The winter atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and Shimaier now stays in bed except for classes. There has not even been a gathering of the stealing team for a long time.

At this moment, she was walking with Alphard and Caroline on their way to the auditorium for dinner after Charms get out of class. The cold air made her teeth chatter in her mouth.

"It's so cold," Caroline said while rubbing her hands, and her words immediately turned into a ball of white air.

"You're so stupid, you don't even know how to wear more clothes." Upon hearing this, Alphard immediately took off his scarf and wrapped it around Caroline's neck. Shimaier saw that Caroline's neck was twice as thick as her head. The funny scene made me laugh.

Caroline couldn't help laughing when she saw Shimaier laughing. In the end, the three of them laughed together, causing everyone around them to look at her.

When she saw Professor Dumbledore walking towards this side, Shimeier immediately put away her smile, because there was one thing she always wanted to confirm with Professor Dumbledore.

So she pushed the book in her arms into Caroline's arms and said, "I'm going to find Dumbledore. You go to eat first and wait for me."

Caroline nodded, and Shimaier began to squeeze in the opposite direction of the crowd.

"I haven't seen her so energetic for a long time." Caroline murmured as she looked at Shimaier's back. Alphard naturally took Caroline and Shimaier's textbooks from Caroline's arms and said, "She and Riddle I don’t talk much anymore, and I feel lonely all day long.”

"I haven't seen Riddle recently." Caroline and Alphard walked towards the hall.

"Riddle has always been busy. I always see him walking towards Ravenclaw Tower. Maybe he has encountered some problem and wants to discuss it with his Ravenclaw classmates."

Shimeier squeezed hard and finally squeezed next to Dumbledore, "Professor Dumbledore".

Dumbledore didn't seem surprised that Shimer came to him. "What's the matter, kid?" He and Shimer stepped aside to make way for the students who were rushing to the hall.

Shimael remembered that it was Professor Lawrence who told Dumbledore his secret. Since he was so powerful, he also had some questions that he wanted to find answers to, so he said, "I want to find Professor Lawrence, but I can't find him." , you and he are good friends, can you pass this sentence on to me? Just say that I have some confusions and need Professor Rensi’s help to clear them up.”

Dumbledore just smiled and said, "He had guessed that you would tell him this, but he didn't want to see you. He asked me to tell you that everything is an arrangement of fate, and fate will be on the right track in time."

There was obvious disappointment on Shimaier's face. Dumbledore noticed it and said, "Is the time about to come? I think I still have a lot of Bibi's multi-flavored beans in my office."

Shimeier gave Professor Dumbledore a complicated look, smiled stiffly and said, "No, Professor, I won't be able to eat lunch if I eat too much sugar." Then he walked towards the hall.

"She's gone" Professor Rensi's old voice sounded after Dumbledore returned to his office.

"I have conveyed what you asked me to say to her," said Dumbledore.

Professor Rens stood in front of the pensieve, took out his wand and put a piece of his memory into the glass bottle.

"I will be killed by her." Professor Rens hunched his back and stared at the pensieve with cloudy eyes. He didn't know whether he was telling Dumbledore or himself.

Shimaier returned to the hall and glanced around, but didn't see Tom's figure. His heart sank but he sat down anyway. He was poking at the bean sprouts in his bowl boredly and adding a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce before forking. After swallowing a few, Alphard grinned and said, "Although I have known you for seven years, your eating habits are still an unsolved mystery to me."

"It's delicious." Shimaier licked the remaining ketchup on his fork. "Ketchup is simply the greatest invention in the world."

"I don't know, you are losing weight to prepare for the Christmas dance." Alphard said gossiping again, "Are you still with Riddle? But looking at your relationship, it feels a bit awkward."

Shimeier was silent. She didn't know why Slughorn liked socializing so much. Although she participated voluntarily, both Tom and her came from the orphanage. The best place to stay at Christmas is to stay in the castle.

Alphard looked at Shimaier's silence and thought it was Shimaier who was struggling, and whispered, "Listen, I don't think it was a coincidence that we met them last time in Albania. How could it be such a coincidence that they went there on the same day as us?" They must be there often or all the time, I think Riddle is definitely not simple."

"No," Shimaier subconsciously lied to Tom, "Don't think too much about it."

"I know you like him, but" Alphard wanted to continue, but Tom had already sat down next to Shimaier, closed his mouth angrily and concentrated on cutting the pork chops on the plate.

Tom seemed to realize that the topic they just discussed was very sensitive, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, Blake?"

"It's nothing, Alphard just asked me what I was going to wear to the Yule Ball," Shimael said first, and poured a few spoonfuls of ketchup onto Tom's plate. "This is delicious."

Tom looked at the tomato sauce on the plate without comment, dipped the roasted potatoes in it and said, "So, have you figured out what to wear?"

"Of course, but I won't tell you," Shimaier said with a smile, because she wouldn't tell him that she hasn't decided yet.

