This Hogwarts is not normal

Chapter 63 The Gryffindor Tragedy

Throughout the day, the twins were in a depressed mood.

Especially after the curfew time, every second that passes, the heart becomes more tormented.

"Good evening~" Vincent just came to the common room and found that they were all frowning.


"It's very unhappy."

He had no way of proving to them what the real Hermione looked like.

"Come on, have a laugh~"


The twins were still amused by the face he made.

"Anyway, you'll be in charge of her. We'll go back after eating some supper."

Fred nodded in agreement with George's point of view, "Dude, you're going to have to work hard recently."


Vincent, who was about to refuse, looked towards the girls' dormitory.

Hermione, who opened the door openly and walked out, was still wearing a set of sportswear suitable for running today.

"Tsk tsk~" George looked at her, "Is Miss Granger so worried about our level?"

Fred combed his short red hair with his hands, "We are all professionals when it comes to night tours!"

"Pfft—" Hermione quickly pursed her lips.

The twins cast puzzled glances at Vincent.

This Xiaoge seems to have really changed.

"Where to go first?"

"Ravenclaw dorms."

The corners of his eyes twitched, "Please, why do you always want to go there."

"The questions they ask the dorm door knockers are pretty funny."

Hermione walked towards the exit hole, "I won't take you too long."

Both Fred and George quietly gave Vincent a thumbs up.

What kind of means is it possible to transform a top student who only knows how to study into what he is now?

Looking at the word "serve" written on the faces of the two, Vincent followed behind her very calmly.

"As I said, she is actually a real Gryffindor."

"We all admire your vision."

Hermione looked back suddenly, "I can hear you."

George stepped forward and smiled, "I admit that I misunderstood you before."

Fred also stepped forward, and said pitifully with big round eyes: "Will you forgive us?"

"Actually, I'm not mad at you."

She now finally understood why Vincent was so optimistic.

With these two live treasures around, no matter how angry they are, they will be laughed at. .seven

While Hermione was answering the eagle knocker's question, the twins dragged Vincent into a side corner.

"I heard that Malfoy provoked you today?"

"Yes, his goal is our college points."

George patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, we won't let him have this opportunity."

"Actually, you don't have to do anything..."

Vincent spoke out his plan.

The stunned twins didn't expect that he was already thinking about the future.

"Are you really going to sit back and watch?"

"Everyone needs to grow, and I'm no exception."

At this moment, both of them noticed something on Vincent's face.

An ambition very similar to that of Slytherin, he just showed it openly.

"Brother, you are not plotting against us, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm scared."

Vincent laughed sinisterly, "Since you have seen through it, then I have nothing else to do."

He approached the two of them, "I will be very light."

The twins stuck out their tongues at the same time.

"It's scary~ President Wayne grows up~"

Hermione, interrupted by three laughs, closed the dormitory door.

"Boys, can you please lower your voice?"

"No, someone is going to kill someone~"

The twins hurriedly hid behind her.

Vincent stood still, "We usually pass the time like this."

"Oh." Hermione opened her arms wide, "With me here, you can't bully them."

"Too stiff."

"The expression is not vivid enough."

"It still takes effort."

She stepped aside slightly, "Have you always been like this?"

Vincent walked over with his fists clenched, "Fred and George's academic performance is quite good.

From playing to playing, from learning to learning, we can all distinguish the boundaries. "

Hermione, who bowed her head in reflection, soon smiled.

"Vincent, you are serious!"

"Don't you guys always have private lessons?"

"Wait, safety measures haven't been done yet!"

Vincent, who was carrying George, stopped suddenly.

"Hermione, can I turn into a blanket?"

"no problem."

Under Fred's sympathetic eyes, George fell down hard.

"Um—can I drop the class?"

"Sorry, I'm also a professional."

Vincent jumped at him.

Hermione squatted down with a broad smile.

She knew what the three were doing,

They also knew she knew what they were doing.

This smiling face from the heart may be the truest side.



Potions class on Friday.

Without anyone in Slytherin making a move, Snape made a move first.

"Longbottom, how long has it been since you washed your robe?

Gryffindor will deduct 5 points for affecting students in class. "

His eyes drifted to Harry's side, "Potter, you failed last week's paper, write another one for me."

Like ignoring Vincent and Hermione, almost all Gryffindor students were severely criticized.

This blatant distinction will probably last for a long, long time.

"40 points, how dare he deduct 40 points from us in one class!"

Seamus, who almost blew up the crucible just now, opened his mouth and tore off a large piece of lamb leg.

The way he chewed ferociously made Harry, who had been deducted 15 points, feel terrified.

The two of them were put into a group.

"He's just crazy!" Ron, who was deducted 5 points, was also very upset.

Even if one or two of them answered the question correctly every time, Gryffindor couldn't add even one point after all.

In other classes, Draco took the lead in making trouble,

In the Potions class, Snape deducted points for being unreasonable,

This is a tragic tragedy.

"Where's Harry and Ron?"

"They went outside the castle after class."

Vincent looked a little wandering.

No matter how dirty Slytherin's methods are, they are definitely not as clever as Dumbledore.

But if Harry didn't go to the fourth floor, how would this game go on?

Feeling a little depressed, he returned to the common room after eating.

After punching the sandbag a few times, he decided to go into that room tomorrow.

He had a premonition that it was impossible for Quirrell to give up tomorrow's good opportunity.

But before that, he was going to participate in the Quidditch selection.

After Wood made the rules clear last time, he hasn't practiced once.

"So busy..."

With a heavy punch, the thick iron chain fell from the ceiling again.

Hermione, who just came in, saw this scene squarely.

"What's bothering you, Vincent?"

Instead of picking up the beanbags, he just sat on the marble floor.

"Why do you think Professor Dumbledore deliberately said that the fourth floor is dangerous?"

"It's really suspicious." She walked over to help up the sandbag, "Maybe he is luring you bad students to take the bait?"

"Please note that you are also one of them."



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