What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 16 Christmas and Tom’s Birthday

There are two major events in December, Shimaier recorded in his diary, one is Christmas and the other is Tom's birthday.

She has been preparing since the end of November. Now she has less and less time to talk to Tom. One reason is that she has no time. He has to maintain his image at all times. The other reason is that he is too busy and often can't find anyone. , Shimaier felt it was time to find a solution to this problem.

So she often took Caroline and Alphard to hang out in the library. She often saw Tom. It seemed that every time he came to the library, Tom was the only one. Lestrange and Avery were not with him. around.

Sometimes she would harass Tom, but Tom would always ignore her or run away, but she didn't care. She was concentrating on finding a way to make that gift.

When Professor Slughorn came to confirm the list of students at school for Christmas, Shimeier and Tom immediately wrote their names on it. They had nowhere to go - Lestrange invited Tom to his house, and Caroline invited Shimael to hers, but they both declined. Tom felt that it was not yet time, and Shimaier wanted to accompany Tom.

On the last day of the Christmas vacation, the holiday atmosphere was actually very strong. Except for the teacher assigning a lot of homework, there was not much embarrassment for everyone. When they went to the auditorium for dinner, the entire auditorium was already decorated with a very atmospheric atmosphere.

Twelve huge fir trees stood behind the teacher's bench, covered with crystal balls of various colors, and the roots of the trees were filled with various gifts. Snowflakes are falling from the sky on the ceiling, but they disappear immediately when they touch the table. There are circles of Christmas garlands on the walls, and there is a small Christmas tree one meter apart on the table.

Shimael happily gnawed on the chicken legs, because she had almost prepared the gifts for Tom's birthday, and the Christmas gifts were also being made in full swing every night before going to bed.

Lestrange kept saying to Tom, "Riddle, you should really come to my house for Christmas" "Next time, Keya. You know I'm going to look for that thing in school that we've been looking for." When Lestrange heard Tom say that, his expression changed and he nodded seriously. Avery said, "I'll give you a Christmas present, Riddle." "I don't need it, but I'll accept it if you insist." Tom smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

At the kitchen eating group's last meeting before Christmas, Caroline also told Shimaier that she hoped she would come, stuffed her with a lot of candies, and made Shimaier look forward to it mysteriously. Christmas gift. Alphard originally wanted to stay in school, but his family had to let him go back. If he didn't go back, he would be dragged back by his two sisters - third graders Lucretia and Walburga.

On the first day of the Christmas vacation, the Slytherin common room seemed to be empty all of a sudden. The already gloomy common room seemed even quieter now. Shimael enjoyed the tranquility.

There is a Christmas tree standing at the door of the Slytherin lounge. There are several large packages under the tree. The letter says 'to Riddle' and was given to Tom by people like Lestrange and Avery. , but there are a few pink ones that don’t look like their group’s style.

Shimaier did not choose to put the gift there. She wanted to hand it to Tom herself. After all, this might be the first Christmas gift Tom received. After all, he was in an orphanage before and was so lonely. He shouldn't have received any decent gifts, right? It doesn't matter, there will be the first and most special birthday gift in a few days.

Shimeier knocked on the door of Tom's room and said, "Tom, it's me." After a long time, the door of Tom's room opened. His expression was a little strange, and he also deliberately blocked the things in the room. But Shimaier didn't care. He was destined to go on that path. He couldn't change it and couldn't change it. There was a saying called let nature take its course.

"Merry Christmas Tom!" Shimaier said as she pulled Tom to the sofa. She felt that Tom was tired of blocking the room. "Yeah." Tom sat on the sofa. There were no more people in the Slytherin lounge, so he simply stopped pretending.

Shimaier pointed to the pile of gifts under the Christmas tree and said, "They are all your gifts. You are so awesome. So many people like you." Tom just glanced at them lightly and didn't bother to look at them anymore. "I know." You are so cold, don't you like gifts?" Shimaier nervously grabbed the bag with the gift.

Tom seemed to have guessed what she was going to do. "Take it out." Shimaier was struck by the thought and stuttered a little. "What are you getting?" "A gift." Tom said the word softly, Shimaier was a little bit Uncontrollably, he handed the package to Tom.

"I made this with my own hands, so I want to give it to you with my own hands." Shimaier stuffed the package directly into Tom's arms. "Open it and take a look! Don't like it!"

Tom opened the box and found a pure black scarf inside, with his name crookedly embroidered in white thread on the bottom.

"I just learned, don't say ugly!" Shimaier turned his face away, not daring to look at Tom's expression. Tom said nothing, but folded the scarf again. "Ah? Why don't you put it on?" Shimaier said in despair. "I won't wear it." Tom neatly put the scarf back into the box. Shimer was angry for a while, but forgave Tom after going to the auditorium and eating roast chicken.

"You should thank the turkey," Shimaier said after swallowing a big mouthful of chicken wings. "The turkey god asked me to tell you that Christmas gifts are just appetizers. You will have something nice for your birthday in a few days." Tom paused and said, "Also. Yes?" "Of course, Christmas and birthdays are separated, okay? It's great that you can receive two gifts in a row." Shimaier bumped into Tom.

"You don't have to give them." Tom looked at the knife and fork in his hand and said, "I don't have the habit of celebrating holidays, and I won't prepare gifts for you." "What are you talking about? I don't need your gifts. My birthday won’t be celebrated until next year.” Shimaier thought, it would be great if every day was Christmas, with so few people and so many things!

Tom returned to the lounge without saying a word. Before going back to the room, he still carried a few gifts under the Christmas tree back to the room. He was going to study how to treat these gifts and the owners who gave them.