But Shimaier also put this matter on the agenda. After all, this may be the last time he can dance with Tom.

Every time I think about what to wear, I think of this, and then I start to mess around and resist, hoping that this will make time pass slower.

But the time always comes as promised, and on the day before the Christmas dance, Shimaier made an impromptu decision to wear ordinary clothes.

A bleak ending and a quiet disappearance are what suits you best.

When they arrived at the dance hall, Shimaier was undoubtedly an outlier among the students in colorful costumes, but they knew that Shimaier had always been independent and didn't think it was too weird.

Tom walked towards Shimaier, his straight tuxedo adding a touch of elegance to his handsome face.

He stretched out his hand and waited quietly. Shimaier covered it with his hands. Just then the music started and they danced in the crowd.

Even though Shimaier can't dance, he can learn it after watching it for a few years.

She tried her best to make every dance step correct. She hoped it would be a perfect dance.

Tom seemed to see through Shimaier's thoughts and whispered in Shimaier's ear, "Don't worry, just follow my footsteps."

His breath sprayed on the broken hair beside Shimaier's ear, but Shimaier felt itchy in her heart and wanted to reach out to scratch it. Tom first put the broken hair behind her ear with his hand.

After the song ended, Shimaier felt a little tired, and the feeling of hypoglycemia made her eyes a little dark. She simply lay on Tom's chest and gasped for air. Tom took Shimaier to the resting place and carefully carried him. Give her a glass of lemon juice.

"Thank you." Shimaier took the lemon juice and took a sip. The sour taste made his brain clear up a lot.

Tom also sat down next to her, without the usual restraint. He took Shimaier's hand with the ring on it and looked at it carefully. Shimaier retracted his hand warily, but Tom But it was pulled tightly.

The Gunter family's ring and Shimaier's ring were in black and red. Shimaier's eyes couldn't help but darken when he looked at the ring that turned red again.

"Do you have any Christmas wishes?" Tom said. Shimaier used to prepare gifts for him, but now he has the ability to do it, no matter what.

It would be nice if I could always stay with you, just the two of us.

Shimaier thought so in her heart but she couldn't say it. She thought about it and said, "My wish is that I can remember these beautiful times forever."

"Remember?" Tom's eyes flashed with suspicion, and then he asked, "Then what do you want to remember? Shimaier."

"I want to remember everyone I met here and everything I experienced, including you, of course. I think there is nothing happier than the first person I met being you."

Although these words she said seemed like her last words, they were all words from Shimaier's heart. She knew that her days were numbered.

Tom's eyes darkened and he said inexplicably, "You must wait for me."

Wait until I find it in the book I stole from Professor Binns' office.


There are enough clues.

Tom Riddle is a very smart man and will soon be able to find out the secret of Shimaier.

Shimaier felt that his lips were dry and must have been very pale.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

You must be faster.

"My lips are so dry, can you kiss me?" Shimaier said, pointing to his mouth.

"it is good."

Give it a gentle kiss and grind it carefully.

Shimaier gently closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"Wait for me" said Tom again.

When Shimaier opened his eyes, Tom was gone.

"We all saw it." Caroline and Alphard sandwiched Shimael on the left and right in the middle. "You are kissing."

Shimaier felt that his face must have turned red, and he was too shy to look into their eyes. I never thought that I could be seen kissing in such a secret corner!

"What is your relationship now?" Caroline said with gossip written all over her face.

"A secret that cannot be told!" Shimaier buried his head deeper and then realized, "Where did Tom go?"

"Oh, you mean Riddle? He went out. I thought he went out because you asked him to help you get something." Alphard said.

Shimaier suddenly felt the heat disappear, a bad premonition came over him, and his whole body began to feel cold.

"I'll go find him," he said and hurried out.

She had a bad feeling in her heart, and she didn't want to believe that possibility.

But the body's reaction was to involuntarily walk towards Ravenclaw Tower.

The cold wind blew against Shimaier's cheeks, and Shimaier hoped that this trip was just in vain.

The sadness in my heart magnified infinitely.

It seemed as if all the blood in his body had been frozen by the cold wind.

Tom was wearing a tuxedo and dancing with Helena in the dark corridor. Even though they couldn't touch each other, their dance steps were in perfect harmony.

The moon shone lazily on the ground through the skylight, making Helena's milky white body look even brighter and more transparent.

Shimeier thought of the dance he had just had with Tom, how ironic it seemed.

After the final spin, Tom bent slightly and took Helena's hand. Helena raised her hand in cooperation, and Tom kissed Helena again.

Helena smiled happily, "I have a secret to tell you. I have always been worried before."

"All ears, Miss Helena." Tom's pleasant voice seemed so unreal to Shimaier's ears.

Helena said something in Tom's ear, and Tom listened carefully. At the same time, he saw Shimaier standing in the dark corner.

If he had come to Shimaier at this time, everything wouldn't be so bad.

But Tom didn't.

Tom and Shimer looked at each other, but their ears listened to Helena's secret.

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