as soon as possible, and get through this meaningless novice village as soon as possible.That's all. 】

The two remained silent for a while, and finally Mu Li looked away first.

Mu Li: "Sorry."

She didn't explain why she was apologizing, but Eggy didn't seem to care.

She flew over and rubbed Muli's face but said nothing.

Mu Li: "Ruen...how did he disappear?"

[He. 】

Eggy flew further away.For the first time, the original little milk voice seemed extremely cold, as if the winter wind was biting the bone.

[He is not missing.He is dead. 】

Mu Li:!

[Although it is inconvenient for me to say too much about the previous things, I can tell you the ending of all of our generation in Lancaster. 】

【Father didn't know what he had promised to Ai Lingshahua, but he disappeared completely after the holy war started, and his whereabouts are still unknown. 】

[Ezekiel was sent to the hostile territory of the Holy Banquet Alliance at that time, so he was saved from being affected. 】

[Ryan... received... After the ceremony, he was taken to the altar by his mother and failed to come back. 】

【I had nowhere to go, so Aloysia took me by my side and became her envoy. 】

[As for you and that big brother you've never met, I don't need to talk about it. 】

Mu Li was startled, and murmured to pick up her words.

"Are we all unborn children..."

Eggy didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

Mu Li: "What about Mrs. Aisha?"

【Mother, she went to find her father later, maybe she is still alive now.But where I don't know. 】

Eggy hesitated for a moment and deliberately added a sentence.

[If you want to seek revenge from her, I can't help you. 】

Mu Li: "Why did Ryan go to the altar?"

【The largest person who has the blood of the Siduk family can return from the altar and gain unparalleled power.Mother thought that Ryan was a better person to go to the altar than any Siduk. 】

Mu Li was taken aback when she heard this.

"So the altar rejected him? This seems to be an accident? Has there been such an accident before?"

【never heard of that. 】

[I have also been to that place.But I came back intact. 】

Mu Li felt that she seemed to have found the right direction.

"You've been! What's there?"

【I have no idea. 】

Mu Li:? ? ?

"You do not know?"

[I only go to the consciousness, once the consciousness returns to the body, I will lose the memory of this period. 】

Mu Li was dumbfounded.

"Then hasn't anything changed since you came back?"

【No.People who come back from the altar will gain the power stored in the altar to some extent. It may be that I failed to inherit any of Siduk's abilities. After I came back, there was no change. 】

Mu Li: "Is it your advanced altar? Before your brother?"

【Yes. 】

Mu Li: "Then have you been there to find your brother?"

[Those who have been to the altar will be rejected later.I can't go any further. 】

Mu Li: "When your brother was in the altar, was he alone?"

【Yes. 】

Mu Li was dumbfounded again.

If the only people present at the time were Ryan and Aisha who sent him there, then if the option of the altar is excluded...

Could it be that Aisha sacrificed her child?

But what is she for?She herself disappeared afterwards?Is it to accomplish something unspeakable?

It seems that there is still too little information, and many things cannot be directly guessed.Mu Li scratched her hair a little irritably.

[The time is coming, they are starting to look for you. 】

Eggy floated to the top and urged her to leave.

Mu Li looked up at the time and looked even more irritable, "Do you really think that the person Aloysia chose will not be Ryan?"

She really felt that the other party was very optimistic about Ryan and valued Ryan very much.

Otherwise, shouldn't this be the first thing to look back on as a memory?

Mu Li suddenly thought of something but the inspiration flashed by and she couldn't catch it.

[I always thought Ryan was just a target. 】

[Let everyone think that he is the target of the heir. 】

[Everyone thinks that he is the most qualified person, and also thinks that he is the person who can grow up to bear Ai Lingshahua's anger. 】

[But Aloysia didn't actually choose him. 】

Mu Li: "Then you never thought who it would be?"

[It's useless to think about it. There are not many options. Ai Lingshahua killed almost everyone and didn't find the heir.That's why everyone now thinks that this heir is the second generation - a child who was also not born. 】

Mu Li was a little disappointed, "Then what does the memory I saw mean?"

【You are His envoy, what you can see is His will.Don't think too much first, you can always find what you should do. 】

Mu Li nodded silently, got up and walked slowly outside.

The moment she pushed the door open, she thought of something, turned her head to look at the other party, but found that Eggy was still there and didn't mean to follow, but seemed to be watching her leave slowly.

Mu Li paused for a moment before she had time to think deeply about what she meant, and asked, "Don't you have anything to ask yourself?"

Eggy followed silently.

[It's no longer needed. 】

You've answered everything I want to know.

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