Hogwarts, this professor is too stable.

Chapter 83 Hagrid’s Hut (please vote)

At this annual meeting, Mochir met many top wizards and scholars in potions, which opened a door for his future academic research and accumulated valuable resources.

At six or seven in the evening, after having dinner in a restaurant that exuded a wealthy atmosphere in Wagadu, the Hogwarts group returned to London with the portkey.

Returning to Hogwarts, Mochir even felt as if his life had been separated. From being unknown to the current "academic star", he went from being unknown to the current "academic star" so fast, just like opening a super membership of Thunderbolt, giving people... A very unreal feeling.

Entering the gate of the castle, the castle administrator Mr. Filch and Professor McGonagall are already waiting here.

There was a week's holiday for Christmas, and the students who went home for the holiday had not returned yet, so the castle seemed a little deserted.

Mochir looked around, and his eyes finally fell on the shadow next to the door. There seemed to be nothing there.


After everyone entered the castle, the voices of two boys murmured outside the gate.

"Ron, I think Professor Cavendish has discovered us. He has been looking at us just now." Harry said nervously.

"Don't worry, Harry, we have your father's old cloak. Even in the wizarding world, cloaks that can turn invisible are rare. And you just got this cloak a few days ago. I dare say you know this now. There are no more than three people, you, me, and the person who sent you the cloak. How could Professor Cavendish react... He can't be the person who sent you the invisibility cloak, right?"

Harry seemed to be comforted, and his voice became less tense, "Ron, we have to get to Hagrid quickly."

The cloaks were lifted, and the two people were already walking on the grass a hundred or two hundred meters away from the castle.

"Ron, you must not have imagined what I saw today. Professor Moody had a falling out with Snape, and he pointed his wand at Snape's nose!"

"What does this mean?" Ron was a little confused.

In fact, he still hasn't figured out why Harry forced him to run out of the castle on this cold Christmas holiday night and insist on going to Hagrid's hut outside the castle. Was it because he wanted to try his mother's knitting skills? Is your new sweater really warm?

"This means that there are things happening in Hogwarts that we don't know about!" Harry's tone suddenly became louder. He glanced around nervously, lowered his voice and said, "Do you remember that I told you Did you say that the day Hagrid took me to Diagon Alley, I took a handful of gold from Gringotts."

Ron nodded enviously. He also wanted to have his own treasury where he could take away a handful of his own gold at any time.

Harry didn't notice Ron's expression. Obviously, at the age of eleven, he didn't have such keen observation. He continued: "The key is that that day, Hagrid also took a package from vault 712. He said that It's Dumbledore's vault. The thing was taken for Dumbledore, and the next day's "Daily Prophet" said that someone tried to break into that vault. That person was Snape, Ron, I think it's big Professor Moody was warning Snape that he was coveting that Dumbledore thing. Think about it, Snape rarely appears outside the classroom recently. He must be hiding in a small room to perfect it. His theft plan, we have to figure out what it is!"

"But Harry..." Ron said helplessly: "The guy who broke into Gringotts was shot dead on the spot. My father said this in a letter to me. Aurors and strikers are not So easy to mess with!”

Harry was choked by Ron's words, but he still refused to give up. He still had evidence, "Ron, do you remember Halloween? It was the day Hermione was besieged by snakes... A snake told me, It has been living under the Slytherin common room. It was summoned that day. Think about it, Slytherin never allows others to enter there. Who can get the snake to the fourth floor quietly? Going?"

"Harry, you'd better stop talking about this. Even in the wizarding world, being able to talk to snakes is not an unusual thing!"

Ron's care was completely different from Harry's, which made Harry very angry. He felt like he was playing the piano to a cow. He muttered in his heart, "I should really go to Hermione to say these things. Ron can't do anything." Understand!"

When they arrived at the door of Hagrid's cabin, they were surprised to find that a large area of ​​the surrounding area was surrounded by an iron fence as thick as an arm, with a black shadow popping out from time to time, and then disappearing. Into the darkness.

"What is that?" Ron asked in surprise.

Harry didn't speak, and Hagrid's rough voice with some helplessness came from inside.

"Damn it, why did that Yaksha escape again!"

Harry and Ron quickly shouted: "Hagrid!"

Hearing their voices, Hagrid hurried to the fence. He was holding a big fork in his hand, with a nervous expression on his face. He kept looking around, looking at the two little wizards outside the fence. , "Harry, Ron, come in quickly, come to me. It's not safe here now. A yakshasa that Kettleburn asked me to take care of ran out. I'm not sure if it has escaped the fence."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, pointed to the haystack nearby and said, "I think we saw it hiding in that haystack."

After a while, Hagrid used the big fork to pin a monster to the ground.

Harry and Ron stepped forward, both of them startled.

This cyan-skinned humanoid monster on the ground is more than one meter tall, with leopard-like patterns on its body, long red hair, and teeth like saws. It looks very ferocious and terrifying.

Harry couldn't help but asked curiously: "Hagrid, what is this?"

At this time, he missed Hermione a little bit. If Hermione were here, she would definitely give them science knowledge about this monster called Yasha as soon as possible.

Hagrid had no time to answer. He was busy tying a large chain around Yaksha's neck.

When everyone entered the house, Hagrid threw the Yasha into a large iron cage, where Yasha was originally its nest.

"Hagrid, what's going on with this Yaksha?" Harry asked in a serious tone.

"Ah...oh, Professor Kettleburn lent this to me. I borrowed it for a few days to play with." Hagrid said with some hesitation.

"Really? Does Dumbledore know you are playing this, such a dangerous monster!" Harry picked up a wooden stick next to him and poked Yasha in the cage. The other party immediately bit the stick into pieces with his fangs. "I heard Hermione say that such dangerous animals should not be allowed to be kept privately, right?"

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