Hogwarts, this professor is too stable.

Chapter 117 The student whose soul was stolen

In the Hogwarts hospital, Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth wide and looked nervously at Professor Moody's empty calf, which had been hastily tied up with clothes.

"Professor Moody, I regret to tell you that the saliva of the poisonous snake that bit you contains very evil black magic, and it also has the function of reducing blood coagulation. We can only make your wounds scab, and the bone spirit has already It’s not working anymore.”

Alastor Moody sat on the hospital bed, breathing heavily. He didn't seem to care about his wounds. Instead, he kept staring at the man on the ground carefully.

The effect of Polyjuice Potion has worn off, and the woman in the secret room has transformed back into a little old man with white hair. She is Sylvanus Kettleburn, the school's Professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Moody was still thinking of joking at this time. He said to Madam Pomfrey seriously: "I lost half my leg. Hey, Kettleburn only has half an arm left in his body."

Madam Pomfrey didn't know whether to laugh or not. Moody's words were too cold.

Fortunately, the door to the school doctor's office was pushed open, which broke the awkwardness next to the hospital bed.

Tonks dragged a chubby boy in like a dead dog and threw it on the ground. Judging from the green school uniform the little fat boy was wearing, he should be a Slytherin student. ,

Before he could speak, Tonks made it clear what she was investigating: "This guy is a first-year Slytherin student named Vincent Crabbe. I caught him in the Forbidden Forest. "

"Mo...Professor Moody, why did you call me here for something important?" Crabbe couldn't hold his breath at all. "I will go to the Quidditch pitch with Malfoy tomorrow...if I don't get a good rest tonight. , he will scold me if I fall asleep on the court tomorrow."

"So you ran into the Forbidden Forest tonight just to get a good night's sleep?" Moody's leg had been bandaged by Madam Pomfrey, but his image covered in blood was really not a good one, he pointed out He turned to the chair next to him and said in a stern tone, "Come, sit down and let's talk slowly."

Crabbe, not doubting his presence, sat down on the chair with a carefree attitude.

If his little mind were smarter, he would have thought of the idiom "a smile hides a knife". Moody didn't call him here to treat him to delicious food. This was simply a Hongmen banquet.

"Are you thirsty? I'll give you a glass of juice."

After Crabbe sat down, Moody raised his wand, and a teacup filled with yellow liquid flew into Crabbe's hand.

The sweet smell made Crabbe couldn't help but swallow and lick his lips. The scent of fresh juice had already drifted into his nose.

Crabbe refused to put the juice into his mouth for a long time and joked:

"What, are you afraid that I'll poison you here? Don't get me wrong, I used to be an Auror, and now I'm also your professor. I would never do such a despicable thing."

Crabbe raised his head in sudden realization, and looked at Moody guiltily. This made Moody think that this guy didn't drink the juice just because he didn't react, which was really a waste of his imagination.

When Moody got out of his thoughts, he saw Crabbe pouring juice into his mouth.

Needless to say, it tastes really good.

After Crabbe finished drinking the juice, Moody asked slowly, "Does it taste good?"

Crabbe's fat head nodded.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I did not poison the juice, but dropped a few ounces of truth serum. Now tell me, who told you to lie?"

"Impossible!" Crabbe jumped up from his seat in an instant and said angrily: "Draco told me that the international community has long banned the use of Veritaserum. He said that only Aurors from the Ministry of Magic It is only used when interrogating criminals, it is contraband!"

He retched furiously for a while, trying to spit out the juice he had swallowed.

Moody was furious. He slapped the edge of the bed hard and roared angrily: "So Draco Malfoy asked you to lie to me. He asked you to run into the woods tonight and pour it into the pond where magical animals drink." A potion that makes animals crazy?”

Da da……

From some places in the room, Professor Snape, who looked like a big black bat, came out with a gloomy face. Only then did Tonks and Crabbe realize that Dumbledore and Professor Snape were actually here too. On the two hospital beds at one o'clock, there was also a thin little boy lying - it was Harry Potter.

The other boy couldn't see who he was.

"Crabbe, tell me the truth. Did Draco ask you to do this?"

Although the tone of the dean of his college was very bad, the fact that he was here gave Crabbe some confidence. He lowered his head and said with some hesitation: "Professor, I woke up a few nights ago and suddenly ran to In the woods, I was extremely scared, but I had no idea what was going on. Draco asked me not to tell anyone about this matter, and it was the same today. When I woke up, I was caught by Assistant Tonks..."

"Oh?" Snape slowed down and said word by word: "Draco Malfoy, why did you let you do this?"

"I will find out," Snape continued. "I will go to the pool in the Forbidden Forest to take samples and test them to see what you have mixed into it."

As for the truth machine that Moody mentioned before, this is completely a lie. It is absolutely impossible for an experienced retired Auror like Moody to blatantly violate the "International Wizarding Regulations on Prohibited Potions" This kind of mistake is to give one's own control into the hands of others.

"Snape, Alastor, this kid didn't lie." Dumbledore said gently. He looked at the gorgeous fireworks outside the window with a steady gaze, "Mr. Crabbe is the same as Mr. Lee Jordan. They both He was hit by the Imperius Curse, and his memory is damaged beyond repair."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Snape looked at Professor Kettleburn lying on the ground solemnly, "Professor, who should pay for this matter? Cast the Imperius Curse on the students in the school. Raising dragons and trolls secretly in the Forbidden Forest, and inciting these magical animals to attack the castle...these are not simple charges."

"Professor, it's Voldemort!" Snape was rudely interrupted, and the voice that interrupted him came from the boy he hated the most.

But Harry didn't feel the temperature in the room drop rapidly at all. Instead, he shouted nervously to Dumbledore: "Sir! It's a woman I've never seen before. Voldemort is in her body. They want to get it." Magician! Sir----"

"Ha..." Snape snorted coldly, "Dumbledore, it seems that the famous Harry Potter is the one who was really struck by the Imperius Curse."

"Don't get excited, Professor Snape, and my dear children, everything will be fine."

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