The review went smoothly and Shimaier was confident that he would pass the exam. Tom wasn't nervous either, even though his goal was to be the best first.

The weather has become very hot in the summer, not to mention wearing thick wizard robes - Shimaier now spends more time swimming in the black lake.

The flying lesson was assessed during the last flight lesson. After Shimaier barely passed the test, she sat in the shade and rested. Even if the flying class teacher offered to give Shimaier another chance to fly, she was unwilling.

As for astronomy, you have to submit a course design, which is about finding the horoscope on the day you were born and calculating the horoscope changes every year so far. The astronomy professor said understanding the stars would be useful for taking a divination class after third grade.

The exams for other subjects are divided into written exams and practical exercises. The professors who supervise the Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic exams have specially distributed quills to students to prevent cheating, so that students cannot cast spells or spells on the quills. Carry an auto-answer quill to cheat.

Practical exams such as Transfiguration, Potions and Charms are much more interesting. Professor Dumbledore, who teaches Transfiguration, asks them to turn pigs into tables. The Charms exam requires puppets to dance, and to be honest, the scene is a bit weird. The Potions exam required students to prepare a potion of forgetfulness in a stuffy classroom. Shimaier felt that it would be more satisfying to simply prepare a pot of poison and drink it.

When the last course exam was over, Shimael's hair was completely soaked with sweat. She didn't exchange exam results with Caroline and Alphard. She just told them to see you at dinner and quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. I took a shower, dried my hair without casting a drying spell, and then went to the observatory to blow dry.

"The feeling of freedom," Shimael sighed. She sat on the fence, the breeze gently blowing her face, and she had a panoramic view of most of Hogwarts.

It’s hard to imagine that a school year has passed like this. In another week, when the teachers finish counting the scores, calculate who is the winner of the Academy Cup, and have their last full meal, they will be on summer vacation.

And she had to go back to the Muggle orphanage with Tom to spend a difficult summer vacation. Difficult? It wouldn't be so hard if you could have some fun for yourself. A malicious smile appeared on Shimaier's face.

The hair has been blown dry by the wind, and the long black hair is flying in the air with the wind. The black robe is casually placed on the railing by Shimaier. He is only wearing a white shirt and skirt, even leather shoes and socks. Stacked randomly aside.

"I knew you were here."

Shimaier turned her head, and she didn't know when Tom stood behind her.

"Come and enjoy the breeze, Tom." The sun had already set a little. "Come on, let's watch the sunset together." "What are you doing?" Tom said and stepped onto the railing.

"I'm thinking that Hogwarts is really rich and charming." The sun in the distance rendered the sky orange, and a crescent moon emerged from the other side.

"It's great, there are no flying lessons in the second grade." Shimaier sighed, then turned to Tom and asked, "What have you been busy with recently, Tom." Since Tom couldn't find it in the Hogwarts book collection, With Del's surname, no more energy was spent on that aspect.

"I'm investigating Slytherin now." Tom also looked into the distance, the blazing sunset making him a little blinded. "Salazar Slytherin."

Shimaier didn't show any surprise, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the evening breeze. "Well done." "I feel that I am inextricably related to Slytherin." Tom said to himself.

"Then I have an inextricable connection with you. Rounding it up, I have an inextricable connection with Salazar Slytherin." Shimaier chuckled. "It seems that I also belong to Slytherin." "

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Tom was probably speechless, while Shimeier was simply feeling the breeze washing his soul.

Just like this, until the sun completely set and the stars filled the sky, Shimaier turned over from the railing and arranged his clothes. "Let's go to the auditorium to eat. I hope there is some ice cream left. I think I have to hurry up and enjoy Huo Huo." Gwartz’s food will be returned to Wu’s Orphanage in a few days.”

"I don't want to go back." Tom watched Shimaier put on her school uniform and picked up her black socks. "Did Lestrange invite you to his house?" Shimaier pulled his black socks down his calves, "so you don't have to go back."

"Now is not the time. To them, I am just a classmate with a bright mind and a talent for magic. Even if they will doubt my parseltongue, they will not be able to find any convincing evidence until I find it." All invitations are alms.”

Shimaier finally put on her leather boots, and she finally looked at Tom with a critical eye. "Yes, you really shouldn't rush into things like reputation, otherwise it will easily be backlashed." Tom also looked at Shimaier, his eyes It seems to say that she is not a fool.

By the time Shimael and Tom arrived at the auditorium, everyone had almost eaten. Fortunately, there was still a lot of lemon ice cream left. Shimael grabbed a cup and started to enjoy it.

Avery and Lestrange saw Tom coming and quickly pulled him over to talk. As for the content of the conversation, Shimeier was not interested. Her attention was entirely on the cup of ice cream that could cool her down.

Shimaier was not worried about not having enough to eat. As soon as the dinner was over, she ran to the Black Lake with Alphard and Caroline for a midnight snack. The lakeside is also an excellent place to cool down at night, especially when you can soak your feet in the water and drink ice-cold pumpkin juice. This makes Shimael feel that she will miss Hogwarts very much if she returns to the Muggle orphanage. of life.

The test results were sent out the day before the school leaving dinner. Except for passing the flying class, Shimaier received good and excellent results in all other subjects. She cheered happily, her hard work for a month of review was not in vain.

Tom is number one in the school, and he deserves it. This is something that everyone has already accepted even before the final results come out. Caroline followed closely behind. Shimaier only knew that Caroline had good grades and was very popular with Gryffindor students and professors, but he didn't expect her grades to be so good. As for Alphard, like Shimaier, his grades were neither too bad nor too good. According to him, there were some questions that went against his ideas and he didn't want to do them.

