HP: What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 23 Tom goes to Knockturn Alley

At the end of August, the cicadas outside the window were noisy, but Shimaier also forgave them - after all, they were dying.

Performing magic in that terrifying cave will not be traced by the Ministry of Magic, so Tom often disappears and goes to practice magic spells in that cave without thinking. Sometimes he will ask Shimaier if he wants to come with him, but Shimaier is afraid of the evil inside. Corpse refused.

Shimael has never looked forward to the arrival of owls so much, because she had such poor food in the orphanage, and the snacks given by Caroline had been eaten in July, even though Caroline would bring some snacks when communicating. , but still could not solve the fundamental problem. Shimaier also tried to write several letters to Alphard for Caroline to pass on, but never received a reply from Alphard.

She lost all the weight she had gained at Hogwarts in just one summer. Shimael missed the Hogwarts cafeteria, the buffets, and the barbecue and juice ice cream.

Finally, one fine morning, the Hogwarts owl finally flew over.

That day, Shimael and Tom were eating breakfast served from downstairs at the small table in Tom's room. The people in the orphanage didn't want to eat with them, and they didn't want to either.

Shimael took the two letters from the owl's mouth and untied the two small bags of gold galleons tied to the owl's feet.

Shimaier picked up the shriveled bread and fed it to the owl. The owl turned its face aside in disgust and flew away. "Look, even the owl won't eat it." Shimaier threw the pieces of bread casually on the table and handed a letter to Tom.

"Go to Diagon Alley tomorrow," Tom said to Schimmel. "Avery and Lestrange will go too."

When Shimaier heard the previous sentence, he was happy in his heart, but when he heard that those two annoying guys were going, he lost interest. "Okay." Shimaier said sadly, "Then let's go buy it first. After you finish your things, go and join them."

After all, they only have enough money to buy second-hand items.

Tom still carefully put the letter neatly back into the envelope, and Shimeier thought that maybe magic was really the only salvation in his gloomy life.

Shimaier returned to the room and saw Caroline's owl Miyou already standing on the window sill. It was a small and cute owl.

"You've been waiting for a long time." Shimaier stroked Miyou's soft feathers with his fingers, and Miyou also pecked Shimaier's fingers with his beak.

Shimaier's fingers were pecked so hard that he laughed again and again. After a while, he finally had enough fun and picked up the letter written by Caroline to him. It asked her if she wanted to go shopping together in Diagon Alley and said that she finally got in touch. Alphard, Alphard will be there too.

Shimaier sighed after looking at the letter, took out the parchment and quill from the drawer, dipped it in ink and wrote a reply, "Dear Caroline, I can't go with you. I just agreed ten minutes ago. I went to Diagon Alley with Tom and said hello to Alphard for me. I haven’t contacted him during the summer vacation. You must torture him for his whereabouts! Your dear Shimaier.”

After writing a few words, Shimaier carefully tied the parchment to Miyou's feet. "You have to hurry up, otherwise she will fall asleep." Shimaier circled Miyou's head with his fingers. "You can do it, right?" Miyou flapped its wings twice, as if to say don't underestimate it.

Shimaier smiled and waved to Miyou, "Goodbye, have a nice journey." Miyou called twice in response, and then disappeared into the night.

The next day, Tom and Shimeier came to the Leaky Cauldron again, but when Shimeier was about to knock on the wall, Tom stopped her and said, "I'll do it."

There was a look of curiosity and excitement on Tom's face. He pulled out his wand and struck the stone bricks. The stone bricks slowly moved to both sides. Tom took a step back and stood with Shimaier and said, "Let's go." His tone was rare in Tom. of relaxation and pleasure.

They quickly went to the second-hand store to buy textbooks and second-hand school uniforms. Tom had grown a lot taller and his facial features were deeper. The second-hand wizard robe did not suit him.

They arranged to meet outside Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. When Tom and Shimer went there, Avery and Lestrange had already been waiting there. They had both grown a lot after the summer vacation. If they continued to use it, they would be disappointed. He looked at the passers-by with uncomfortable eyes, and when he saw Tom, he came up to him.

