This Hogwarts is not normal

Chapter 51 The Rich and Rich Malfoy Family

Gryffindor table.

Hermione glanced over, and Neville obediently got up and gave up his seat.

Vincent swallowed the food in his mouth first, then wiped his mouth with a napkin, "Why are you sitting here?"

"I like."

He continued to eat naturally, "Should I be honored?"

"Whatever you want." She stared into those blue eyes, "Anyway, thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Hermione stood up, "Slytherin's score has been reset to zero today, I think you should know why."

Vincent's right hand holding the fork trembled, "I have no intention of dueling Malfoy."

"I'll always be watching you."

She left after speaking.

This dialogue may seem inexplicable to outsiders.

But for Vincent, it represented a signal.

Helping Hermione yesterday, the clever little witch quickly guessed who it was.

He knew she didn't know everything.

She knows she doesn't know everything.

Night tours, students like to do it.

As long as you don't get caught.

"It's troublesome now..."

Vincent, who had no appetite, knew that if he wanted to sneak out of the dormitory again, it would not be as simple as before.

Maybe when he opened the bedroom door at night, Miss Granger would stand outside with a smile on her face.

"You don't want to eat?" Neville sat down again, "Just now you said you were very hungry."

"Yeah, I'm very hungry." Vincent forked a small piece of pork chop into his mouth.

It's just that no matter how delicious the house elves were, he couldn't taste it.

But if you don't help this clever little witch, maybe Filch will catch her and go back.

More Gryffindors means less Gryffindors.

"Are there any activities in the afternoon?" James shook his little hand.

"I'm going to Professor McGonagall."

"Okay." He looked at Neville and Alfred.

"I'm going to write a treatise on potions."

"I have to review tomorrow's Transfiguration class."

James' face suddenly changed drastically.

A week has passed, and tomorrow I have to take the class of my dean again.

"I have to admire Vincent's vision."

Going to see Professor McGonagall in the afternoon must be about learning.

He grinned and approached Vincent, "If you hear any news, remember to tell me~". Seven


"It's better for homework, you know my Transfiguration sucks."


Vincent, who had promised so many times, reached out and squeezed his big face away, "Do you want me to help you with your homework?"



A heartbroken James leaves.

He was still muttering something when he left.

After lunch, Vincent walked towards the second floor of the castle dumbly.

He just thought of countless ways to get around the dormitory.

But the most practical one is the illusion spell.

Before you learn it, you can only suspend your daily night tour activities?

Impossible, never possible.

Standing outside Mag's office, he soon regained his energy.

Sneaked into the Slytherin dormitory several times in front of the old bat,

All eyes on a broomstick circled the Forbidden Forest,

Just a Miss Granger.

"Knock Knock-"

"Come in."

Vincent smiled and opened the door and walked in.

"Professor, I have a problem with Transfiguration."

McGonagall put aside the student papers on the table, "Say it, let me hear about the problems that bother you."

"How to change only the properties of an object."

She was surprised for a moment, then reached out to take off her glasses, "Vincent, you have to know that this is a skill that many fifth graders fail to understand."

"I know, this is the content of the OWL Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination."

"Very good." She smiled and took a piece of parchment from the drawer.

"Try to control it without any creases."

Vincent flicked his wand and rolled up the paper.

"Very smart." Mag held his wand and tapped the rolled parchment lightly.

It spread out and folded in half again.

"open to take a look."

After opening the parchment, Vincent couldn't find any creases on it.

But it really hasn't changed in terms of feel or weight.

"do you understand?"

"A little bit."

"So?" Mag tapped the parchment again.

There was no change, but Vincent, who picked it up and folded it in half, obviously felt that the weight had become lighter.

"Water the first time, and cotton the second time?"

"correct answer."

It is not so much a piece of parchment as a puddle of water or a ball of cotton.

It's just that they all have the appearance of parchment.

Vincent understood, "Professor, change the object completely, and then change its appearance?"

"That's right." Mag put down his wand, "But it will be very difficult to do it at the same time."

"It's like a silent spell..."


"It's nothing." Vincent smiled sarcastically, "By the way, professor, is the person who swept the broom company coming tomorrow?"

"10 am." McGonagall didn't pursue what he just said, "just after my class."

"I'll find you after class."

She nodded and put on her glasses again, "As for the other broom, Professor Dumbledore and I can confirm that it was tampered with.

Even so, Vincent, we don't think he really wants to kill you. "

"I see."

Regarding the matter here, Old Malfoy may have already made a move.

Changing the nature from murder to violation of school rules was already in Vincent's expectation.

"Is there any compensation?"

McGonagall squinted and looked at the big eyes opposite, "Of course, Mr. Malfoy is still very generous."

This was beyond his expectation, "Professor, I thought they wouldn't admit it."

"Someone from the Ministry of Magic came forward to put pressure on it."

"Ron's father?"


As a deadly enemy, Weasley was not as powerful as Malfoy, but this was obviously a good opportunity to attack.

In order to reduce major incidents to minor ones, it is most important to block the victim's mouth in time.

But Draco's appearance last night intensified his dislike for this family.



unless the price is right

"Professor, I think the root of the problem is that the school's broomsticks are too old."

McGonagall knew what he was thinking.

How could she let go of such a good opportunity to knock bamboo poles.

Everyone loves the golden Garen, but if he really wants to accept this money, Draco's tail might be up to the sky.

Therefore, Vincent gave up the compensation.

"Professor, this is not a personal grudge, I just hate this kind of practice."

If he was just an ordinary little wizard, he might suddenly disappear when he leaves school.

When it's time to be strong, you have to be strong.

"You are really smart, Vincent."

Mag was a little surprised that he could see through the whole thing, "I'm not just talking about learning."

"No, it's not far away." Vincent looked a little embarrassed, "I'm Muggle-born, so I'm naturally on the opposite side of the Malfoy family.

By taking the money, they'll think I'm scared. "



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