What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 1 Don’t be afraid of death to get to know him

A dazed, dizzy feeling came over him. Shimaier struggled to open his eyes in pain. He had no time to see the surrounding environment clearly before he started retching. No matter how many times he traveled through time and space, such discomfort could not be overcome. Allow yourself to adapt.

Shimaier calmed down and looked at his hand. It was small and white, and it was the body of a little girl. The surrounding environment is damp and shabby. There is only a wooden table, an old wardrobe, and a wooden bed in the room. Looking out the window is a gray sky and dirty streets.

It's very strange, because time travel is an ability specific to a small number of wizards, and only wizards can do it. Therefore, every time you travel in time and space, you should automatically locate the wizard world, but no matter how you look here, it is the Muggle world, stinky. Ditches, factory chimneys, and the Wu's Orphanage opposite.

Shimaier was slightly surprised. Did this time travel actually come to this era? Then aren’t you a witness to history? Damn it, I have only heard the story of the savior defeating the Dark Lord, but I don’t know what happened before he became the Dark Lord.

It's just that although the orphanage where Tom Riddle stayed when he was young is across the street, what year is it now? Could it be that he is no longer here?

Due to the characteristics of time travelers, travelers suddenly appear in this time and space. There will be no relatives in this world, and there will never be any traces. Naturally, she will not appear on the Hogwarts freshman list. There is only one way to go to that world. I just don't know if Dumbledore has taken Tom away.

"Monster!!! You are a monster!!! You killed my rabbit!!!" Suddenly, a roar accompanied by heartbreaking screams came from outside, and Shimaier felt like he climbed up on the table and went to Looking down, I saw a little boy holding a dead rabbit in his hand and confronting the boy opposite in the open space of the orphanage a street away. Behind the high wall, the boy stared at the other boy fiercely. He just pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, with hatred and disdain.

The aunt at the orphanage also heard the noise and rushed over. The younger woman was also shocked when she saw the miserable condition of the dead rabbit. She exclaimed "Oh my god" in a low voice while covering her heart.

"Riddle, have you done something terrible again?" the older woman spoke. Although it could be heard that she was trying to pretend to be dignified, the trembling voice and the fear in her eyes still broke her camouflage.

"Madam! He killed my rabbit! It was he who pushed Jolina down the stairs last time! And he took two people to the cave to get rid of him is the best way!" the boy who lost the rabbit yelled, the rabbit It was just limp and lifeless in his hand, swaying from side to side following his fierce movements. Such an action is tantamount to whipping a corpse, Shimaier thought. That boy must be Tom Riddle.

Tom remained silent, staring intently at the older woman. The older woman dodged his gaze a little and said to the slightly younger woman next to her, "You should take Johnny to bury his rabbit first. Tom, I have said many times, don't do such horrible things." Things." The last few words were said almost through gritted teeth, half in fear and half in anger, and it was hard to tell who had more content.

The little boy Billy wanted to say something more, but the young woman quickly covered his mouth and took him away. She knew that if Johnny said anything more, Tom would definitely do something more terrible.

"I think you should explain why you want to kill a rabbit, Tom, do you have anything to say?" The woman's nostrils opened and closed, which was a sign of nervousness, but she had to do it, if he didn't So terrifying, she would kick him out of the orphanage immediately.

"No," Tom said, just turning his attention to his shoes. The woman was obviously powerless against him. "You, you are not allowed to have dinner today!" She pointed at Tom, turned around and left, but Tom was still staring at his worn-out shoes.

It seems that Dumbledore has not come here to pick up Tom yet. Shimaier was thinking about how to get close to him. Suddenly, Tom suddenly raised his head and caught his sight. Tom frowned, as if he was unhappy and suspicious. Shimeier didn't know what to do, so he had to wave his hand and mouth "Hi". Perhaps because he felt bored, Tom turned around and left.

Shimaier hurriedly ran downstairs, pushed open the old wooden door and ran away. She didn't care at all how strange it was that she was still wearing the black robe that she had worn when she was 14 years old in the previous time and space, and it was now 11 years old. With her long black hair, Like a black crow.

Shimaier jumped lightly and used a little magic to lie down on the wall of the orphanage. He shouted at Tom's back, "Hey, wait!" Tom turned his head and saw the high wall. The person lying down was a little dazed, probably thinking about how she got up such a high wall.

Seeing him stop, Shimaier turned over hard and landed gently on the lawn. He rushed over and said, "I saw it! Me! I saw you!" Because he was too impulsive, Shimaier spoke intermittently, "I saw it." A weirdo, right? Stay away, since you know I'm a weirdo, don't get close to me." Tom said calmly, as if he was used to it, and turned to leave.

"No!" Seeing that he was about to misunderstand, Shimaier quickly grabbed his hand. In fact, she was quite scared. After all, he was the future Dark Lord, but as he was only 11 years old, it shouldn't matter if he was caught, right? "I mean, I mean, I'm the same person as you!"

Tom frowned and asked, "What do you mean?" He turned around and faced Shimaier, waiting for her explanation. "I mean, you and I are the same. You and I can do magic. We are both wizards!" Tom was shocked, his eyes slightly dilated, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Prove it to me."

Full of distrust, like fear of being fooled.