Shimeier followed Tom. After they finished their greetings, Lestrange and Avery saw Shimeier, but they didn't show any surprise. "Did you really bring her here?" Avery was a little dissatisfied. "The place we went to was unusual."

This sentence aroused Shimaier's full curiosity. She never took the initiative to talk to these people who were full of pure bloodism, but she still took the initiative to ask Lestrange, "Where is it?" Last time During the holiday, Lestrange took the initiative to say goodbye to him. In Shimaier's heart, Lestrange was still much better than the brainless Avery.

"Secret," Tom told the two of them. "She won't come with us."

"Where is it?" Shimaier was confused, and his curiosity was completely aroused.

"Secret" Tom reiterated, "Now, you can take our books and go to the ice cream shop over there to wait for us."

Shimaier was a little angry. She cursed silently while eating the double-ball ice cream. If she had known this earlier, she might as well have agreed to Caroline's invitation last night! She was so angry that she even bit down on the egg roll wrapper extra hard. She was half-lying on the table, for she could not lie fully--her own, Tom's, Avery's, and Lestrange's books were all piled on the table.

"Am I just a tool person?" Shimaier muttered with his hands in his hands, but thinking that he was a bystander in this world, "I seem to be a tool person."

"Simael?" Caroline's voice came from the other side of the book. Suddenly a head stuck out from the side of the stack of books. "It's really you!" Another head stuck out from the other side of the stack of books. It was Alphard. "Really? It's Shimaier!" He seemed to have lost a lot of weight, but he was still very energetic.

"It's really me!" Shimaier was very excited to see them.

But Caroline frowned, "Didn't you say that you and Riddle were together? Where are the others?" Shimaier angrily told the story from beginning to end, and after finishing speaking, Alphard gave her another I brought her a lemon ice cream to calm her down.

"Are you really angry? If he had already made an appointment, why did he ask me out again? Why did he ask me to read a book?" Shimaier took a hard bite of the lemon ice cream, and the stimulation in her mouth made her cool a lot.

"It's just too much!" Caroline was also complaining.

"But, what secret does he have that he insists on hiding from you, but that he can share with Avery and Lestrange?" Alphard analyzed from the side.

Shimaier also calmed down and leaned back in his chair, "Indeed, I have been angry just now without considering the most essential reason."

Shimeier thought about it. Lestrange and Avery were extremely pure-blooded and pursued powerful powers. Tom was also interested in powerful magic, so it was most likely that they were secretly looking for someone to learn black magic. Method!

This discovery made Shimaier tremble violently. "What's wrong?" Caroline asked concerned.

"It's nothing, they probably went to a place that is convenient for boys and not convenient for girls, haha." Shimaier laughed awkwardly. By pretending not to know about this matter, he protected Tom, Caroline and Alphard.

Before Caroline could ask any more questions, she saw a commotion in the crowd. A boy grabbed someone who came out of a dark alley and refused to let go. Shimaier saw the sign on that street saying "Knockturn Alley" and she looked at it. It's an alley, and it makes people's skin feel a little numb in the summer.

The boy pinned the man down and put his wand against the man's neck. "Where did you take my sister!"

The child's brown hair was too long and covered his eyes, but his ruthlessness could still be felt. The man's neck was red, and the eyes on his face were about to pop out. His hands kept beating the ground - maybe he was struggling to suffocate, maybe he was looking for the wand.

The moment the man touched the wand, he flicked the boy away. He smiled maliciously and slowly walked into the boy who was sitting on the ground and couldn't get up for a while. He looked around and waved his wand, causing many rocks to fly up and shoot towards the boy.

"Broken to pieces" Shimaier couldn't think. If all these stones hit the boy, he would be dead. Besides, this man didn't seem to be a good person.

The stone shattered into powder in the air and fell to the ground. The man turned around and pointed his wand at Shimael. Before he could cast the spell, Shimael shouted "Expelliarmus!"

