"Count three pieces up, two pieces across, and tap three times." After doing this, Shimaier put away the wand she took out from the house where she first came the day before and took a step back. (In fact, there is no need for a wand, because Shimaier can perform wandless magic by himself, but the first-year students must have one.) The bricks slowly moved to both sides and slowly opened.

What appeared in front of Tom and Shimeier was a lively street, Diagon Alley.

The street is full of parents bringing their children to buy things they need for the new semester. There are various shops on both sides of the street.

The sign on the Owl Post Office has a large envelope pattern, and owls are constantly flying in and out of the owl shed on the roof; there are a bunch of owl cages and cat cages outside the Magical Animal Pet Shop - because Hogwarts allows one Freshmen bring their own pets, including owls, cats, and toads.

As for why pet stores don’t sell toads in a more conspicuous place outside, Shimaier attributed the reason to the fact that toads are too ugly; grocery stores sell all kinds of strange things, including ladybug eyeballs (how difficult is this? Collect), dung beetle shells, and various tentacles. The streets were bustling with people, and Shimeier turned his head to look at Tom seeing the real magical world for the first time.

She could see that Tom was very excited because he was asking her to buy a wand of his own.

Dumbledore had given each of them a bursary bag before. To be honest, Shimael needed it because she was not allowed to have a room in Gringotts (there would be too much space for easy operation).

They arrived at Ollivander's wand shop, and Tom pushed the door open before Semmel. The bell at the door of the store rang, and the man who was making wands behind the counter raised his head, "Oh, welcome, yes. Are you buying a wand?" After saying that, he put down what he was doing and walked out from behind the counter with a ruler in hand. "Which one of you will go first?"

"It's me." Tom Riddle stood in front of Ollivander and said, "She already had a wand, before I knew it." Tom shook his shoulders and said to Ollivander, as if he was joking, but also like Shimaier is complaining, but it’s hard to say.

She bought her wand a long time ago when she was traveling in China. The person who sold it told her that it contained a piece of dragon tendon from the Third Prince of the Dragon King. "Oh yes, I picked this up." Shimaier lied casually. "In fact, I don't use it often."

"Can you let me see it?" Ollivander could feel the ancient power emanating from Shimael's wand.

"Of course." Shimaier handed the brittle wand to Ollivander.

Ollivander looked at it carefully and said, "Don't worry, miss, even if you picked it up, it still recognizes you as its real owner. This is a good wand, and it has been waiting for you to really use it." Levander smiled and returned the wand to Shimaier, but Shimaier stuffed the wand into his bag without caring.

"Master?" Tom asked. "Does the wand have a mind of its own?"

"Of course, it's not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand that chooses the wizard. Okay - tell me which hand you are more comfortable using?" Ollivander gestured with a soft ruler. Then he went to the cabinet at the back and pulled out a bunch of wands. "Let's try it, kid."

Semmel watched as Tom picked up one wand after another - either too powerful or as unresponsive as an ordinary wooden stick.

Finally, after Tom got one, suddenly a silver-green light began to glow from the top of the wand, surrounding him.

"Oh! It's this one, it's this one, thirteen and one-half inches, yew, phoenix feathers. It's perfect for your child." Tom was immersed in the feeling the wand brought to him, and Shimeier heard the sound of his wand. He cheered when it was made of phoenix feathers, jumped up next to Tom and said, "Tom, your wand is made of phoenix and mine is made of dragon tendon. We are so destined!"

Tom looked at the wand that belonged to him, as if this wand was his passport in the wizarding world, and it was a true proof that he was not dreaming now. The satisfaction in his heart was about to overflow, but he didn't know how to express it. He just stared blankly with his wand.

Seeing him like that, Shimaier slapped him hard and said, "Oh, you just laugh when you're happy." Shimaier's slap seemed to bring Tom back to his senses. Although he didn't laugh out loud, the corners of his mouth still raised. Yang waved his wand to Shimaier, and said proudly and like he was showing off, "This is mine."

After paying the Galleons, they came out of Ollivander's shop. Tom carefully put the wand into his inner pocket and asked Shimael, "Where should we go next." He seemed to have docked the wand after buying it. I don’t care much about the trip down.

Shimaier looked at the list and said, "We still need clothes and school supplies, pets don't need it, right?" He weighed his wallet and said, "Let's go, let's go to the second-hand bookstore and second-hand clothing store, we have to hurry up, stuff There are quite a few.”

Tom didn't make any comments and just followed Shimaier, but he still looked at the display windows full of novelties that he passed by.

After everything was bought, the two of them could hardly hold anything in their arms. The exhausted Shimaier cast a traceless extension spell on both of their suitcases, making the two of them much more relaxed.

Tom looked at it with interest, "You know more than I thought. How long will it take for me to learn this?"

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe a senior grade?" Shimaier himself had forgotten which grade he was in to learn this spell. He couldn't even figure out whether he could learn it or not. Is this spell illegal or not allowed to be used illegally?

