"Hey, did you hear that Theodore Nott's mother died?"

About a year later, Shidel heard the devastating news from Shearer.

Hidel had just reviewed the original content not long ago and was very familiar with the plot, so he was not too surprised. She has witnessed the death of countless people in the world (and served as the host of several funerals), and even if she is not numb, she will never panic.

"Hey..." Windissa was stroking Xidel's long silver hair and sighed softly. "The child's mother has been in poor health since he was a child... Old Nott didn't care much about Theodore. What a poor child."

"Yes. They are going to hold a funeral recently, and they also invited our family." Scharf rarely came forward to show his affection to Windisha, and said with a sad face. He was relatively familiar with the Knott family and had done business with them many times. This incident probably gave old Knott a big blow.


It's a wet day. The sun had no shadow at all, dark clouds covered the sky, and the rain that had accumulated for a long time finally poured down.

The Knott family estate was immersed in sadness and solemnity. The continuous rain wet the thorns beside the wall, and filled Theodore Nott's heart with grief.

Theodore lowered his eyes and let the raindrops soak his black hair. He stood quietly thinking about every detail of his mother's life. Her condition became more and more serious every time, and every time the doctor checked, he brought devastating news.

He hated himself countless times for not spending more time with his mother when she was alive, or even staying in his mother's room day and night to accompany her. Now...he has lost even the last of his mother's love.

My father never seemed to give me a smile. Only my mother's gentle smile while lying on the bed occupied my brain. The man named "Father" was like a stranger. He was always busy with countless things, coming back in a hurry, leaving in a hurry, and most of the time he would lock himself in a room alone.

Theodore didn't care what his father was doing in the room, or his care for his father had already been exhausted after countless cold words. He only expected his father to spend more time with his mother, but Old Nott turned a blind eye to him as if he was running away.

Theodore couldn't imagine what his life would be like without his mother. He felt that he would never find his light again.

Perhaps, he should have been sitting in a deserted room, studying, eating, and sleeping alone, with no playmates of his own age, no attention from his father, and only his mother in his memory.

Theodore raised his eyes lightly. The indifference in his eyes was completely different from that of Hiller.

Hiller has always been happy, with a happy family and a naughty sister. Even if he tries to pretend to be a little reserved, he can't hide the joy in his eyes. Theodore was completely blank. He is very smart, self-taught, and handsome, but these enviable characteristics can never make up for his extremely lacking father's love and regret for his mother.

A truly happy person does not need words to express, no need to shout praises, and can feel sincere joy just by looking into his eyes. Theodore is obviously completely different from this kind of people.

Theodore stood beside his mother's grave like a statue. The rain was getting heavier, but he didn't want to leave his mother's grave to get an umbrella. He slowly sat down on his knees, half curled up, clenched his fists, and tried hard not to cry.

The heavy rain blurred Theodore's vision. He saw a silver-haired, legendary elf-like figure approaching slowly holding an umbrella. Even in the rainy night, her brilliance cannot be concealed.

Theodore recognized this figure——

It was Cinder Garcia at the banquet three years ago.

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