The man's wand flew out of his hand instantly. Finally, Shimaier waved his wand and threw the man into the alley. The man stood up, picked up the wand and ran away in embarrassment.

Caroline and Alphard were stunned after watching all this, "You are so handsome, you are so awesome, Shimael!"

Caroline immediately stood up and walked to Shimaier, "What other surprises do you have that I don't know about?"

Shimaier smiled sheepishly, she could only use magic spells.

But Alphard looked worried, "You just used magic outside of school. I mean, although it was a just act, but..."

"It's okay," Shimaier said secretly to Caroline and Alphard, "There are so many people here, you can't find me."

After saying that, they quickly walked towards the boy. Caroline and Alphard were evacuating the crowd. Although some people didn't want to leave, they were all curious about how this girl had such a strong ability.

The boy in front of him was scratched by gravel on his face. Shimaier pulled him up from the ground. The boy didn't thank him, just wiped his wound and walked towards Knockturn Alley.

"Wait a minute, it looks very dangerous inside, so don't go there." Shimaier felt that the boy in front of him should be smaller than him, and he would be dead if he went in.

"I'm going to find my sister." The boy glanced at Shimaier. This look reminded Shimaier of Tom.

"What's wrong?" Tom, Avery and Lestrange came out of Knockturn Alley, followed by a little girl.

Two voices almost at the same time "Abbely!"


The little girl behind Tom quickly ran to the boy's side, "Brother, that person tricked me into being there. Fortunately, I met them."

Tom smiled kindly at the boy, and the boy just stared at Tom and then led the little girl through the crowd and left.

"Inexplicable person, to be honest Tom, you shouldn't help her." Avery said disdainfully, "Not polite, maybe she's a Mudblood."

"That's right," Lestrange agreed, "but Riddle is so powerful. He defeated an adult wizard in one go. Maybe you can become the youngest duel master."

Lestrange said to Tom, and Tom was not affected by the boy at all. He just smiled gracefully and said, "Of course, but you know I prefer unknown magic."

Avery and Lestrange looked at each other understandingly and nodded in agreement. Tom then turned to look at Shimaier and the other three, raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you make an appointment?" "No, we just met." Alphard said first.

Avery and Lestrange smiled maliciously, "Hey, Black, your family finally released you?" "I heard that you were locked up because of playing with certain people. Yes, if you ask me, I will draw a clear line immediately, otherwise what will happen if I am sent to Azkaban in the future?" The two people sang in harmony, constantly teasing Alphard.

Alphard's face turned pale and red at times as they talked about it. He wanted to say something but was stopped by Caroline. "Let's go." Caroline said coldly, taking Alphard's wrist and taking him out. .

Shimaier wanted to follow, but Tom stopped her, "Shimaier, where are our books?" "Over there" Shimaier pointed to a pile of books on the small table outside the ice cream shop, wondering where to go. Chasing after Caroline, she had already dragged Alphard away.

"Have you been abandoned by your friends?" Avery didn't dare to say harsh words to Shimaier, so he could only tease her in a weird way. "I thought we were such good friends. Why don't you be friends with us? At least we won't leave you here alone," Lestrange said maliciously. And Tom said nothing, watching Shimaier's actions.

"I will never, ever be friends with you two idiots! Tom is pitiful if he has you!" With that, he squeezed through the crowd and ran away, shouting the names of Caroline and Alphard.

Tom's face stiffened for a moment, and a crack appeared on his handsome face.

"Besides, you are an ignorant fool." Avery spit on the ground fiercely. "Let's go, Riddle. We haven't even finished visiting Knockturn Alley just yet." Lestrange snapped his fingers and stood beside him. A house elf with a dirty rag wrapped around his chest appeared and said, "Go and help us read the book." The house elf nodded and limped over. Lestrange seemed to think it was walking too slowly. He even kicked it over.

After doing these things, Lestrange said calmly, "Let's go, Riddle." and made way for him. Tom regained the perfect curve of his mouth and walked into the dark alley behind him.

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