On the second floor of Ravenclaw Tower, Mochir has moved into his staff dormitory and soaked his feet in the hot water brought by the house elf. Today is really a dark day...

The exhausted Ge You lay on the sofa given by Professor Flitwick, and Mochir used Occlumency to encircle a small room in his brain.

A steady professor like him would not keep a diary. Who would keep a diary?

But writing it in his mind doesn't count. Anyone who has the ability to get into his brain won't read the diary at all. Whoever reads the diary wouldn't it be nice to read the memory directly, so as not to speculate on it.

[July 7, sunny, Hogwarts

This orientation journey is finally over. It’s not easy for a young professor, but thinking about Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professor Flitwick... they all came here like this. Finally, I have So some spiritual comfort.

Dumbledore did not agree with me bringing unenrolled young wizards into Hogwarts. His reasons were very good. He hoped that every young wizard could completely walk the path traveled by the four founders, through the plains and hills. , mountainous area, arrived at the black lake, took a boat to see the cliff in Ms. Ravenclaw's dream, and finally saw the great Hogwarts. Yes, I should not have deprived Jack of his initiation. The induction ceremony at Hogwarts begins the moment an owl or a professor delivers a letter, which also includes the wonderful journey from Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station.

I have no money to stay in a hotel. Those seven train tickets for September 9st are my last expenses for this business trip. Although these tickets should be paid by the little wizard himself, the school directors’ money should not be used in vain.

Jack's child could only stay with Tonks for a few days first. She told me her address in London, which was 412 Oxford Street.

I've heard about that street. From Roman times until the 17th century, Oxford Street mainly existed as a road from outside London's West End to the Oxford area. At the end of the 18th century, the construction of large buildings, including Goswana in the south and Portman in the north, made Oxford Street begin to take shape. Shopping malls began to take off in the 20th century, along with the opening of some small shops. There are at least 200 shopping stores there now, and it must be noisy. Poor little Jack must be so noisy that he can't sleep at night.

By the way, today I experienced the darkest day after attending Hogwarts, no, after time travel.

Shopping with women...Have I had my head stuffed with the front teeth of a fire dragon? I will go shopping with women and buy Jack his admission list...

In my previous life, I never believed the complaints made by those "good men" on Douyin, thinking they were Versailles, but now I believe it. Bringing a woman along when shopping is like shackles on a dragon about to take off.

Sure enough, regardless of Muggles or wizards, shopping without consuming physical energy is a passive skill for women. No, shopping for witches should be more powerful. I feel that there is magic flowing in Tonks's body. Maybe she just drank it before coming here. I bought a whole bottle of stamina potion.

Forget it, don’t talk about these, just talk about something happy.

Gringotts sent me a letter, saying that it had registered a professor's vault for me. Professors at Hogwarts have this privilege, and the gold coin storage management fee is the lowest among all professions. Of course, the fee for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course Professors shouldn't be able to enjoy these privileges...

From now on, every month's salary will be paid directly to my small treasury, 300 gold galleons a month. Although it is only half of that of a striker, this income is already more than that of most young wizards, and I am only a new employee. Young professors will have room for salary increases in the future, which is also good news.

However, you still have to withdraw your income every month. The security there is indeed questionable, and now is the time to spend money. The research project should start soon.

I have already thought about what I will use my salary for next month. I have to buy another suitcase. Last time, the alchemy laboratory on the third floor of the suitcase laboratory exploded, causing a mess on the other floors. As expected, alchemy Those experiments still have to be placed in a separate box.

When I was shopping today, I saw a very sturdy and beautiful box. The clerk also said that there was only a special discount today. It was really funny. Tonks actually believed it. He missed today. I guess the next time he has such a discount, he will have to wait until tomorrow. .

Why do you think of that woman again? No, I have to try to avoid contact with her in the future. With that personality and being an Auror, I will definitely be in trouble in the future.

Finally, I would like to thank Professor Flitwick for giving me this sofa. I have fulfilled my mission this time. When sending the little wizards out, I told them, "Go home and preview the knowledge in these books, otherwise it will be difficult for you to be sorted." To Ravenclaw."

Ravenclaw deserves such praise.

It's late at night, Hogwarts, good night...]

412 Oxford Street.

Tonks was sitting on the bay window of her rented room, with a dusty rabbit doll on her feet.

Looking at the people downstairs who seemed to have no idea what time it was and were still hanging around in various shops, she took off the quill pen between her ears and lowered her head to write in her diary.

[April 7, sunny

Not catching that Death Eater made me depressed for two days.

I'm afraid to see that kid Jack. That incident made me feel very guilty. If I had arrived at the house earlier that day, could I have prevented the disaster? The child can now happily share the good news with his grandma that he is about to enter Hogwarts.

Mochir Cavendish, he was such an interesting guy. I had never noticed this guy when I was in school. He was not in the performance rankings of his grade, he was not in the professor's class questions, he was not in the Quidditch field, and I never saw him in the prefect election. If I hadn't said something to him when I graduated, I might have forgotten this person very quickly.

I clearly remember that he wished me to be a good Auror, but this was news that I had never told anyone.

I guess he has mastered magic like Legilimency, which is really strange. I have never heard of anyone at our level, or even several levels ahead, who has mastered such a profound, difficult, and unpopular magic.

Before graduation, I heard that the school was recruiting professors for Muggle Studies. Many of us Hufflepuffs wrote to Professor McGonagall, even the woman who beat me to become a prefect. letter, but the responses they received were without exception that they did not meet the interview conditions. Those people still don't know that the person who defeated them was actually a little-known Ravenclaw student.

What kind of person is he?

What has been confirmed now is that this person is good at Legilimency. He is like a thief, stealing other people's memories without their knowledge.

The Ministry of Magic should really consider introducing a law to restrict these legilimens like the animagus.

He seems to be very...conservative, I'm not sure if I should describe it that way, but he seems to always want to hide himself no matter what.

However, any riddle has an answer. He should not attract the attention of an Auror, because we rely on solving riddles for a living, let alone a woman who will become the Auror Director in the future. 】

(Note: The levels of the Ministry of Magic from high to low are: Minister, Director, Director, Director, Captain. The Director is in charge of the specific management of the office and serves as the director of a certain office.)

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