Tom is a person who is very good at exploring other people's secrets, and he is also very good at keeping secrets. Unregistered Animagus is illegal, so Tom just gave Shimael a butterfly necklace with pink and blue wings on her birthday.

Shimaier was wearing the necklace and pointed at it and then at himself, "I."

Tom nodded.

"Do you have any birthday wishes?" Tom asked for the first time.

"I wish I could be a child forever." Although it can be achieved, Shimaier secretly thought.

It was time for the final exams again, and Shimael, Caroline, and Alphard had been studying how to become Animagus for almost the entire semester after Christmas, and of course, they had to prevent others from discovering them.

Caroline failed to catch up with the storm. She was angry that half a year of her time was almost in vain and was unwilling to try again. Alphard's Animagus was a black crow.

After spending half a year on this, naturally there was no more time to study. This was also a point that made Caroline very angry, because she realized that the final exam was less than two weeks away.

"I hate it so much!" Caroline buried her head in the book. She had maintained this position for a long time. "Why was the Gryffindor common room so crowded that day!"

"Because Gryffindor won the Quidditch championship," Alphard said. "You can try again."

Caroline recalled the difficult experience of the past six months and shook her head, "Forget it, I can't afford it. Success only comes once for me."

"Why do you sound like Tom?" Shimaier admired the butterfly necklace in the sun. The crystal on it was very transparent.

"Why aren't you in a hurry?" Alphard asked. The parchment beside him was piled half as high as a person. This was just the potion formula he had written down in memory.

"Riddle will make up lessons for her, idiot, right Shimaier?" Caroline finally raised her head from the pile of books.

"Yes," Shimaier still admired the butterfly necklace.

"How is it possible? Don't we go back to the lounge together every day? You go back to the dormitory as soon as you come back. Could it be?" Alphard's tone gradually became ambiguous, and he and Caroline looked at each other tacitly. "Isn't this not good?" .”

"What are you thinking about? That's not the case." Shimaier's eyes flashed back, and Tom would communicate with her in the diary every night.

But it was her and Tom's secret.

One week before the exam, Professor Horn asked them to fill in the elective course schedule for the third grade.

"If it's possible, I don't want to fill in any of it." Shmair muttered while lying on the Slytherin table, and turned to Alphard next to him who was filling in "Do you have any ideas?"

Alphard nodded. "Lend it to me for reference." Shimael took Alphard's parchment, which said Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures and a Divination class.

"Isn't it enough to just choose two subjects?" Shimaier wondered how someone could find something to do.

"Because I want to learn Care of Magical Creatures, and Caroline wants to learn Divination, so we just chose them together. You don't want to learn anything else. I don't want to choose the fourth one." Alphard said with an exaggerated expression of pain on his face. explain.

"Who would choose some useless classes? Muggle studies? Water classes for mudbloods?" The sarcastic voice thought of the annoying Black sisters. "I can't imagine that you have fallen to this level. At least you can We should be asked,” Walburga said.

"I thought you didn't treat me as a brother," Alphard responded coldly. He just stood up and handed the watch to Professor Horn and walked out of the hall. Shimaier saw Caroline and chased her out.

"Then what do you choose?" Tom asked Shimaier as he appeared behind the Black sisters.

"I haven't decided yet," Shimaier said. "Even if I want to be more relaxed, I would choose Muggle Studies." Shimaier looked at the two Black sisters with a hint.

But the two Black sisters didn't speak. They were waiting for Tom to speak.

"It's useless." Tom shook his head. "Take ancient runes and divination with me, and then we'll take alchemy together in the sixth grade."

Shimael was still hesitant, and finally chose ancient runes, divination and care of magical creatures.

"You obviously want to paddle, but you have to give in," Shimaier herself said. She really wanted to fill in the Muggle Studies class, but she didn't dare to do it under Tom's surveillance.

Shimaier completed the exam with great satisfaction. Of course, this was because she did not have high requirements for herself.

Shimael likes to stay with Tom. There is still a week before the test results are out, and it is also the most comfortable week in their comfortable life at Hogwarts, because there are no classes, no homework, and they embrace freedom.

Tom was watching Shimael swimming in the black lake. "This is where I drank the potion." Shimaier popped his head out of the water. "I thought I could turn into a fish or something."

"Butterflies are fragile," Tom said, looking at Shimaier fluttering in the water. At this time, Shimaier was trying to see if he could do water ballet.

"It's okay as long as I'm not fragile." Shimaier didn't want to continue discussing this topic. "They didn't pester you?"