Shimaier also prepared gifts for Caroline and Alphard, although they were not very high-end things because they had no money. For Caroline, there is a red woolen hat with gold rims, and for Alphard, there is a pair of green gloves with silver rims.

After going to the owl shed and letting the two gifts go to the owl, Shimeier planned to visit Hogwarts. Hogwarts was really too big, and there were many places she had never been to except for classes. .

After the holidays at Hogwarts, only a few classmates stayed in the castle. Shimaier went to the Black Lake. There was already a thick layer of ice on the black lake. Shimaier walked on the ice and sometimes lay on the ice and skated. She thought the ice had melted. This must be a Great place to swim.

In the next few days, Tom would either be in his room or in the library, and he wanted to visit the restricted book section. Shimael was not idle either. She visited almost all of Hogwarts and discovered several secret passages. She wanted to visit the Forbidden Forest.

Shimael also received a Christmas gift from Alphard and Caroline. Caroline gave her a can of Bibi's all-flavor beans that were all yellow, with a note saying that she carefully selected them from Bibi's beans. Yes, but only Shimaier can tell which candy is lemon-flavored. Be careful of booger-flavored and durian-flavored candies. Alphard gave Shimaier a pure black quill, and Shimaier thought it was very Black.

Finally arrived, day 1231, Shimaier didn't sleep all night. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep because no matter how you look at it, this day should be recorded in the history of Tom's life.

She took out a list from under the pillow, which read: knock on Tom's door at 10 o'clock and sing happy birthday to him, go to the auditorium for dinner at 12 o'clock and sing happy birthday to him, go to the kitchen to steal materials to make a cake at 3 p.m., and 6 p.m. Go to the auditorium to have dinner at 8:, sing happy birthday to him, and send him a cake and birthday gift at p.m. to sing happy birthday to him. "A perfect plan." Shimaier checked the gift he prepared again, and after making sure it was used correctly, he started rolling on the bed to kill time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Shimaier knocked on Tom's room door regularly. Dong Dong Dong "Happy Birthday to You" Dong Dong Dong "Happy Birthday to You" Shimaier knocked three times and sang one sentence. Tom must not be able to bear such mental pollution, but it was only after she finished singing that Tom opened the door.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Shimaier brought Tom to the auditorium and filled him with a bowl full of food. "Eat more, you usually eat too little." Tom finished the meal under Shimaier's supervision and singing. Pan roasted chicken.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, while Tom was missing, Shimeier sneaked into the cafeteria, plundered a basket of eggs, flour, butter and some fruits, and left. After arriving in the dormitory, he took out the food he borrowed from the library some time ago. "If you use a magic wand to conjure a table of delicious food," start directing the ingredients to cook themselves.

By the time it was finished, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and Shimaier cast a preservation spell on the cake. I went to repeat the steps at ten o'clock in the morning, but before I could finish singing a sentence, the door was opened by Tom. Shimaier happily took Tom to dinner, looking forward to the arrival of the evening more and more. During the dinner, she kept reminding Tom "Don't eat too much." She was afraid that Tom wouldn't be able to eat the cake at night.

By the time they returned to the lounge, Shimaier felt that time was almost up.

"Tom, close your eyes." Shimaier covered Tom's eyes with his hands. Tom didn't like it, he hated this feeling.

Shimaier took him to the sofa and sat down. The cake and gifts had already been placed on the table.

"Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to Tom~Happy birthday to you." She sang the entire birthday song seriously, which was different from the funny songs she sang this morning. At the same time, she snapped her fingers to light up the candles on the cake, twelve in total. The flames of the candles illuminated their faces in the dark lounge.

"Make a wish, Tom," Shimer said. Tom thought for a moment and said, "I don't have any wishes." "Well, let's blow out the candles quickly." Shimeier didn't force it, she could understand, and besides, Tom was not the kind of person who could make wishes on birthday cakes. . Tom closed his eyes and awkwardly blew out the candles on the birthday cake, and the dark atmosphere returned to the lounge.

Shimaier took out the gift and "open it quickly." There was an uncontrollable smile on his face. Tom took it and opened the wrapped carton. Inside was a black diary.

"I have the same one." Shimaier took out her diary. On the bottom of the back of the diary was Shimaier's name. "You have to write your name in it yourself. With this diary, we can chat without being discovered," she explained. "I have been checking information in the library this month and found a magic that can make two people Links are created between objects. When I write in my notebook, the same words will appear in your notebook, but the chat history will only appear for a while before being absorbed by the notebook. This is fine, no one will notice. Our chats are only known to us.”

Tom rubbed the diary with black leather cover and nodded. Shimaier didn't care what his reaction was. She always only did what she loved to do, and she never cared about what others thought. She divided the cake into two parts again. "Eat it quickly. I made this in the afternoon. I'm not sure it's delicious! But don't worry, it's not lemon flavored."

They had been eating out until very late. On the one hand, Shimaier kept delaying Tom from leaving because there was still one last session tonight. So she took Tom to play wizard chess, although she was defeated by Tom time and time again.

Finally, the zero o'clock bell rang, and the long knocking sound echoed around them.

"Happy New Year, Tom." Shimaier said to Tom, "I am definitely the first person to say Happy New Year to you. Your birthday is so good, it is the end of everything and the beginning of everything."

Shimaier finally let Tom go back to the dormitory. Tom waved his magic wand and made all the uneaten cakes on the table disappear. Then he picked up the diary and said "Goodbye" to Shimaier. Shimaier also said "Happy New Year and good night." I'm so happy, today's day ended perfectly.

After the perfect day planned by Shimael, she was lying on her bed. She couldn't care what Tom thought of this birthday. She hoped that this birthday would at least make Tom feel a little different.

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