Hogwarts, this professor is too stable.

Chapter 15 Cultural Bottom Thinking

"I don't think the kid would want me out of here right now."

Tonks pulled the little boy and sat on the hotel bed.

Moqier looked at her speechlessly, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Tonks, I don't see anything in this child."

Tonks didn't seem to be in a hurry. She gently rubbed the boy's head and looked at Mochir, "I went to the Auror office as an intern in the seventh grade, but I never thought that I might work as an intern in the future. An Auror told no one, not even my diary, about this."

Moqier smiled bitterly and praised secretly. He remembered the little joke he made with the other party at the graduation ceremony, and the simple graduation blessing.


As expected of an Auror, he is a little bit tough, but he is really good at observation, memory, and grasp of details.

"The man who cast the Death Curse is called Duluha. The other man is wearing a mask and cannot be identified."

Moqil smiled bitterly. He had encountered enough troubles today. Although being able to use Legilimency was rare, it was not unique.

He noticed that when he said this, the little boy named Jack raised his head, eyes red, and stared at him closely.

"Jack, I just read some of your memories. At that time, I didn't know that such a terrible thing would happen, and I wasn't around. I was here all day yesterday, and your house was hidden by the guy wearing the mask. stand up."

"Duluha..." the little boy said his first words after his grandmother left. He whispered in a low voice and repeated the name.

Tonks was obviously not satisfied and asked, "Is there any more detailed information about the man wearing the mask?"

Mochir shook his head. The matter of the mysterious man was too politically sensitive.

Tonks was too young to grasp it. This was something that only Mr. Dumbledore could grasp.

"You Aurors are here." Mochir pointed to four or five people in black trench coats outside the window, carrying boxes in their hands.

A flash of panic flashed in Tonks's eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

"Keep an eye on this child for me. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, she stepped on the pair of Martin boots and left the room with hasty steps.

When she turned around, Mochir also knew what the boxes those Aurors were carrying were. They were apparation reconnaissance instruments and alchemy items that could only be used by officials. They could be used to track a certain location within a certain period of time. The phantom wizard.

The Death Eater probably wouldn't be able to escape this time.

When Minister Fudge brought up such a big case in his first year in office, it was only a matter of time before he would be caught by the Aurors even if he traveled to the ends of the earth.

After Tonks left, the little boy who had been quiet spoke again: "You know who he is, right?"

Mochir was silent for a moment. He knew that the boy was asking about the masked man, and he did not want to deceive the child.

"Yes." After a pause, under the boy's eager gaze, Mochir poured a basin of cold water on him. "Jack, listen, you are not strong enough now. Knowing that person will not do you any good."

Thinking of the Dark Mark again, Mochir had to remind: "Don't let others know the mark on your left arm. That person is our common enemy. Study hard after arriving at Hogwarts, Jack. You may play a very important role in our plan to kill that guy in the future."

After saying that, Mochier took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the boy who was holding back tears. The envelope said, The only bedroom at No. 317, Southampton, is for Mr. Jack Dolohov. ——

"If you want to change something, then you should go to Hogwarts."

The little boy took the envelope, but did not open it. Instead, he said sheepishly: "Sir, I... don't know how to read."

Moqier gently took the letter back from his hand and read the contents of the letter to him in a very calm tone, calming the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

That night, when he was observing No. 317 with a telescope from the hotel window, the owl flew to the Headmaster's Office at Hogwarts, and then to the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement where Striker was located.

That night, he did nothing but investigate the situation with an alchemical rat, and that night the Strikers mobilized the personnel who would come here to check out the next day.

That night, Tonks, the only person in the Auror office who was still in the internship period and earned less than 1/3 of the official Auror salary, went to House 317.

"If even us Aurors are afraid, who else is going to protect these people?"

Mochir's will is very firm. After seeing many other people's thoughts, few people can make him have emotions beyond his control.

But he really couldn't ignore Tonks' words.

He could have done a lot of things that night. He was even confident that he could save the old man's life by using his various trump cards. However, he did nothing.

Tonks reminded him of his past life, that silly boy who worshiped superheroes, wanted to be a hero, and was even willing to sacrifice himself.

After traveling to this world, in that dark orphanage, Mochir gradually accepted the morals and laws of Western culture.

A church member who occasionally visited the orphanage to give lectures told him:

The moral core of Western culture is "sin culture", which is the Christian theory of original sin.

At that time, Moqil compared what scholars had said on the CNKI in his previous life, saying, "Westerners have no morals."

Since ancient times, what has bound Westerners is not the concept of honor and disgrace, but the theory of original sin.

The Bible says, "Man is born with sin, so only by believing in God can he atone for his sins." Therefore, from the perspective of the underlying logic of culture, atonement can be done by any means or by any means, as long as you believe in and be loyal to God.

Therefore, on the road to the Crusades, no matter how bloody, violent, and dark it was, because of their belief in God, the knights who participated in it believed that they had been saved.

Therefore, whether the person is guilty or not becomes the basis for determining whether the person is sanctioned by Western society, and the basis of the Western legal system inherits the logic of crime and punishment.

This kind of thinking made Mochier, who traveled from a big Eastern country, feel very uncomfortable. He thought that this kind of thinking of Westerners was really shameless, and he did not understand many legal judgments.

In that ancient eastern country, the cultural foundation was moral theology shaped by Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism, and the society was shaped and managed through the concept of honor and disgrace and the sense of shame. Even if many people did not violate the law, they were likely to be found guilty because they were not ethical. Punished by sanctions.

The social concept of honor and disgrace encourages people to act bravely when they see justice, which is the way of thinking of "drawing a sword to help when the road is rough".

After accepting the Western way of thinking about crime and punishment, he has never been ashamed of his "inaction" for many years. In school, he did not take action when he saw someone bullying his classmates; In the corner alley, he didn't take action when he saw a black-hearted businessman tricking a witch to pay for his child's hospitalization fee at St. Mungo's. Last night, when he saw a capable dark wizard approaching a Muggle home, he didn't do anything either. Take action.

He just wants to settle down in this magical world. He is not guilty, so he does not need to be punished.

But Tonks, the Witch of the West with strong Eastern moral values ​​and thinking, reminded him of the consciousness education he received in his previous life.

It has nothing to do with morality or law, he just simply thinks that it is quite interesting to have such a person appear in a place where everyone's interests are maximized.

Thinking of this, Mochir couldn't help but say slightly, Nymphadora Tonks, you are such an incredible woman!

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