Pokémon World Ecological Observer

Chapter 78 The silence of Songzao Town

Songzao Town, which has always been peaceful, is even quieter tonight, but there is no sound of insects from Paras. Everything is so silent, it seems that the entire Songzao Town is praying for Grandma Leixi, the guardian.

In addition to the people and Pokémon who continued to guard the border, most of the citizens of Songzao Town came to the door of the Elf Center to wait.

But looking at the two unfamiliar faces of Su Tie and Nazi at the entrance of the Elf Center, the townspeople couldn't help but whisper to each other.

"Hey, I heard that those two foreign friends helped Grandma Leixi."

"Well, I heard that the two foreign travelers passed by and helped me a little."

"Hey, I heard that it was those two outsiders who attracted the people who hurt Granny Leixi."

"Hey, I heard that it was the two outside bastards and the bad guy who harmed Rexi."

"Bah! I heard that it was those two bad guys from outside who hurt old Lei Xi."

"Huh? But that girl with long black hair and straight hair is so cute? She doesn't look like a bad person."

"Hey, you must have been abducted, right?"

"Oh, that must be the case! The facially paralyzed villain who kidnapped the girl was hired by Neon Town to assassinate Grandma Leixi!"

"Hey! How dare Zhu Zian do this!"

Hearing the increasingly outrageous conversations of the townspeople, Su Tie wiped the sweat from his head.

I? Cycad? Kidnapping Nazi?

Nazi had the idea of ​​putting her in a sack and taking her away, right?

"Everyone, stop talking nonsense!"

Aya suddenly walked out of the Elf Center and said to the citizens of Songzao Town: "Mr. Su Tie and Miss Nazi have helped us a lot. Please don't doubt them. Also, Aunt Leixi is not out of danger yet. !”

After hearing what their relative Aya said, the townspeople reluctantly believed it and became quiet.

"If it's Mr. Aju's sister, it's still worthy of belief."

The townspeople said this, which made Su Tie less embarrassed.

"Miss Aya, thank you for your help."

Su Tie grabbed Aya, who was about to turn around and return to the elf center, and said, "Can I participate in the guard work of your Songzao Town?"


Aya hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "You can."

Hearing what Aya said, Su Tie put on his backpack and walked towards the forest with Nono.

"Nazi, go back and take a rest. I'll just take care of it."

Nazi, who wanted to follow Su Tie, was stunned. Then after thinking for a few seconds, she nodded calmly and followed Su Tie secretly.

In the forest, Cycad sat on the top of a tree, wiping the rusty knife in his hand, but it seemed that no matter how hard Cycad tried, the rust on the knife could not be removed.

Nuonuo sat next to Su Tie and polished his iron teeth and copper teeth with sandpaper.

"Nazi, stop hiding, go back and rest quickly."

Hearing this, Nazi stared at Su Tie, seemingly dissatisfied with Su Tie's behavior of driving her away.

"Go and have a rest. I don't need to worry here, it's just the Rockets."

Su Tie pointed the rusty knife at the lights of Neon Town in the distance and said expressionlessly: "Although it has nothing to do with me, I am very unhappy about being blamed for this inexplicable thing."


Nuonuo also had a very serious face, and the big jaw behind her was opening and closing violently.

Moreover, the ecological survey of Songzao Town has not yet begun. The two typical urban ecosystems of Neon Town and Doll Town are basically the same, but areas like Dasha Valley and Songzao Town that retain unique ecology are more worthy of observation.

"I...want to spend a little more time with you."

Seeing that Nazi was indeed a little determined, Su Tie nodded helplessly, and then threw the Mega Big Mouth Baby Army coat that Nazi had chosen for him to Nazi.

"The Ripper guy was here in the rain just now. Cover it and rest. You can stay with me, but please rest now."

Nazi's eyes were as curved as the bright moon, she smiled and nodded, floating up to the branch where Cycad was sitting, as if she planned to rely on Cycad to sleep.

Then Nazi was pushed away by Su Tie with his ruthless iron hands.

"Please go to another branch, Nazi. This poor branch doesn't look like it can bear such a heavy weight."

Nazhi floated away angrily, wrapped in Cycad's military coat, curled up on a branch not far from Cycad and stared at Cycad coldly.

Cycad was under the tree, the wild bear was licking the wounds corroded by the toad king's poisonous attack, Huaqiu's club tail was raised vigilantly.

Countless bee soldiers in the forest escaped between the leaves under the dispatch of Isa's pheromones. Pacha Sea Urchin Papa also opened his electric field and watched the wind and grass at the edge of the forest.

The cycad on the tree is thinking about something...

Why does he feel that the name of Aya's brother, Aju, seems a bit familiar?

