HP: What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 47 The Secret of Life Experience

What Tom hated most all year was going back to that nasty Muggle orphanage.

However, Shimaier noticed that Tom was not so resistant to returning to the Muggle orphanage this time, and even looked forward to it. When Shimaier saw the potion bottle in his luggage, she felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart. .

On the train back to the Muggle world, they occupied the largest compartment, which could accommodate more than a dozen people. Shimeier felt that the "Death Eaters" were completely obedient to Tom, and there was only one reason left for absolute obedience.

"Riddle, Travers really wants to sit in our box. Isn't it time to kick out some irrelevant people?" Avery looked at Shimaier with evil intentions and said, he didn't understand why. This woman still has the nerve to stay here. Now there are more people obeying Tom than just one box. The people in the box are all the core figures in the team.

"You forgot what I told you Avery." Tom's slender fingers crossed the pages and rubbed the edges of the paper. "Do you have any opinions?"

"No, no," Avery huddled in the back of the chair and closed his mouth.

Shimaier ignored these disputes. She held up the makeup mirror and carefully admired her face. Anyway, she believed that Tom would settle the matter. However, Shimaier quietly stuck his head out from behind the makeup mirror and curiously looked at the Rozier brothers and sisters, who were also in this compartment.

From the fragmentary conversation between brother and sister Tom and Rosier, who was bumped into by Shimaier on Christmas Day in the second grade, we can know that the Rosier family has something that is very helpful to Tom, which is nothing more than about immortality or immortality. secret. Now only Elas and Abby are left in the Rozier family. With the abilities of the two siblings, it is far from possible to crack it. And there seems to be a curse on Abby, which requires the family's secret to be cracked. The best way is Working with Tom.

Shimael was not surprised that Tom would win over them, because even though they were a pure-blood family, they also had what Tom needed. She was surprised that Rozier would accept it. After all, he has the same temperament as little Tom when he was in the orphanage, making it difficult to get in touch with him.

Shimaier looked around at the students chatting happily in the box. She had a premonition that the "Death Eaters" sitting in the box now only thought that this title was a nickname. Only she knew that this title would become a nickname in the near future. Species name.

This is the fun of observing history. Shimaier put down the mirror and raised the corners of her lips to observe everyone's every move with interest. Such a unique experience made her feel so good that she even wanted to write an observation diary called " "The Growth of a Little Death Eater".

At King's Cross station, Shimael, Caroline and Alphard hugged each other tightly and then embarked on the road back to the orphanage with Tom.

It was still a narrow and dirty road, but Tom's pace was obviously much easier.

"Why are you so happy?" Shimaier asked Tom straight to the point. She felt that they didn't need those twists and turns.

"Veritaserum." Tom patted the small bag and said unabashedly, "You know what Veritaserum is, right?"

Shimaier picked her head. She thought this action was the most idiotic thing to say, "I don't know. You know how bad my potion is."

Tom didn't say much, just explained, "No one can lie to it, Shimaier." Tom gently took Shimaier's hand, "I need it to know something."

"Wow, wouldn't I be in danger? If you feed me, wouldn't I spit out all my secrets?" Shimaier pretended to be exaggerated and covered his mouth. "Then I have to be careful with every kiss you give."

Shimeier was talking about the time Tom of the Observatory gave her the elixir by mouth.

Tom was almost stunned for a moment, as if he suddenly remembered. He looked at Shimaier very seriously.

"No, Shimaier, I will not use such clumsy means. You deserve my best efforts to find out, or you can tell me your secret in person, and I will keep waiting."

Tom's other hand covered Shimaier's face. He lowered his eyes and looked at Shimaier. Shimaier's heart was pounding, and he was secretly happy that his eyelashes were curled enough today.

Tom suddenly took his hand back and said softly, "Let's go."

Shimael and Tom walked silently on the road, the only thing that intersected was their holding hands.

They walked into the orphanage. Nothing seemed to have changed except that the house was more dilapidated. People looked at them with fear or avoidance.

Shimaier looked sideways at Tom and found that he enjoyed people's attitude towards him.

The dean is still so stern and serious, Miss Guyan is very timid but likes to stir up trouble behind his back. Many new children have heard about Tom's deeds and looked at him curiously, and were blindfolded by the older children.

The daily life in the orphanage is as before. Tom devotes himself to studying the forbidden magic and enters the cave more and more frequently.

Just one sultry night Tom knocked on Shimaier's door.

"Show you something." Tom just said this. He looked like he had just come back from the cave, and there were even pieces of Inferi flesh on the corners of his clothes.

Shimaier picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped away the scraps of meat at the corner of Tom's clothes. "It's dirty." Shimaier couldn't imagine how far Tom had studied black magic.

Tom watched silently as Shimael finished his movements before speaking. His voice was particularly heavy today, "Today, I will know a secret about me."

