HP: What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 50 Trying to Create Conflicts

"Go away, Thomas," Avery cursed at a Gryffindor boy standing in front of him during Charms class. He never hid the fact that he hated Muggle-born wizards.

When Avery took his seat, he immediately told Lestrange next to him, "The more I look at these people, the more annoying they become."

It was rare for Tom and Semmel to sit together, because after a summer vacation, Alphard always liked to be with Caroline, so Semmel had to push Lestrange next to Tom to sit in the back.

"They have become more and more aggressive towards Muggle-born wizards recently," Shimael said tentatively. Tom had a satisfied look on his face, but he still said, "Listen carefully to the class."

"But he's so stupid. If anything happens in the future, everyone will think it was him." Shimaier pretended to be careless and said, taking his old wand to poke the small hole on the table.

"That's right." Tom casually accepted Shimaier's words and looked at the old wand with frayed wood on the edge. "Your wand."

"It's been a long time" Shimaier sighed and put it away, "but it was just a decoration for me." She can perform some simple magic without a wand.

"It suits you quite well," said Tom.

"I look much younger than this. Do I look like an old lady?" Shimaier said. As soon as he finished speaking, he was called by the Charms professor to demonstrate what he had just said.

"Stop interrupting my study!" Shimaier said viciously to Tom after finishing her demonstration. She thought she was whipped by the professor for her speech.

After sitting bored for a while, Shimaier seemed to think of something again. What if he was retaliated against? So she touched Tom's elbow with her elbow. Tom ignored Shimaier. Shimaier nudged Tom's elbow again, and then Tom looked at Shimaier.

Shimaier whispered to Tom, "If I want to die, I have two requirements. One is that I wear a nice dead beauty as a ghost, and the other requirement is that you are not the one who killed me, Tom."

Tom didn't say anything, "What's wrong? Do you think I'm very smart in my thinking? That's why I'm smarter than the average person." Shimaier continued. She had just thought of the possibility that if she was cruel to Tom now, he would take revenge in the future.

"Shimaier, please demonstrate the Flying Curse again," said Professor Charms. Shimaier's face turned red again after being named. Before standing up, Shimaier quickly said to Tom, "I really don't want to talk to you anymore!" She saw Caroline and Alphard were snickering.

On the way to herbal medicine class with Caroline and Alphard, they met Rubeus Hagrid, who had just come out of the greenhouse. He was a hybrid of human and giant, and he was squeezing out of the door of the third greenhouse.

"Hey Hagrid, how are you doing recently?" Shimaier thought Hagrid was a very simple and kind-hearted child, even though he was much taller than him.

"I love Hogwarts so much!" Hagrid said. "I never thought I could have such a life and make friends. I heard that you can also take Care of Magical Creatures as an elective course in your third grade. I'm so looking forward to it!"

"Hagrid is very popular in Gryffindor," said Caroline with a smile, "if you don't plan on bringing some strange little animals into the common room."

Hagrid scratched his messy hair sheepishly and looked at Caroline sheepishly, "I'm just looking forward to the third grade Care of Magical Creatures class."

Shimeier felt overwhelmed when she thought about the Care of Magical Creatures class. Not only did she have to stay outside for an afternoon in the bright sun, but she also had to learn about all kinds of troublesome creatures. But she didn't want to break Hagrid's enthusiasm and she laughed awkwardly. "Haha, I won't let you down. I will love Hogwarts for the rest of my life."

Hagrid nodded and waved and said, "Goodbye Shimaier, I have to rush to Potions class!" Shimaier nodded, turned around and found Myrtle huddled next to a huge tree looking at them, Shimaier They frowned in confusion. They were about to ask but were afraid that Myrtle would get involved with them. Alphard and Caroline thought the same way. They had heard too many stories about Myrtle, so they simply walked into the third greenhouse. .

Not long after, Tom and his entourage also came in. Avery said loudly, "Did you see the way Myrtle looked like she was crying just now? I laughed so hard that she looked so ugly. I might as well die if she lived like a pure blood." ."

"Isn't it bad what we just did?" Alphard asked Caroline with a little regret, "She didn't do anything."

"Great, next time you go to comfort her, we can eat chocolate for a month straight," Caroline said. "That's how Edward from our college was crazily pursued by her last time."

Alphard seemed to be imagining that scene, and after a while he said, "Eating too much chocolate will make you fat." Then he started to organize the tools he would use today.

Tom smiled indifferently after listening to Avery's words, but Lestrange said, "Indeed, it's so embarrassing. I feel like she is more annoying than a Mudblood."

"Why don't we target her next time, Riddle," Avery said suddenly excitedly.

Tom's impatience flashed across his face, but he still smiled and said, "Don't talk about this here."

Avery said angrily, "I forgot." Lestrange called Travers aside to whisper.

At night, Shimaier was lying on the bed reading magazines. In addition to some serious reports, Shimaier preferred to read curious news. A line of words appeared in the diary beside the bed: "What would you do?"

Shimaier was a little confused, and continued to write on the other side of the diary, "Why didn't you help her?"

Shimaier almost wanted to laugh out loud because she had just read romance novels in magazines. She could almost see the correct answer to this kind of question at a glance.

Myrtle and Tom's experiences in the orphanage are quite similar. They are both disliked, but the reasons are completely different.

"Because she is not you, Tom," Shimeier laughed as he wrote, pounding the bed loudly. "You are special, the only one."

