This Hogwarts is not normal

Chapter 28 The House-Elves in the Kitchen

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a certain greenhouse at the back of the castle.

The Herbal Professor is Head of Hufflepuff,

A squat witch,

Pomona Sprout.

She often wears tattered robes stained with mud, and has a gentle smile on everyone.

Hufflepuff's industrious and kind-hearted characteristics are fully displayed in her.

"Who can tell me the purpose of Bai Xian?"

Vincent and Hermione raised their hands almost simultaneously.

"Lady first."

The gentlemanly demeanor he showed won the favor of many Sprout.

"Baixian is a plant with magical properties. It can be used to make potions, and it also has a strong healing effect."

"Correct answer, one point for Gryffindor."

She carefully held a plate of green leafy plants, "In addition to using white fresh essence, using it in time can also heal the wound without scars."

Harry subconsciously touched the lightning scar on his forehead.

If Hagrid at that time could have a little freshness, maybe he wouldn't have to push his hair every time.

"Then what else does it do?"

This time Hermione didn't raise her hand.

Vincent, who got permission, said the answer: "A mixture of white fresh and silver powder can be used to treat werewolf bites.

But that doesn't stop lucid infection. "

Sprout smiled even wider, "It seems that Mr. Wayne has carefully read the textbook.

One point for Gryffindor! "

With an unnatural expression, Hermione's hand holding the textbook was shaking.

She shouldn't have given up the chance.

Hearing the humility of that thug, his knuckles were almost turning white.

Ron, who was sitting next to her, noticed her abnormality, "Hey, is there something wrong with you?"


"Okay." He turned his head back angrily.

Look at the little padded jacket Ginny at home,

Look at Hermione, who is full of strangers,

Why is there such a big gap between girls?

After the whole class, Gryffindor added another nine points.

Even if Sprout scored one point every time, he couldn't stand the volume.

Vincent, who won four points, was not discouraged.

On the other hand, Hermione, who proudly raised her little head, no longer had the gloom just now.

"See you tomorrow morning." Sprout walked out of the greenhouse.

The happy lion cubs surrounded Vincent and left under the puzzled eyes of the little badgers.

Eighteen minutes a day is another new record.

"Hermione is also involved." Vincent looked at the other party who was not interested.

"Brother, if you keep being humble," Seamus put his shoulders on his shoulders, "that would be hypocrisy."

"That's right!"

The little lions seemed to repel Hermione a little.

Probably because she wasn't very gregarious in the first place.

Vincent looked at the back of the lonely figure who left a little bit, "In any case, Hermione and Harry deserve a share of the credit."

"Okay, just a little." Seamus pulled Harry into his arms, "Gryffindor is the best!"

Vincent, who responded with embarrassment, is now full of thoughts on how to unite the little lions.

According to the impulsive character of the average person, this difficulty is comparable to bringing down the Malfoy family.

No wonder Gryffindor and Slytherin are always at odds. It turns out that the little snakes are used to divert internal conflicts.

After thinking about it, it was time to cook again.

Draco looked the same as always.

Vincent still had a hard time holding back his smile.



early morning.

Three small figures slipped into the dungeon again.

Familiar house full of antiques, familiar luxurious crystal chandeliers.

It's the high-end Gallon fragrance that is a bit choking.

The three of them quietly rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and soon found this bottle of sinful perfume.

"Are you sure you can make him full of boils?"

"I've experienced it myself."

George kept his mouth shut.

Thankfully Vincent didn't throw away the failed ones, otherwise they would have sneaked into the Potions classroom first and fought bravely with the old bat until dawn.

"Why is Snape still in there?"

"He thinks it's the Batcave."

The trembling three walked out of the Slytherin dormitory quickly.

"Why is she here!"

The Marauder's Map showed Hermione sitting in front of the Gryffindor boys' dormitory.

"I think she must be waiting for you to go back~"

Vincent squeezed two smirking faces away, "Don't be like this, maybe she was rejected by her roommate..."

After simply recounting what happened today, the twins began to sympathize with Hermione.

Not to mention being out of gregariousness when she first entered school, even her roommates rejected her.

"It's so pitiful, she must be secretly wiping tears."

Vincent nodded deeply, "Although she is miserable, how can we go back to the dormitory?"


The twins fell silent.

If they could fly, going back from the tower wouldn't be a problem.

But the key point is that even if she got a broomstick, Mrs. Norris's ability to hear and distinguish positions is not blocked.

"I hate it, I should have asked Charlie for my textbooks sooner."


"He is our second brother, who just graduated this year."

The three people with a bright future in mind all set their sights on the fourth floor on the map.

Filch still patrols here today.

"How to say?"

"Snack in the kitchen?"


The three walked down the auditorium, all the way to a huge fruit portrait.

Fred reached out and scratched the leftmost pear in the painting.

It giggled a few times before turning into a doorknob.

"It's amazing," he opened the portrait-like door, "this is the most interesting way to open the door we have ever found."

"It's interesting."

When Vincent walked into the kitchen, he saw four long tables that were arranged in the same way as in the auditorium above.

The house elves probably put the food in the same place, and then passed it to it through their own special magic.

"Papa, here we come~" George greeted very familiarly.

The house elf named Papa stepped forward timidly, "Three noble little wizards, do you need anything?"

"Let's do it ourselves." Vincent stopped the twins who were about to announce the name of the dish.

"Please." After Papa finished speaking, he hid in the corner with the elves.

Not so much a servant as a slave.

"They are born to enjoy serving their masters.".[-]

George was keenly aware of what made him uncomfortable, "Dude, don't think we are all bad wizards."

"I know history." Vincent took out a small piece of pumpkin pie from a large plate, "I just think that Muggles and wizards are actually no different."

The natural law of the law of the jungle is also common in the magic world.

Wizards who rely on war to stand at the top have the same logic of thinking as Muggles.

"It's delicious." He gave a thumbs up to the elves in the corner.

"On behalf of everyone, Papa thanked Mr. Wayne for his compliment."

The well-mannered Papa bowed to him.

"You're welcome." Vincent picked up the second piece.

He has no way to change the status quo at present, he can only give the elves the respect they deserve.

Fred and George, who saw everything in their eyes, understood why they quickly developed a good impression of him on the train.



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