Shimaier looked at him in confusion, "What secret?" Tom just shook the bottle of truth serum in his hand and said, "Let's go."

It was already late at night, and the moonlight filtered through the glass and printed their shadows on the wall. They were the only ones on the spiral staircase.

Tom brought Shimaier to the dining table. The dean's wife seemed to have drunk something and was leaning on the main chair in a daze.

Tom took out the veritaserum and poured it into the wine glass, then added some white wine into the wine glass and handed it to the dean's wife.

The dean's wife seemed to be really unconscious. She took it in a daze and kept saying, "Thank you G'anbur, my best little baby."

Tom said nothing, watching the dean's wife slurping down the glass of white wine, and then pulled Shimaier to stand next to the dean's wife.

"Is my last name really Riddle?" Tom asked coldly.

He didn't want to believe that his magical talent was so powerful and superb, yet he had an ordinary Muggle surname.

"Your mother, she told me personally that you were going to call Tom Riddle. She was a poor woman. I still remember that night." The dean's wife rambled on, but was interrupted impatiently by Tom.

The candlelight illuminated his face, and Tom's voice gradually became excited. "You mean, it was my mother who gave me this name? Is her surname Riddle?"

"No, no, Riddle is your father's last name. Yes, the poor woman didn't leave her name." Mrs. Dean said, "She is really pitiful." It may be the catalytic effect of alcohol, and Mrs. Dean began to sob.

Shimaier watched the conversation between the two people in front of her and spoke at the right time, "Tom, maybe your father is a Muggle and your mother is a witch." She said carefully, and Tom obviously knew it too, his face turned scary. The look in his eyes was as ferocious as he had ever seen before.

Lightning started outside, and the roaring thunder roared throughout the night sky, indicating that it was going to rain heavily.

Tom almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Okay, so do you know anything about my mother's family?"

The dean's wife seemed to be reminiscing. She frowned so hard that her whole face was distorted. "Your mother's grandfather seemed to be named Marvolo. She said your name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. Maybe it was your grandfather's name, too." It's a strange name, isn't it? So I just called you Tom Riddle. This is a normal name. That poor woman was temporary."

"Shut up!" Tom yelled. This was the first time Shimael had seen him lose control of his emotions. Yes, I have been searching for my life in the wrong direction all along. My mother, who was a wizard, didn't know why she would willingly give up her life. She didn't even know her own name. Anyone else would lose control of her emotions.

Everyone in the orphanage was awakened by the roar, but no one dared to pry. The consequences of Tom Riddle's anger would be serious.

Shimaier wanted to hold Tom's hand to calm him down, but Tom's hand was thrown away as soon as he touched it.

Tom rushed into the violent storm in the night alone. He needed to vent. Remnant told him that he could not have an attack in the orphanage. This would delay his studies and might also scare Shimaier. The inferi in the cave were his best choice. The choice of venting.

Shimaier watched Tom rushing out and did not chase after him. One of the reasons was that it was better to be alone at this time, and the other was that he was still a little confused in the conversation just now.

As smart as Tom, he was emotionally out of control and did not discover the hidden information revealed by the dean's wife in the conversation just now.

Shimeier pulled up a chair and sat next to the dean's wife, and asked softly, "Why do you say Tom's mother is a poor woman?"

The dean's wife spoke with empty eyes, as if recalling a memory that should be buried in the depths of her memory forever.

"That night was the same weather as now. That woman knocked on the door of the orphanage. She had a big belly but was very thin. She was wearing a tattered black robe. She was about to give birth. She was really unlucky. She had a difficult delivery. . But fortunately, she used her last strength to give birth to Riddle. She was very happy when she looked at the child because the baby looked like her father and not like her. She named the baby Tom Marvolo Riddle, but she She won’t be able to survive soon. She is on her deathbed.”

The words of the dean's wife suddenly stopped, her eyes widened, Shimaier waited patiently, and it took a long time for the dean's wife to speak again.

"She said her child would be a little strange and asked us not to abandon her child. Of course God would not. I comforted her like this, but she still didn't believe it. Finally she held my hand and I heard the strangest thing in my life. Something like an unbreakable vow, and she died not long after.”

Shimaier was slightly surprised that Tom's mother actually made such an oath to protect him, which resulted in her weakening body and losing her magic power.


It's not like Tom has never had love

But this love disappeared too quickly.

Shimaier swallowed. This secret was a bit big. She reached out and pressed the head of the dean's wife on the table, and the dean's wife began to snore and fall asleep.

Shimeier was pacing up and down the hall. The reason why Tom was so hateful and twisted was simply because he had not been cared for since he was a child. If he knew that his mother wanted to save him before she died, she would spend her last bit of life for him.

It will change history!

Shimaier decided that this was a secret she would never tell.

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