HP: What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 4: I’m going to be exhausted

"Tom, what have you been doing all day?" On the third day after arriving in this time and space, Shimaier could no longer stand the boredom. His current achievements are: getting to know Tom on the first day, pretending to be sick on the second day and entering the orphanage. After sleeping for one day to relieve fatigue, I became bored on the third day.

Judging from previous understanding, Tom Riddle is currently a withdrawn child. Shimaier, who is many years older than him, is naturally not so afraid of her. After all, she has only seen Voldemort from history books. The story of the author has not experienced that terrible era.

What's more, he is still a child now, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is that the final direction of the character cannot be changed. For example, if the Dark Lord is turned into Dumbledore Unit 2, not only will this time and space collapse, but even Shimeier will He will die too.

The current "Dark Lord" was just a child, so Shimaier walked into his room unscrupulously (it was next door after all) and brought the chair from his own room and pulled him to sit next to him.

Tom was playing with the stones on the window sill. There was a landscape picture posted on the wall. There was an open box on the table. Shimaier saw some knickknacks inside.

"What is that?" Shimaier said, pointing to the contents of the box.

"Collect." Tom organized the things inside, then walked to the closet, opened them and put them in the back. "To be more precise, it's a trophy." Tom closed the cabinet door and focused on Shimaier.

Based on the attitude of those children towards him, Shimaier probably guessed that the so-called trophies might be what he snatched from those children, and said, "You deserve better."

"Am I worth it?" Tom asked, "Of course you are worth it, Tom. You will definitely be a great wizard in the future." In some ways, you are indeed great.

"I won't go to Hogwarts. The dean has always wanted to send me to a special education school. They always thought it would be more suitable for me." Tom walked to the window and put his hands behind his back, looking at the desolate scene outside the window, his expression gloomy and even more Besides, he has no money now.

Shimaier was sitting on the chair behind him and couldn't see his expression at the moment. He only felt that his small body contained loneliness and sadness that should not be endured at this age. Maybe every villain is like this?

"You will." Shimaier stood next to him, looking at the gray sky outside. "They don't understand us at all. They are afraid of magic and things that are different from themselves. In fact, I think you are doing a good job. If you If you don't resist and don't let them be afraid of you, they will bully you even more." Little girls in early childhood were always taller than boys, and Tom turned his head to look at her.

"Are there people who bully others in the wizarding world?" Tom asked.

"Yes." Shimaier especially wanted to say, that person is you!

"Why are people afraid of him?"

"Because he is very powerful, people either worship or fear powerful people. Powerful people are always easy to be deified or demonized, but what kind of person you are depends on your personal choice, and onlookers are not qualified to judge. "

Yes, even if Shimael faces the future Dark Lord, she has no way or ability to change him. All she can do is a bystander and a witness to history.

Tom was lost in thought again. Shimaier sat back on the chair and asked, "Do you have anything else to ask? You really like to think alone. If you have anything to ask, I can tell you. I still see a lot." You must be knowledgeable." At the end of the sentence, Shimaier laughed out loud in embarrassment. Such a self-proclaimed way made her stomach hurt from laughing.

Tom watched her going crazy quietly, thinking she was incredible. How could a normal person have so many faces, from being warm and friendly at the beginning, to showing pitiable scheming when acting on rainy nights, to then Going crazy now.

So he said coldly, "Shimaier, tell me where you come from."

Shimaier stopped laughing and sat up straight. She was often asked this question, and she recited the rhetoric skillfully.

"About this matter, I will simply say a few words, as long as you understand it. In short, this matter is the situation now. You also know the specifics, and you have to say a few words. Maybe, what you heard is not I understand very well, but that’s what it means. If you don’t know, you don’t have to guess. I’ve seen this kind of thing a lot. I just want to say that everyone who understands understands it. If you don’t understand, I won’t explain it too much. After all, it’s fine if you know it yourself. Let’s take a closer look. Don’t ask me. The interests are too involved. It’s not good for you or me to tell you. Just pretend you don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that the water is very deep and there are many things involved. Details It's hard to find the situation yourself. Most of the books have been deleted, so I can only say that everyone understands it. People who understand have basically made profits and landed in the market. People who don't understand will never understand, so everyone It’s best not to understand something if you don’t understand it. It’s not good to understand too much.”

Tom looked at her in confusion, not understanding that she had said a lot but seemed to have said nothing.