Of course they were referring to Avery and Lestrange, a group of people who regarded themselves as pure-blood supremacy. Perhaps it was an illusion, Shimaier felt that there were gradually more people like this in Hogwarts.

Tom shook his head "They all have things to do now, and I need some time to myself."

"Time to play with me!" Shimaier came out of the black lake. His wet clothes were sticking to his body, making him uncomfortable, and he quickly cast a drying spell.

"It would be better to use a waterproof and moisture-proof charm next time." Tom handed the shoes to Shimaier.

"Did you get excited when you saw my graceful body soaked in water?" Shimaier sat down next to Tom. "It's so comfortable, such a time."

Suddenly a small snake climbed onto Shimaier's ankle.

"I'm serious, Hogwarts really needs to consider getting rid of snakes." Shimaier raised his left leg stiffly. The strange feeling of the cold scales touching the skin made Shimaier feel cold. "Tom, help me." "

"He just wants to get close to you." Tom hissed and stretched out his hand, and the little snake coiled around Tom's wrist. "Snakes will be of great use to me in the future."

Shimaier breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the snake seriously, and suddenly discovered something extraordinary: "Isn't this the one that bit Lucretia last time?"

"So you know what use snakes are to me." Tom gently stroked the little snake with his index finger, and the little snake spit out the message as if he was very happy.

"I should have guessed it earlier, come on Tom, just don't let it bite me." Shimaier tentatively touched it. In fact, she was not afraid of snakes, but she just hadn't tried it.

It still feels weird and the scales are slippery, but the cool touch is perfect for summer.

"You can call a python out and let it wrap around me, so that I can stay cool wherever I go." Shimaier suddenly came up with this idea.

"I learned about a legend." Tom said, "In addition to doing some very necessary things in the past six months, I have also been looking for something." He paused for a moment and observed Shimaier's expression. "Last time we were in In Professor Binns' office, I found an ancient book, which recorded a legend. Legend has it that Slytherin built a secret room in Hogwarts Castle, and in the secret room was his monster, a monster who cleaned up Hogwarts. monster."

"Cleaning up?" Shimael frowned. Slytherin believed that only purebloods can learn magic. "Cleaning up Muggle-born people?"

Tom nodded, "I think so, but I haven't found it yet. Hogwarts has too many secrets, and there are only a few words about this legend, but I don't think this legend is false."

Tom believed that this legend was true, so there would naturally be a reason for it. A cautious person like him would not believe anything casually.

"Then what kind of monsters will he put in Hogwarts? Can you tell him not to clean me up?" Shimaier asked with a smile.

"You are not his target, Shimael. Legend has it that it only attacks mudbloods." Tom glanced at her, wondering why Shimael said that, "It takes orders from the descendants of Slytherin."

"That's you." Shimaier said, looking at Tom with a smile.

"I have no evidence." Tom sighed slightly, "I've been looking for it too."

"Why don't you look for clues from your mother? We are about to go on summer vacation. You can go back and ask the dean." Shimaier asked tentatively.

"No, if she was a witch, she wouldn't die like that." Tom said firmly, "Absolutely not."

Shimaier also sighed and said no more.

The results of the final exam came out. Except for Charms, History of Magic, and Transfiguration, Shimaier only passed all other subjects, but this was enough for Shimael to thank God.

Alphard is not much better than Shimael. Only the Potions class is excellent, and the others are just good. Caroline was slightly better, excelling in four subjects.

"If your sister doesn't let you go home, you're going to fly in like a crow," said Caroline at the Stealing Club meeting on the last night before the holidays.

Even though Shimael had eaten enough during the dinner, she was still eating hard now. She wanted to thank Gryffindor for winning the House Cup, which made the atmosphere at the Slytherin table particularly gloomy, with almost no food. People competed with Shimaier for food.

"It doesn't matter, in the worst case I'll go wandering." Alphard said, poking at the piece of tiramisu.

"Wandering? I know him well. A stray comes to our orphanage." Shimaier said, "You and Tom share a bed."

Alphard trembled with goosebumps. "To be honest, I think Riddle has a big plan."

"He looks like someone who can do great things," Caroline commented.

"Indeed, he will become a very great person in the future." In various senses, Shimaier could only think so in his heart.

"By the way, you must ask the director of your orphanage to sign it for you. I can't wait to go to Hogsmeade."

Hogsmeade is a pure wizarding village near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Only students in third grade and above with a parent's signature can go there.

"Tom will take care of it. He's a man who can do great things, isn't he?" Shimaier said with a smile.

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