This Hogwarts is not normal

Chapter 59 Revealing Quirrell's True Face

The fat lady who came back from the house was very glad that the scene from many years ago was not staged tonight.

Although they didn't talk or laugh, the two little wizards who were said to have "turned their faces" no longer had their faces tense as before.

"Come on in, boys."

Her kind and kind smile made both Vincent and Hermione feel extremely unnatural.

"My roommates are all asleep, how about you?"

"They don't care where I go."

"You can actually—well, you know what I'm talking about."

"They don't like me, and I won't make fun of myself."

Vincent, who was standing in front of the boys' dormitory door, hesitated for a moment before reaching out to open the door.

"I hope you can make real friends soon."

Hermione in front of the girls' dormitory watched him walk in, and opened the door with complicated eyes.

"I just don't hate you..."

She went in, talking to herself.



After dawn, in the Hogwarts Great Hall, an event that shocked countless eyeballs happened.

Today's breakfast is actually full of red and yellow tomato egg noodles.

What shocked the cubs even more was that Hermione no longer stared at Vincent as before.

What happened in the Gryffindor common room last night?

The most curious twins crowded over after eating the noodles and drinking the soup.

"Dude, you are this!" George gave a thumbs up.

Vincent General glanced at him, "I'll tell you some unfortunate news, and I'll accept it."

"Recruited?" Fred slapped himself on the forehead, "We will be super doubled by the old bat..."

"No." Vincent put down the fork calmly, "Until the person who stunned Malfoy shows up again, she will travel with us at night."

"!!!" The twins' eyes widened.

The shock brought by this news was comparable to Snape being expelled from school.

"Although I think even if she catches someone, she will still be able to swim at night."

The two looked at him who was eating noodles again, and there were countless questions in their hearts that wanted to pop up.

"Okay." Fred leaned over in a low voice, "Tonight, you must give our brothers an explanation."

"Explain? What explanation?"

George stared at him fiercely, "You abandoned us, do you know how sad it is?"

Vincent leaned back suddenly, "I'm only 11 years old, I don't understand."

"Nothing~" the twins pouted and left.

He shook his head and continued to concentrate on eating.

"Wait what class?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Neville was dumbfounded when he heard James' answer.

He forgot to prepare the gas mask again!

Alfred took out a small bag of cotton from his school robe, "How about I share some with you?"

"Thank you."

Neville took a small batch, then looked at Vincent next to him, "Do you want some too?"


Vincent tapped the wand in his left hand to the cotton ball in his hand.

The bright red mask with gold trim soon appeared on his palm.

"Wow——" Neville looked at it, "You came to Professor McGonagall to learn this a few days ago?"

"more or less."

Vincent picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, looked at James and Alfred who looked eagerly, "Do you want it too?"

"Yes!" X2

After another show of transfiguration, he found that the lion cubs in the first grade were all looking at him eagerly.

"This—Professor Quirrell will not be happy."

"Whether he's happy or not." Seamus said disdainfully, "A class is a disaster."

Dean nodded in agreement, "Vincent, he is a parallel importer, no professor would hesitate to ask a student's question."

"Okay." Vincent finally knew what kind of image Quirrell looked like in the eyes of others.

Timid, eccentric, and even without real skills.

After discovering that there were trolls in the school, the professor passed out before reporting the news.

He's not a fool, and neither is Dumbledore.

Vincent, who changed out the masks one by one, thought about it, and found that this method can actually make Quirrell reveal his stuff faster.

If the other party really wants to show that they have a problem, they will definitely cooperate with him.

When the crowd dispersed, Hermione came up to him and stretched out her little hand.

"Give me one too."

Vincent squinted at her for a while, "You can change too.

And if we all wear masks to class, Professor Quirrell will be angry even if he has a good temper. "

Hermione looked straight back, "You knew it would happen, so why did you grant their little wishes?"

"That's why you don't fit in."

Vincent tapped the last small ball of cotton with his wand, "You know the herd effect, right? You are the one who stands alone."

Hermione snatched the mask out of anger, "So you are the leader who specializes in doing bad things."

"I admit it's only occasionally."

Vincent was stunned after speaking.

Alfred's little cotton is barely enough for the little lions.

And the last point happened to be in her hands.

Looking at his empty hands, he shrugged his shoulders generously, "Did you come here and ask me for it because you saw that it was not enough?"

Hermione shook the mask in her hand, "There is a price to pay for doing bad things, Mr. Wayne."

"I really don't know who is capable of making friends with you..."

Listening to these thoughts, she seemed to be in a good mood, "If I really want to make friends, there will still be many."

"I'll wait and see." Vincent took out two napkins, thought for a while and crumpled them up again.

"It's really cautious."

He heard what the sarcasm was alluding to.

Masks are originally made of cotton.

Using a tissue to transform in full view of everyone, any fool knows who is tricking Draco.

"No, how do you know!" He stood up excitedly suddenly, "Malfoy never said—"

Seeing the sly flash of those big brown eyes, he knew that he had been tricked by the other party.

"So it's Transfiguration..." Hermione nodded thoughtfully.

Vincent, who was slumped on a chair, looked at the blue sky and white clouds on the ceiling of the auditorium.

It was just a carelessness, and she fell into this little witch's way.

Still twice!

"Hey, I won't tell anyone."

"I'm not afraid of this."

Hermione knew why he was so depressed.

It really doesn't feel good to have your IQ crushed.

She has understood this from the first day of school.

Just when she was about to say something, Vincent suddenly stood up with a smile.

It's just a one-for-one exchange of the limit, and it's not a loss overall.

What he really wanted to keep secret was why he wanted to reveal Quirrell's true colors.

It's just a high-end soap, even if it is known, it's nothing.

"where are you going?"

"Find cotton."

Hermione always thought he was a little too optimistic.

If it was her, she would definitely not have a good face.

"The herd effect..."

She looked at the wide back who walked out of the auditorium, whispering something in her mouth.



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