This Hogwarts is not normal

Chapter 55 Draco scored 3 degrees

As the heir to the noble Malfoy family, Draco is as obsessed with cleanliness as many gentlemen.

Especially after being covered in indescribable things, he would take a bath three times a day.

get up once

once at noon,

Once before bed.

All the students in the Slytherin dormitory know this habit.

The first thing Draco did when he woke up was to remove the wooden cup from the bedside table.

If you don't do this, you will be unable to move when your feet are on the floor beside the bed.

After getting out of bed and putting on his slippers, he reached out to the closet and tapped it three times before opening it.

He picked up the shirt and trousers, which were as soft and comfortable as satin, and tapped the wardrobe door three times after closing it.

Three strokes today, six strokes tomorrow.

People who don't know the rules can only dismantle this luxurious and strong wardrobe.

After unlocking all the magic mechanisms at the entrance of the dormitory one by one, Draco, refreshed, walked towards the shower room.

As soon as he walked in, his eyes were attracted by a brand new piece of soap placed in front of the mirror.

It's not plain at all.

It looks extremely upscale.

It does look quite pleasing to the eye.

Those green lace stripes elevate the whole bar of soap.

Especially the silver snake in the middle is enough to elevate it to the category of artwork.

this shape,

this style,

Draco fell in love with it at first sight.

He fumbled in the pocket of his pajamas, took out a handful of Galleons and put them on, then held the whole bar of soap in his hand.

It is too much to describe it as light as a feather, but it is indeed much lighter than some so-called high-end products.

He released his five fingers with a little force, and found that there was no depression on the surface.

With such quality, it is worth adding a gold Galleon.

"It feels good."

Such a high quality is comparable to the pajama pants he is wearing now that have been cast with a no-mark stretching spell, and there is no discomfort at all.

The Malfoys had plenty of money, but it was only a mere 100 Galleons for a bar of soap.

Draco, who walked into the cubicle with it, felt that it should be worth the price.

The warm water splashed down from his head and splashed onto the soap in his hand.

A wisp of mist drifted away, instantly turning the entire compartment into a fairyland-like mist.

Draco, who was intoxicated by himself, didn't know the extraordinaryness of these aerosols.

He took a deep breath, trying to feel the fragrant breath with his nose.


He was wrong, and very wrong.

This thing that chokes the nose and eyes is definitely not an ordinary high-end product.

After throwing it hard to the ground, he covered his eyes with the hand that touched it.

"Fuck your shitty soap!"

As soon as the tears came into contact with the residue on his hand, there was an inconceivable and miraculous reaction in an instant.

And the soap on the ground is even more terrible.

Covering his eyes, Draco knew from the uncontrollable snot that the compartment he was in was already filled with these terrible aerosols.

He groped with his other hand, trying to open the door and escape from here.

But before that, forget to turn off the tap first.

The soap, washed with warm water, slid to his feet.

"Get out of here!"

The white and tender feet kicked on its equally white body.

Even though the essence is liquid, the surface is indeed soap.


Draco, who was lying on the door of the compartment, blushed halfway.

He opened his eyes in pain, and was so hot by the mist that he closed them hastily.

The tears that flowed down afterwards were all real.

He failed in self-rescue once, but he who had already fallen on the door quickly opened the door and climbed out.

Although he was naked, he stood up imposingly.

"No matter who it is, he must die!"

Such a domineering declaration, combined with these enchanting mist, does have a taste of invincibility.

Fortunately, the little snakes didn't have the habit of getting up and taking a bath, otherwise Master Malfoy would have died socially.




When Draco with red eyes appeared, the auditorium immediately burst into countless happy laughter.

The ones who laughed the most were three students at the Gryffindor table.

One of them rolled on the marble floor,

One convulsively laughed out goose hooting,

The last one was laughing so badly that he suffered from hypoxia.

Draco, who blushed instantly, hadn't thought of a way.

Just old Malfoy's good friend, but Snape said he couldn't do anything about it.

It has been announced like this, and the school hospital on the second floor is probably the same.

"Take it out."

This slightly indifferent sentence clearly offended him somewhere.

Draco couldn't figure it out, so he had to face this cruel reality.

As soon as they were seated, the little snakes all whispered something.

Among them, several senior students suggested adding protective measures in the shower room, so that the victim this time can take a bath with peace of mind.

"Malfoy, what do you think?"

Draco felt bad.

This crappy school has been targeting him all the time since he boarded the train.

He wants to transfer!

Go to Durmstrang!

After being absent for a spell, an urgent express reply was sent.

Draco finished with trembling hands.

Not only his mother objected, but even his father who didn't want to see Hogwarts also objected.

Everything is just that the Malfoy family donated a large amount of teaching supplies to the school in the name of the school manager.

drop out?

Isn't this a waste of money?

"Damn Wayne!"

If the suspect can't find half of them, then find someone to vent to.

But this heavyweight player cannot be provoked at present.

It's not that he didn't doubt Vincent, but Snape has already made it clear that this kind of transfiguration technique is absolutely impossible for a first-year wizard to master.

It's not so much that these Gryffindor students did it, it's better to say that the culprit is hiding in Slytherin.

The shape of that piece of soap is clearly the pure snake courtyard style.

Draco, who became more and more irritable, didn't even attend the Transfiguration class in the afternoon.

McGonagall is still very humane, at least not deducting points from Slytherin.

But the news from Crabbe and Goyle said that she looked very ugly at the time.

If you miss again, points will definitely be deducted.

The prisoner had no clue, and tried to retreat but failed.

Draco didn't take a shower before bed tonight.

Even though many protective measures have been added to the shower room, I am not in the mood to maintain this habit.

Lying on the bed and unable to sleep anyway, he got up and walked out of the dormitory to the office of the dean.

"Professor, are you asleep?"


An extremely ear-piercing sound sounded.

Draco was about to ask what happened when the door of the office was roughly pushed open from the inside.

After being knocked to the ground, he raised his head and saw a figure in a black cloak.

"You're not a professor! Who the hell are you!"

The mysterious man drew out his wand, and quickly disappeared into the dungeon after a burst of red light.

Before Draco lost consciousness, there was only one firm thought in his mind.

This mysterious person who sneaked into the dean's office in the middle of the night must be the prisoner who dared to come to the dormitory three times to punish him!



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