At the leaving party, Shimeier almost cried. She tried her best to fill every crevice of her stomach with food. Even Lestrange was stunned. He secretly said to Avery, "Troll." Women have evolved." But Shimaier ignored him. She felt extremely sad when she thought that it would take another two months to eat such delicious food.

Shimaier suffered from insomnia due to eating too much. It was like an inexplicable coincidence - she also had trouble sleeping the night she first came to Hogwarts.

So Shimaier simply sat directly on the bay window, raised the hand with the ring high, and observed the color of the ring through the dark light of the black lake. It was still light pink.

The next day, everyone gathered next to the Hogwarts Express again, but it was much more orderly than at platform nine and three-quarters. Maybe it's because there are no parents who came to see me off.

When Shimael realized that he had to take another half-day train to go back, he complained to Tom, Caroline and Alphard with a grimace, "If I could have remembered this last night, I would have been even sadder and eaten more." Many." Caroline and Alphard were obviously amused by this sentence, and even bent over with laughter in the end.

"Okay, let's go to the box quickly," Alphard said. Since he yelled at his two sisters in Black Lake last time, Shimaier has never seen them interact with each other. Caroline glared at him fiercely before Alphard asked Shimael, "Are you with us?" Tom didn't say anything, just looked at her.

Shimael was very torn. She wanted to be with Caroline and Alphard, so that at least the journey would not be too boring. But she didn't trust Tom, even though she knew that Lestrange and Avery were already waiting for him in a certain compartment on the train.

"Don't stand here, let's go first. See you in the summer vacation, I will write you a letter!" Caroline saw Shimaier struggling and pushed Alphard onto the train first.

"Let's go, they are waiting for us." Tom stepped onto the train steps and stretched out his hand to Shimaier.

"Waiting for us? Waiting for you." Although Shimeier was very reluctant to spend the return journey with Caroline and Alphard, he still took the hand extended by Tom. "They recognized your grades in Charms. You know, this is what you're good at." Tom just said that.

Shimaier followed Tom silently, watching him greet people passing by, and finally arrived at the box. Lestrange and Avery were already sitting on one side, and Shimeier followed Tom to sit opposite them.

Avery and Lestrange looked a little strange when they saw Shimeier. Tom explained, "I need to go back with her, back to the place that I hate." Avery and Lestrange I deeply sympathized and discussed with Tom as if I couldn't see Shimaier.

"It's hard to imagine what an environment full of stinky Muggles is like. My father said that Muggles are a group of imbecile people who cannot understand the charm of magic." Avery looked at Tom sympathetically, but Tom He shook his head indifferently.

"Of course, but at least we can make them scared, right? It's a small punishment for them not knowing magic."

Lestrange and Avery both cast admiring glances at Tom, "Indeed, whether he is a Muggle, a Squib or a mixed-blood, he is inferior to a pure-blood."

"Of course." Tom agreed, but his eyes dimmed. He had not found his true identity yet. Shimaier propped his head and looked out the window, while quietly comforting Tom with his hands under his robe.

However, Lestrange and Avery did not find anything wrong and continued to publish pure-blood theoretical theories. Shimaier was very curious about how there was still something new to publish after talking about it for an entire school year. She turned to look at Tom, who listened carefully, sifting through information that would be useful to him.

The train takes half a day to reach King's Cross Station. The strange atmosphere makes Shimeier very uncomfortable. She doesn't belong here but she has to sit here. Maybe she can go to Caroline's box to find them? Hopefully they still have room there.

Shimaier was about to tell Tom that she wanted to go out for a while, but Tom seemed to have discovered her intention earlier. He turned his head and stared at her, shaking his head gently.

Lestrange and Avery also followed Tom's movements and looked at Shimael. No one spoke for a while, but Lestrange was the first to say, "Your Charms class is second only to Riddle. This This is something I didn't expect. Do you usually practice together?"

can you? It seemed that it was only like this when he was in the orphanage. After Hogwarts, Tom didn't need to practice spells with him at all.

"Yes, to be honest, I think she is very talented, but she is prone to anger." Tom said. "Sly" Avery smiled, "Riddle must practice more with me next time. I heard Travers said that he saw you reading a book that none of us could touch last time."

"There are too many things that I need to know. I also know that we are the same kind of people. We all have a strong curiosity about powerful magic. What magic is the most powerful." Tom did not answer Avery's question and instead bought Come to a close.

Lestrange and Avery were instantly attracted and no longer paid attention to Shimaier. Lestrange just leaned back in his chair sadly, "Dark magic, but Hogwarts doesn't teach it, it only teaches stupid Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Yes, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first grade is all theory classes." Avery said angrily, "It's boring!"

Tom curled his lips, "That's right, black magic is so powerful that people are afraid of it. Anything powerful will always arouse fear in others."

Lestrange and Avery both nodded.

Shimaier decided not to listen to their conversation anymore and fell asleep - she had eaten too much and didn't sleep last night anyway.

There was only the sound of their conversation in my ears - they didn't seem to notice that Shimeier was asleep, Lestrange and Avery were telling Tom jokes, about whose family had a squib born, and whose wizard turned out to be a squib. Marrying Muggles and stuff like that. Shimael brought his head closer to the glass, making the roar of the train louder.

Finally, the train gradually began to slow down, and the harsh roar of the brakes made Shimaier wake up instantly.

Lestrange and Avery said goodbye to Tom as they both had their families coming to pick them up. Before leaving, Caroline and Alphard came to see Shimaier again. Caroline stuffed Shimaier with a lot of candies. Alphard told her that if she wanted to write a letter to herself, she should send it to Caroline first, because the Black family did not allow unnecessary contact with other than pure-blood families.

Shimael and Tom changed their clothes in the station bathroom, dragged their suitcases through the winding streets, and finally returned to Wu's Orphanage.

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