Shimaier felt that Tom was very pitiful, because it must be because he had never received love and lived a shaky life that he lacked trust. She took Tom's hand and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see it."

They came to the clearing where Billy buried the rabbit. Billy was crying beside the small mound, and at the same time he said some curse words, "Oh, that freak and pervert, oh my rabbit, he will become a murderer sooner or later." The young woman looked around warily, fearing that Tom would suddenly appear.

Shimaier and Tom stood in their blind spot, and of course they would not be discovered. But when Tom listened to these curses, his face became darker and darker. Shimaier held his hand and felt his emotions. She could only squeeze his hand gently and said, "When the proof is over, I will give you another meeting gift." ." Tom glanced at Shimaier, trying to see what she was thinking.

When Billy cursed 108 times, the young woman had to pull him away because it was time for dinner.

After Shimaier made sure that they were far away, she took Tom to the small mound of soil. Then she began to dig the mound of soil. Tom watched beside her, with a secretive expression on his face.

Finally, Shimaier pulled the rabbit out of the mound by its ears. Now the rabbit was stiff and its hair was mixed with mud, looking weird and terrifying. Then she put the rabbit in her hand, lowered her head, and raised it again. Suddenly the rabbit began to slowly open its eyes.

Tom stood aside and witnessed this scene, and his expression finally changed a little. "You revived it? How did you do it?" Shimaier held the rabbit in his arms. The rabbit said "Magic, but even if it is resurrected, it will still be alive." It wasn't long before the boy was shaking it around after it died and hurt it so badly."

Although Shimael looks about the same age as Tom, he is actually an experienced time traveler and can perform magic without a wand. Tom raised his eyebrows and said, "I killed it." "I know." Shimaier said, stroking the rabbit's fur. "Aren't you afraid of me?" Tom asked.

"Well, why should I be afraid of my own kind? Remember I said I would give you a gift, right?" Shimaier stood up, winked mischievously, motioned for Tom to follow, and walked toward the window near the hall. Go - they usually eat there in the lobby.

Tom followed, and the two of them lay under the window. Shimael peeked inside. The dinner in the orphanage was not rich, just ordinary bread and milk, plus a few sausages to be distributed to a group of children. "Gu Gu" Tom stood motionless in embarrassment, and Shimaier remembered that the old woman told Tom not to have dinner.

"Hey! I'll take revenge on you now! If they don't allow you to eat dinner, then they won't be able to eat it either." Then he threw the rabbit in.

The rabbit was frightened and started running wildly as soon as it landed. Billy was very frightened when he saw that the rabbit that he had just buried was now running around the dining table. The young lady fainted because the rabbit collided with her. The hall suddenly became a mess and a ball of milk was scattered on the floor. Bread was flying everywhere. It was a child who wanted to attack the rabbit with bread. The older woman was shocked and stunned. She looked up and saw Tom's Yousen gaze.

Finally, after the rabbit struggled to jump onto the dining table to avoid the encirclement, he finally died again.

For a moment, the hall was silent, and the children, including the two ladies, were all frightened to varying degrees. Suddenly, one child reacted and started screaming. Then all the children started crying, and the two ladies had to comfort them. Billy screamed the most fiercely, "My rabbit! My rabbit! It was obviously! It was obviously killed by Tom Riddle! How could it be - I buried it alive with my own hands! It ran out again!" This seems to be the only explanation. .

Shimer was laughing so hard that even though the laughter and the crying were funny together, she held Tom to keep herself from rolling to the floor. After a while, he stopped and said naughtily, "How about it? He won't doubt you, he will only think that he killed his own rabbit by burying it alive." Tom said, "Very good, my name is Tom Riddle." Shimaier He put on the most perfect smile and said, "My name is Shimaier. I live across the street. I just wandered here today." "Wandering? Don't you know magic? How come you are homeless?" Tom asked in confusion, and then lowered his head. He knew magic himself, so he couldn't leave the orphanage. "Well, wandering is also a kind of fun. Do you think we are friends?" Shimaier and Tom came to the dead end of the open space again and watched Billy bury the dead rabbit for the second time.

"I don't know," Tom frowned and said, "I don't know what friends are like. I have no friends." Seeing him like this, Shimaier tucked his hair behind his ears and said, "It doesn't matter," Shimaier said. I will be with you soon and tonight I will play a girl abandoned by her parents. If you are interested, you can watch my performance from your window at eleven o'clock in the evening. But you have to go A place where no one will suspect me, I can guarantee that the old woman saw you just now, she might suspect that you did it!"

Shimaier pulled Tom to the wall and said, "See you in the evening! You are not a freak! None of us are!" After that, he jumped over the high wall.

Tom just stared at her, as if he wanted to say something, maybe he wanted to know more about wizards, but she let him know that he was not a freak anymore, and other things needed to be digested slowly by him, and the time would come.

Tom returned to his room, sat on a wooden bench, and was in a daze playing with his "trophies" in his hands. He felt very strange, all this was too fantastic, and suddenly an Asian girl appeared and wanted to be friends with him, telling himself They were both wizards, and she resurrected the rabbit he killed with his own hands and avenged him. Who is she? Tom was full of doubts and decided to stay put for now. If he found out that Shimaier was playing some tricks, he would have a thousand ways to make her pay for playing him.

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