"Why do you have so many?" Tom asked with raised eyebrows. "I always thought I was special."

Shimaier curled his lips and said, "You just haven't received professional training yet, I'm not that good." He secretly decided not to show off his abilities in front of him like this anymore - although Tom would surpass him in time.

Tom did not dispel his doubts, but deepened them, but he did not say anything. He knew that Shimaier would not say anything now, and she had too many secrets.

In the following days, Tom and Shimaier would sit in Tom's room and read together every day. Tom was really hungry for magic knowledge. When he encountered difficulties, Shimaier also tried his best to control the situation and give it to him. Although there are very few things that can be regarded as difficult problems by Tom.

In one month, Tom has read "Elementary Transfiguration", "A Thousand Magic Herbs", "Standard Spellbook for Year 1" and the textbook content on the history of magic and herbalism. He also tried to use the wand to complete a few more complicated tasks. Spell.

After Tom complacently demonstrated some of his abilities to Shimaier, he would always ask "How was it?" and Shimaier would answer "Perfect" every time.

Even after getting such an answer, Tom seemed unsatisfied and would study even more crazily. These behaviors were all seen by Shimaier. With such rapid progress, it is not an exaggeration to say that Tom is a genius.

She probably understood that the birth of the Dark Lord was not an easy one.

Sometimes Tom would drag him to study with him (when he thought of her while studying). Shimaier mainly studied potions and herbal medicine, because he had almost forgotten them.

And the orphanage finally had a peaceful time.

The dean's wife seemed to have a vague memory of Dumbledore's visit, but seeing the changes in Tom, she also thought that the school he was going to (she couldn't remember the name no matter how hard she thought) was not a bad place.

Even the timid Miss Guan would not dare to sit diagonally across from Tom during dinner, if the children in the orphanage did not offend Tom.

Amy and Dennis had come back different since they last went out with the dean. Shimael often heard their screams in the middle of the night, and the only thing Shimael could do was to turn over and go back to sleep.

But in the early morning of August 31st, when I was about to leave.

At the breakfast table, Shimaier tasted the dry oatmeal in his bowl, enjoying the sticky, nauseating feeling that filled his mouth. He thought that it would be a long time since he could eat something so unpleasant.

Tom sat next to her, waiting for the milk to soak the cereal completely.

There was no one sitting around them, and the child who was separated by an empty seat still put his chair and butt as close to his companion as possible. But Shimeier and Tom didn't care, because tomorrow was their day.

Suddenly a scream ripped through the restaurant. It was Amy's hysteria that broke out again. She screamed desperately, grabbed her hair, and swept all the liquid in front of her - milk and water - to the ground.

Miss Gean quietly said to the dean, "Dean, we should transfer her."

The dean looked at Amy's crazy look and nodded.

And Shimaier looked at the culprit Tom sitting next to him, still waiting for the cereal to soak, reviewing the important contents of the potions textbook he had summarized, without caring about the outside world.

"It's all you!" Dennis jumped up, climbed on the table, pointed at Tom and said, "You! You disgusting freak!" Then Tom raised his head and looked up at Dennis.

Dennis panted heavily. He regretted his impulsiveness, but he also saw that Amy, who was just like his sister, suffered such mental torture every day, so he plucked up the courage and continued, "Why don't you die? You should die like your mother! Otherwise you will cause more people to die in the future! You almost caused Amy and I to die! You are a devil who does all kinds of evil! "

Tom only frowned when Dennis mentioned his mother, and wanted to get his wand - which he had carried with him ever since he got it.

Shimaier quickly pressed down his hand and squeezed it gently to signal him to calm down.

Tom lowered his eyes, put down his notebook and picked up a spoon to eat his cereal. Dennis felt that he had been insulted again, and angrily kicked Tom's bowl away. Tom looked at the bowl that flew away, Shimaier laughed, and so did Tom.

Then something strange happened. Almost at the same time, Amy's screams stopped and Dennis's screams started.

Tom quietly waved his wand under the table and muttered "Wingardimler for Otha."

Amy's bowl hit Dennis hard on the head. Dennis fainted and blood dripped down the table, but Amy still kept dancing like she did when she was crazy.

Almost everyone thinks Amy did it. Although they are more willing to believe that it was Tom who did it, after all, Tom is a diagonal distance from the location of Amy's bowl.

So Amy was sent away by the dean's wife that afternoon.

"Amy didn't do anything wrong," Shimeier said. "Dennis was the one who did."

She also remembers Amy as a good girl who was kind enough to remind her that she was afraid of getting hurt.

"I don't care." Tom checked his luggage one last time. "They are one. In my eyes, there is no right or wrong among them. There are only what I like and what I hate."

Shimaier's mood is a bit complicated. Although she can be a little bad sometimes, she can't understand pure evil.

In the end, he only said, "No one will doubt you this time. They will think Amy is hysterical. I have studied this" and returned to his room.

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