"Anyway, I'm not a bad person. I really want to be your friend." Shimaier looked at Tom sincerely, his black eyes pure and bright.

Tom turned his head away from her, but also sat down.

"Shimaier, can you tell me more about the magical world?"

"Okay!" Shimaier got excited as soon as he said this. The two of them sat at the table. Shimaier talked endlessly about the basic situation of the magical world and the adventures he had experienced (in the third person, of course).

When it was time for dinner, Shimael was exhausted. She licked her lips and looked at the longing for the magical world on Tom's face. She thought that even the Dark Lord had good expectations for the magical world. . Thinking about the future, she couldn't help but feel melancholy.

Noticing the change in Shimaier's face, Tom poured her a glass of water and said hesitantly, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time and let you talk so much."

Shimaier almost spit out the water she just put into her mouth. She quickly swallowed it and choked it in her trachea. She covered her mouth in embarrassment and coughed. After finally calming down, she quickly waved her hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay. This is what I should do." There are fewer and fewer wizards now, and you should know more about their history, otherwise we will be ended one day."

"How come there are fewer and fewer?" Tom frowned and asked, "Shouldn't wizards be all powerful?"

"Oh, that's true, but for many reasons, Muggles persecute people who don't know magic. You know, they are afraid of us and jealous of us, so some extreme people will do bad things to us. But in fact, those things can't hurt us at all. I know there is a person who really likes to be caught. After drinking the cooling potion, the Muggles will think he is burned to death. He thinks it is fun to tease the Muggles like this."

Tom nodded thoughtfully.

Shimael continued, "And the Ministry of Magic requires that we cannot be discovered by Muggles."

"Ministry of Magic?" Tom asked. "Why Ministry?"

"Well, I don't know about this. Anyway, what the Ministry of Magic advocates is peace. We have to hide to avoid scaring the Muggles. To be honest, I feel it's really unfair. Why should we hide like turtles? Obviously we More powerful." Shimaier said angrily.

"Indeed." Tom and Smile had forgotten to go to dinner. "If I were the Minister of Magic, I would never be inferior to others."

Shimaier was shocked. Did Tom have such an idea at such a young age? Even if she knew she couldn't change him, she would still be surprised to hear his thoughts like this.

"Yes, but sometimes tough tactics don't bring the best results." Shimaier said. "Sometimes, showing weakness or pretending can better achieve the goal instead of putting yourself in the most visible position, at least not It’s the opposite of most people.”

Shimeier didn't know if these words could enlighten Tom. And Tom nodded thoughtfully. Shimaier continued.

"There is also the fact that some pure-blood families are stubborn and self-proclaimed. They only accept marriages between pure-bloods and look down on wizards born in mixed-race and Muggle families. Their ability to reproduce is getting weaker and weaker. There are also fewer and fewer wizard bloodlines. , To be honest, there are almost more Muggle-born students in schools now than pure-blood and half-blood students." At least that was the case when she was in Durmstrang.

"Then how do I know my ancestry? I'm an orphan." Tom asked.

"Well, I heard that Hogwarts will be sorted. Maybe you will know then." Shimaier saw the obvious disappointment in Tom's eyes.

Tom really wanted to know his own life experience. He was born without a mother and a father. He had never had a day of family affection, let alone understanding his parents.

Shimaier saw Tom's pitiful appearance and grabbed his neck. Tom was startled by the sudden attack.

"Oh, that's why you want to take me with you, so that we can take care of each other. When the time comes, I will go wherever you go." Shimaier said, and Tom broke free from Shimaier's chokehold. He came out, straightened his clothes, and awkwardly looked away from Shimaier - this was the first time he had been attacked at close range.

Shimaier was not in a hurry and just admired his fingers.

After a long time, Tom finally said, "You are also a wizard, why can't you go by yourself?"

Shimaier said that he slumped in his chair, looked up at the moldy spots on the ceiling, and said, "Well, maybe I am a person who is not remembered."

Tom glanced at her and said "But you're very high profile."

"I just feel that a low-key life is too boring." Shimaier sat up straight again, with his hands on the table. "For ordinary people, people only have one life, and they live it in a hazy way. But for me, if I can't do whatever I want, life, then my life would be too boring.”

"Yeah, I think so," said Tom.

The sky has darkened outside, and there are rare stars in the sky.

Tom looked at the stars through the window and said, "If you live a miserable life, you might as well start over."

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