Where did you hear about pinching?

Su Tie held the rusty knife with his eyes slightly dozed, and sat on the treetop and took a nap.

The forest in Songzao Town was very quiet. Under the light of the night lamp mushroom clan, the Paras were nervously observing the environment.

A frog-shaped Pokémon with a seed on its back appeared, inspecting the battle line of "mushroom" Pokémon like a chief inspector.

Bulbasaur, who felt that this lineup was not suitable, pulled out a feather fan from behind and shook it, and began to preach: "Seed seed... seed seed... seed seed..."

How should the lineup be implemented...I have also thought about it carefully, thinking about this issue every day and night...

Okay, this officer is a bit talkative.

Even the Aphrodisiac mushroom, which is best at sleeping people, was dragged to sleep by this Bulbasaur after nagging hundreds of dollars.

In Neon Town on the other side of the forest, Lance was very happy to learn through the navigator that Rexi had been assassinated by Jean Roger. He raised his glass and drank it all.

But the cynical voice in the navigator in his hand continued: "Oh, don't rush to celebrate yet. Lance, although the old woman is gone, there is also a troublesome guy in Songzao Town. That guy, you He can be considered your enemy.”

Before Lance could ask further questions, Jean-Roger the Ripper hung up on the Navigator.

Enemy? trouble?

The bastard wearing the black beret appeared in Lance's mind for no apparent reason.

Is it a cycad? Have you just traveled to this island?

That's just right. I, Lance, and you have not avenged the grievances we suffered in Golden City, Horn Town, the underground passage, Moon Mountain, and the Viridian Gym.

Lance greeted Team Rocket's men and began to prepare for the battle.

"Kojiro, meow! You two should move faster!"

"Understood, Officer Lance!"

"Understood meow."

Kojiro and Miaomiao reluctantly left the slot machine.

Team Rocket's sleepless mobilization in Neon Town did not affect the silent forest of Songzao Town.

But this seemingly peaceful forest is actually already tense, and the Pokémon's moves are ready to go.

The chatty Bulbasaur appeared last night, and he is very satisfied with today's lineup...

Wait, how can that stupid bear stand there!

We have to talk to it.

“Seed seed seed seed seed…”

Looking at the screaming Bulbasaur in front of him, he touched his belly in confusion.

What's wrong with this guy using a fan to do that kind of thing? (Please read it with a Northeastern accent)

Seeing that Da Da ignored him, Bulbasaur looked like "a child cannot be taught" and helplessly slapped Da Da in the stomach with a cane whip.

"This Bulbasaur...what's going on?"

Watching Bulbasaur telling a story to Dada, Su Tie doubtfully asked Aya next to him: "Are his words a little, a little bit too much?"

Aya also shrugged helplessly and said: "This kid appears near Songzao Town for unknown reasons. He likes to study all kinds of strange 'formations' and pull various Pokémon in the town. Preaching, it got its name - Zhuge Waliang."

With that said, Aya took out a book on Zhuge Waliang's formations summarized by people in the town.

Su Tie took it and took a look, what a good guy, with one vine whip to suppress, two whips to restrain the enemy, and three pink cage formations... he is a frog!

It's a pity that the frog only met the bear, and the reason is unclear.

"Seed seeds..."

We have to set up a formation...


Then why not just slap it?

"Seed Seed Seed!"

Formation! Formation! You have to have a strategy, you know?

"Hoo...ho uh."

If I don’t understand, I just know that if I smoke it, it’s over.

"Seed seed! Seed?"

What if the enemy is very strong? Can you stop thinking about using brute force all the time?

"Ho... ho ho?"

Then...should I pump it harder?

"Seed seed? Seed seed?"

What if there are many enemies? Are you still stupidly stunned?

"Ho? Ho? Ho, ho ho ho?"

if not? What else can be done? If there are many enemies, wouldn't it be enough to hit them a few more times?

"Seed... seed seed?"

Are you really...can we stop just thinking about twitching?


That's right...then I...kick it?

"Seed! Seed seed seed seed... seed?"

Even kicking won’t do it! In short, according to my many years of research, the enemy will probably not confront you head-on, but will... So what should you do?

"Ho, ho ho! Ho ho!"

Then, smoke it! Kick it! Until it is willing to face me head-on!

“Seed seed seed seed seed…”


“Seed seed seed seed seed…”



On this day, Zhuge Waliang, the little Wolong frog seed in Songzao Town, met his biggest enemy.

But Zhuge Waliang firmly believes that even in a barren bear's mind, the fruit of wisdom can still be produced. Today, Zhuge Waliang has to enlighten this stupid bear here!

"Seed seed seed seed..."

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