There was no answer from the other side of the diary. Maybe he was moved, or maybe he was disgusted. Shimaier preferred the second option, because the famous Lord Voldemort was not the kind of person who would be easily moved.

Shimaier closed the diary and put it aside, then opened the magazine and read it with interest.

The next day at the dinner table, Shimer was eating bacon with relish. When she was about to share with Caroline how delicious the bacon was, she noticed that Olivier next to her was staring at Avery. But Avery had his back to the Gryffindor table and didn't notice.

Shimer bumped Alphard's hand curiously, stared at Olivier and said, "Hey, you see he keeps staring at Avery, why do you think he likes it?"

"You're overthinking it," Alphard put down his knife and fork and said, "Caroline told me last time that Avery did something very outrageous to him and insulted him because, as you know, Olivier replied later. She was still crying in the common room. They have been quite bullying recently. They are not the only ones. This kind of thing has happened more or less internally in various colleges. You have to tell Riddle to be careful and get too close to Avery’s group. It’s okay. Good results.”

"So that's it." Shimaier nodded thoughtfully. She did feel that the conflict between Muggle-born wizards and pure-blood wizards was getting bigger and bigger recently, but luckily she didn't suspect Tom and she suddenly reacted. "Wait? Caroline told you? When? When did you go out alone?"

"Oh, I'm not full yet." After saying that, Alphard hurriedly picked up the knife and fork and put a few pieces of fried eggs on his plate and started eating. Shimaier felt helpless when he saw the meat in his belly that was stretched out by the waistband of his pants. Sighed.

Professor "Riddle" Dumbledore came to the Slytherin table, his eyes under the moon lenses unabashedly scrutinizing.

Tom stood up politely. He could already look directly at Dumbledore. He looked into Dumbledore's eyes without fear, waiting for his next words.

The Slytherin table looked at them, and the whole hall was whispering to each other.

"Riddle, have you?" Dumbledore just said.

"I don't know what you mean, Professor," Tom replied politely.

Shimaier stared at them nervously, his eyes constantly switching between the two of them. Dumbledore was probably talking about Olivier's incident.

"Riddle, you are a smart man," Dumbledore said. "I hope you will not be the one to take the murder weapon."

"Wait, wait, Professor Dumbledore." Professor Slughorn rushed over. He didn't understand why Albus had to embarrass his most proud student so early in the morning. "What happened, Albus."

Dumbledore said nothing and stared at Riddle for a long time before saying, "Nothing."

After Dumbledore left, Shimeier looked at Olivier again and found that he was telling others that Professor Dumbledore must have made a mistake and was going to explain to Riddle.

"You are so awesome, Tom," Shimeier praised sincerely. She looked at Olivier's anxious look with interest. She was very curious about what Olivier's expression would be if he knew that Tom was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Halloween is coming soon, and the principal said that everyone can dress up as ghosts at the dinner. The ghosts are very excited, and they hope that the students can paint their bodies white to imitate them.

At the dinner that day, the students dressed up in all kinds of weird ways, including werewolves and ghosts. The most important thing was that Hagrid dressed up as a troll. The professors all asked to take photos with him.

"Why don't you dress up Shimael?" Alphard dressed up as a three-headed dog. He turned the stone into a dog's head and stuck it on his shoulder.

"I am a witch, but in the eyes of Muggles, I am already a ghost," Shimaier said while eating pumpkin pie. She didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or something else, but she always felt that today's pumpkin pie was particularly sweet.

"Stop comparing yourself to the mean Muggles, even though you're not that good in the first place," Avery said scornfully.

"I think the pig-headed knight is more suitable for you," Shimaier said with a slightly threatening tone. "Watch your words."

Avery snorted and sneaked over to the Ravenclaw table. Shimael vaguely felt that something would happen tonight.

Tom is dressed as a vampire, perhaps because vampires have extremely strong vitality. He was drinking pumpkin juice at the moment, and Shimeier thought that if there was red wine in the glass, it would be more like a vampire.

Suddenly a sharp cry came, and Shimael looked towards the place where the sound came from. Myrtle, dressed as a ghost, was crying.

"No! That! Talk to me!" Myrtle said word for word, and Avery took advantage of the chaos and slipped back to the Slytherin table.

The one who was in a hurry was a male classmate next to Myrtle. Shimaier remembered that his name was Hemingway and he was born as a Muggle.

At this moment, facing everyone's gaze, he flinched a little but said bravely, "That's right! I don't know why you look down on us, you Crying Myrtle!" Hemingway threw his schoolbag on Myrtle. , all the scraps of paper inside were scattered out, mixed with a pink love letter.

"I didn't!" Myrtle's sharp voice penetrated the auditorium again, and the teachers hurriedly maintained order.

"Go back to the lounge, kids, and continue enjoying the feast." Professor Horn said, "Tom, you take the lead."

Tom nodded and calmly directed the queue as if the noise in the auditorium really had nothing to do with him.

But Shimaier knew that those scraps of paper were filled with curse words. She saw Avery bring them when he went to play with his Ravenclaw friends.

"The techniques have improved," Shimaier said as he squeezed to the front and walked side by side with Tom.

Tom didn't deny that "Dumbledore was doubting me."

"So, we have to find a scapegoat. As long as the results are achieved, we don't care who did it."

This is his purpose as long as the conflict between pureblood and Muggle-born students intensifies.

To engage in pure blood worship.

And many nasty things happened in Hogwarts afterwards, none of which seemed to have anything to do with them.

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